Do You Guys Also Watch YouTube at 1.5x Speed?

that’s what I do. watch more content while you are alive.

if 1.5x seems to fast try 1.5x for 10-15 seconds then switch to 1.25x and 1.25x will seem normal.

after a few times of doing that you will be fine with 1.5x.

but a lot of people I suggest this to don’t know it’s possible or never heard of this before. so just a life hack.

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  • +7

    1.25x is as fast as I can deal with it.
    Otherwise it’s a robot voice

      • +36

        You can do it!
        Start on 2.5x and then if that seems too fast, go to 2x and it will seem fine

      • +5

        I watch almost everything (except things where pacing and tempo matter like music or movie trailers) on 2x speed and that's more a limitation of the YouTube app not allowing any faster. I have an extension in chrome that allows for infinite speed increases. If I'm just watching for information I'll put it to the limit of it being comprehensible and then slow it down once they get to the point.

        • +5

          yeah just last night realised content can matter.

          found myself going to 2x for this Ted talk video and it made the guy talking sound normal speed. 😂

          • +1

            @harshbdmmaster718: I also listen to audiobooks at 2-3x speed as well. I've been doing it for years so I have no problem with it at all anymore. Takes some getting used to at first though.

            • @EBC: Has your dream narrator's voice become Mickey Mouse?

        • +1

          I just bought a new Logitech mouse and the side scroll wheel lets me increase playback speed to over 20x! It goes silent at around 7.8x… lol really good feature. But yes, generally 1.5x if they are slow talkers, 1.25 if they are already speaking at a good pace

      • +1

        you can do it!

        3 sets of over stimulation until failure, 5x weekly.
        You'll be maxing out your media consumption in no time!

  • +22

    Depends on content / context.

    Americans / light or rehashed ideas / podcasts in the car - 1.4x.

    Aussies / new concepts - around 1.2x.

    Indian technical tutorials - 1x.

    • +2

      okay nice.

      for me 1.5x just becomes constant normal speed.

      • +1

        Sucks when playing a film clip to a new song, forgetting the settings, only realizing 30sec in that it's way too fast, but then back at 1x it just feels lazy. (Happens too when listening to a remix - just happened to me today - new remix sucks but the tempo is up, go back to the original (better) version but now suddenly it's too slow.)

        • I can’t be bothered changing it because then if I forget to set it back to 1.5 I think of all the videos I missed before bed.

          but then again I am putting up with my cracked iPad screen so I randomly change videos when trying to scroll and I just don’t bother going backwards anymore I am just happy to see whatever random video and I just decide if I want to keep watching it in the first 30 seconds. if not scroll and accidentally watch another one. 😂😭

        • I think sometimes youtube glitches out, if it doesnt sound right, refreshing the page might help.

    • -1

      Where's no 1.4 and 1. 2

      • +2

        In the YouTube Enhancer Firefox extension and newpipe on Android.

        • Great to know. Thanks!

      • In Newpipe

    • +14

      stuff through your iballs happens irl faster than in videos so whenever it’s a bit too fast to understand I find it realistic

      When you do grammar at 1.5x speed.

      • -2

        yeah I’m sorry somehow iballs was just easier to type than eyeballs.

        • Sounds like a new Apple product - iBalls

  • +1

    I definitely speed up youtube just can't handle the slower speeds. The only time I hate it is when I want to listen to music portions and it distorts it.

    I started off at 1.5x speed but as you note it starts to feel slow quickly. Now I basically have to play things at 2x minimum and have to use addons (or that app) so I can play at 3x for those really slow youtubers. Part of it worries me that I'm not "smelling the roses" and just bulk consuming that way though.

    • I find I still watch the same usual videos and recommendations. speed didn’t change that. actually just made the same videos more enjoyable because it helps to focus and you feel like you are getting more info in less time. 😅

    • What addon can play 3x speed ? I often play at 2x ( Andrew Hubberman, DOAC etc ) I slow down to 1.5 at important/interesting section

      • +2

        Idk what add-ons they were referring to but on Android YouTube Revanced can go to 4x

  • +13

    I've been watching at 2.0x for a couple of years now. Watching anything at 1.0x speed is just painfully slow to me. Occasionally I'll bump it up to 2.25x or 2.5x if they are a slow-talker. On the odd occasion, if they are a fast-talker, I need to drop it to 1.75x or 1.5x.. And yes, I understand and can process and digest the conversation just as well as normal conversation. Of course music is best enjoyed at 1.0x speed

    I use the "Enhancer for YouTube" extension for speed control, elimination of end-cards and other display tweaks.

    • Same here.

    • 100% this is the way to do it. I still stick to 1x for movies and TV shows because the general use if for entertainment and enjoyment, so it seems counter intuinitigr to try and speed up and optimise this lol

      But for just content on YouTube and general education, 2x is just fine. Rarely will comprehension be the limiting factor because most people just speak slower than thought.

  • Great idea, you can be brainwashed 50% faster.

  • +37

    Your dopamine receptors are fried, try reading a book.

    • +5

      Yes, this is exactly what I was thinking… to me it just sounded like someone in need of a detox

    • +3

      It also seems to me that there are a bunch of people in this topic that massively overestimate their ability to parse information.

      • Yeah there's no way people are actually retaining info properly at 2x speed constantly. Nothing that'd stick long term anyway IMO. Perhaps at a high level sure, but if its for information, no way. If it's for entertainment, why bother? Just watch it 1x. Entertainment is supposed to be relaxing!

        • -1

          If it's for entertainment, why bother? Just watch it 1x. Entertainment is supposed to be relaxing!

          I also watch movies at 1.5 or 1.25x. but not every streaming service does it.

          • @harshbdmmaster718:

            I also watch movies at 1.5 or 1.25x. but not every streaming service does it.

            I don't understand the point of this. This is not how the creator's intended it to be watched, nor can you really appreciate what you're watching. TikTok and Fortnite might be more your speed.

    • Hell, that's the reason I do it half the time - I can read a lot faster than a lot of people talk, and so many videos people just ramble and don't get to the friggin point

    • +1

      First OPs gonna watch a video on "how to speed read" in 2X.

  • +7

    I used to watch lectures in college at 1.5x-2x speed. Some professors talk soooo slow. I probably should have attended in person though, I was paying to live on campus..

    • +2

      Recently doing a fee free tafe course. Similar experience. I usually skip the lecture and just watch it later at 1.5-2x plus skipping through gaps where nothing is happening. Condenses a 2hr lecture down to about 40 minutes. Way more effective use of time.

      • Man TAFE really kind of sucks. People are running better courses on YouTube and udemy for free. Six months to learn what would normally be zipped through in a few days, and taught in the most frustrating and obtuse way possible.

        • So true! Most stuff I just look up on YouTube. Found udemy great when I was learning python.

          Only issue is the course I am doing at tafe is needed to be accredited to do BAS as a bookkeeper.

          • +1

            @Name: What's frustrating with tafe too is that the assessment criteria is often written like 10 years ago, so they are teaching and testing for out of date stuff because they can't change that national criteria. Some of the web dev topics I took were teaching stuff that was considered old more than 10 years ago, total waste of time doing it.

            • @AustriaBargain: Yes! So true.

              I also had one subject where I had a part time lecturer as he was a full time accountant. The entire subject was so unorganised. He kept uploading videos from the previous years that didn't even align with the course content/assignments. Lazyy.

  • +8

    I like to enjoy the content and take it in, so 1x for me.

    If you're wanting to blast through content sounds like you're just wanting to waste time/you may as well not watch in the first place.

    • Agree. Sounds like OP just follows content that prioritises quantity over quality.

    • +2

      Not everything on YouTube is for enjoyment.

    • +1

      Same. I watch some fishing and sailing videos and true crime vlogs. I do those at 1x as they are relaxing / enjoyable to watch.

      However, I also research products before buying or need a tutorial on how to do something in affinity photo / fusion360 etc and I'll watch those at 1.5/2x as I'm quickly trying to figure something out/looking for something in particular in the video.

  • +3

    Nope, I just use the slider bar at the bottom and skip shit. I’ve tried the whole 1.5x viewing experience and I find it just makes most YouTubers even more annoying, as now they sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks.

    • +2

      Imagine Scott Kilmer's drunken rants at 1.5x. That would be classed as a form of self abuse.

    • I just use the slider bar at the bottom and skip

      I never use slider bar. I do use the tap left side and right side to fast skip though.

  • +3

    1.5X for anything educational like programming courses or Youtube self-help videos. 2X for anyone who talks slow and rambles or explains something like you're a child.

  • +2

    I watch a variety of lectures at 1.4-1.6x speed depending on how fast the professor speaks. You get used to it. Depending on the difficulty/newness to me of the subject, I might have to replay it a couple of times at different points. This helps focus and is sort of equivalent to speed reading.

    I only watch Youtube for solutions to obscure problems that are at most around 10mins in length so only normal speed as a lot of the time I need to observe the intricate details/steps taking things apart, etc.

  • -2

    I sometimes 8x when the video is over 10mins

  • I'll do 1.5x for a few videos if a friend sends them and I'm not 100% interested but that's about it.

    I've done some audiobooks at 1.5x speed and depending on the book, that has been sufficient. I also did try bumping up to 2x and found that to be ok with minimal need to skip back.

  • +1

    Why would I want a pleasurable experience to be over quickly?

    • it’s not about wanting it to end quicker.

      it’s about watching what you want to watch and enjoying it because you can watch more in the same amount of time.

      a lot of people here saying “press x to doubt” about getting information but I’m not watching those educational ____ explained and Ted talks only.

  • Yes at least 1.5 for YouTube and podcasts but not for sports and music.

  • +1

    I watch pretty much everything except sports highlights in 2x speed on YouTube, and generally listen to podcasts and audiobooks at 2.5x speed. I also enjoy listening to recorded meetings/webinars in 2x speed.

  • +1

    I not only watch, but also participate at speeds of 10x or more with the misses under the sheets.
    My only goal is to get my rocks off and fall asleep.

  • For learning/information purposes 1.5-2x speed. For leisure/entertainment normal speed. For learning and information I find I am more attentive the higher the speed, other wise I get distracted in between waiting for the content to hit my brain, if there’s something complicated or detailed diagram I can always pause or slow these bits if needed.

    • +1

      For learning and information I find I am more attentive the higher the speed,

      💯 % agree. if I didn’t watch this at 2x I would have tapped another video.

  • +3

    Do you guys also watch YouTube at 1.5x speed?


    So many videos have people who talk too slow or just waffle. Cut to the good stuff and maybe then slow it to 1.25x or sometimes 1.0x.

  • 1.5 with subtitles on. Have been for years, too much time wasted otherwise

    Now with Gemeni YouTube video summarise, I play the video, launch gemeni, click on "ask about this video" and get it to summarise and listen to / read that and ask it questions if I need any more info.

    YT is introducing a summarise button for premium users so when that comes in it will be a massive time saver

  • Yep I watch 1.5x almost all the time. It's a big time save especially on those 40min+ videos.

    It's also a nice balance between speed and audio quality for most speakers.

  • +1

    Yeah, 1.5 to 1.75.

    • +1

      Yes, this! I have been wondering about this for a while. Glad I'm not alone.

  • +1

    I watch non-technical stuff at 2x, technical stuff (Mathologer for example) at 1.5x, unless someone mumbles or has a heavy accent that's hard to comprehend. Music videos at 1x. More often than not, YouTubers waffle on and something that could have been presented in under 5 minutes turns into a 20+ minute video. In that case I give up pretty quickly.

  • Anywhere between 0.75 for Gen Z content up to 2.0 for Lex Fridman

  • +3

    I watch most Youtube videos at 2x - 2.4x speed, except for sports highlights - 1.5x.

    • Similar to yours but for sports I do it at 1 or 1.25x to really enjoy it.

  • Yeah almost always do this where I can keep up. Technical stuff sometimes need pull it back a bit.

  • Only with Technology Connections.

  • I just skip watch a lot of YT. There isn't many producers I want to watch the whole thing of anyway.

    I also skip watch Netflix a lot. Action movies are easy ones to do, with long boring car chase scenes or visuals of them changing scene/location. Can easily get a good 20 minutes of your life back there and still really enjoy/experience the movie.

  • +6

    Never! Constantly watching things at faster speeds can mess with your mental state. It makes you feel like you always need to rush, which can lead to stress or anxiety. It’s like you’re training your brain to always be in fast-forward mode, and that doesn't just stop when you close the app.

    It can even impact how you deal with real people. Once you're used to everything being sped up, normal conversations can start to feel super slow and boring. This can make you more impatient with others, which isn't great for social interactions. You might zone out or feel frustrated when people talk at a regular pace.

    • Once you're used to everything being sped up, normal conversations can start to feel super slow and boring. This can make you more impatient with others, which isn't great for social interactions.

      I have been doing it for years but I actually think you are right.

      my opinion on old people is they take too long (to do everything).

      • One day you'll be old & others will think the same about you.

        Anyway, I've found the same on occasion & on others when someones talking I try turning the volume dial (either up or down) depending on the situation only to come to the sad realisation that I cannot.

        • I've found the same on occasion & on others when someones talking I try turning the volume dial (either up or down) depending on the situation

          I can relate to that. some people just think even in a quiet place that others will have trouble hearing them.

          kind of like personal space some people can just get way too close. I heard this is a cultural thing though.

      • I'm curious what you do for a living, OP- this sounds professionally debilitating.

  • Yes, almost all the time. At least 1.25x.

  • Pretty much almost everything in 2.0x speed

  • This is my way of getting through work training courses but haven't used in on youtube.

  • Mostly 1.75x

    Seems to be a trend of speaking extra slow (or slowed in post) to drag out the video length

  • 1.25x max, but beware - even this can have social implications where you get frustrated at the slow speed with which normal people communicate

    • even this can have social implications where you get frustrated at the slow speed with which normal people communicate

      yes but I might just be like that from the start. like if peoples rhythms don’t get going I can get frustrated.

    • +2

      I think many of us who watch at higher speeds already had this issue with people prior to the YouTube videos. I tune out frequently to what people are saying because they are taking so long. It was a great frustration to my friends and colleagues before I started speeding up YouTube videos. Rather than getting frustrated my brain has already moved on to 6 other related threads of where the conversation could go and the aspects and implications of same. I’ll look like I’m listening but my I’m not. Lots of situations where friends who know me well and feel comfortable are saying “Morse, Morse, you’ve stopped listening”. I was raised without much television and YouTube only started once I was an adult, some of us are just wired differently.

  • do rodent down

  • with external tools you can go past 2x

    1.8x is default but also use 2.2x and 2.7x

  • no

  • i did this in uni for recorded lectures. then it was hard to go to class and listen to him speak after getting use to him speaking at 1.5x speed.

    as far as youtube, i just watch it at 1x speed.

  • I always watch 2.0x.
    it just saves me time.

  • +1

    What could possibly be so important on YouTube that you must consume it 50% faster?

    That's the problem with society today, we are all in a rush to go bloody nowhere.

    • It makes it easier for some people to get through the content and concentrate when learning something. I wish it was a thing when I was at uni and school it would have helped me a lot. It’s not about being in a rush, it’s about finding it difficult to concentrate when there’s not a lot of information across what some people’s brains perceive to be a long time.

  • 1.25x for what my brain needs to brain. Others yeas 1.5x

  • Yes, mostly 1.5x but often faster depending on content.

    Even some music can be enhanced at faster speed. accidentally listened to songs at speed without realising and now I think that's the regular tempo. e.g.

  • +1

    Depends on the content at the end of the day.

    Youtube incentivizes creators to turn 2-5 minute video concepts to 10-20 minutes videos so they can put more ads in em (whole another fish 30 minute + super cuts etc).

    Established channels I will happily 1.5x / 1.75x / 2.00x it depending on the actual pace of the video and if im familiar with their format; their points can made quicker. They even admit on their secondary channels that they talking slower / putting emphasis on things / repeating things to hit that 10 minute mark so monetization kicks in.

    Channels who put time and effort into the story, visual and audio (usually newer ones) I watch in normal speed because the quality is there, footage is new and its pretty to look at which I find worth consuming VS recycled b-roll / content they have in their asset libraries.

    Quality over Quantity
    < Quality = Fast forward

  • If the English is good/clear, I sometimes hit 2x too…

  • If only OzB had such a feature.

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