• expired

nbn 1000/50Mbps $95/Month for 6 Months ($109/Month Ongoing, nbn FTTP and HFC Only) @ Superloop

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FLASH SALE DEAL $95 for 6 months at Superloop

You must enter the promo code by clicking at check out I have a promo code then enter FLASH

Your first bill will show $95 once invoice is generated within a day. But not on checkout or on the receipt you receive.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1321)

Referrer gets 10% off for 6 months.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Thanks OP. Does this work for existing customers upgrading?

    • +1

      I believe existing customers would have to cancel then sign up again, or you could talk to their retention team.

    • +32

      Sure does. As an existing customer you are eligible for the special price of $109 a month.

      Loyalty is for dogs, or family (sometimes)
      For everything else, there's ruthless churning.

      • +2

        Really? last time this happened, I just asked about it and they were able to apply it for me. ill try again this time and if not, ill go to another provider to churn

        • Going to give it a crack, been on the 100/40 plan with them a couple of years. If they say get stuffed I'm moving to leaptel.

          • +2

            @finger: Should definitely hit them up. Each time they revert to higher price I msg and they discount it again. Same as my bank for home loans. My energy retailer refused so I switched to Ampol, which have been great. They recently changed pricing structure and made it cheaper! Never happened in the 25 years I've been paying for electricity.

            • +3

              @Name: I did, I said leaptel doing $99 for 12months 1000/50. They matched it.

              • +1

                @finger: Awesome. They're such a good company to deal with.

              • -1

                @finger: Yep, same for me. Did this today.

        • I've been on 1000/50 for $109/m for a few months now after churn deal for $99/m some time ago. Called and selected cancel service.
          Threatened to leave based on $95/m for new customers. Leaptel offering $99/m.
          They offered $105/m for 1yr. I said no, but that I would accept $99/m for 1yr. They agreed.

      • +1

        You can call and tell them you are cancelling due to pricing and will get offered a discount

    • +2

      My experience today (currently on 1000/50, $109 month):

      Live chat - no. And they can't cancel an account.

      Phone: choose "cancellations" option. Ask for this discount. They said no. I said cancel my account.

      They then offered a "free" router - no thanks. They then offered a token discount ($105 for 12 months). No thanks.

      I asked for $100 for 12 months. Somehow, they came back with $99 for 12 months, which I accepted.

      Slightly worse, but not bad. FLASH would have saved me $84 over 6 months. Special offer saves me $120 over 12.

      • +1

        Why would you even accept this deal when you can just leave to another telco for a better deal.

        • +2

          What better deal do you recommend? I can still leave any time I like.

    • +1

      As an existing customer asking for this deal and being denied because I have been a loyal customer for longer than 6 months honestly was insulting.
      “Flash” and a loyal customer is gone. Spintel has my business now.

  • +25

    Has anyone else had nothing but massive problems with these guys?
    I've been with them a month and have had nothing but the absolute run around.
    Name and email recorded incorrectly, address taken down wrong despite calling twice to confirm the address so the neighbors had their service disconnected, my bill balance deducted from my account even though I'd paid up with no balance owing. Insufficient balance on card texts with a $10 fee applied even though my balance owing is $0

    I've had people say they've been fine, but I've been on the phone with these guys more in a month than Internode, who I was with for 5-6 years. If my refund for the balance taken isn't refunded I'll move providers.

    • +39

      Been with them twice over several years and zero issues

      • +1

        I must just be the lucky one. Hopefully after this is resolved it is smooth sailing, but it has not been fun thus far.

        • Never had issues with them, been with them over a year at this point, but how do they record your name and email incorrectly? Isn't it filled out by you?

          • @ilikeblue: No, I rang up and organised it all over the phone

            • +1

              @InsertCrow: I'm not saying that you shouldn't be able to sign up by phone, but I'd never do that, and it's introducing more possibility of human error. It sounds like you got 'lucky' with a very erroneous human to get name, email, and address all wrong.

              Having a positive balance (or was it a manual payment in process while an automatic deduction is also in place?) is also not something people would normally do. Again, I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to do that, but it adds risk of falling outside of a robust standard operating procedure.

    • +2

      no issues at all

    • +5

      Fwiw, I've had superloop 100/20 twice and they've been great. I only recently discovered their "speed boost" feature which was fun.

      • I saw they do this and you get a few per month. How do you use this?

        • +3

          Go to the account page, find and click on the my speed boost link, wait a few minutes and the speed boost will activate

          • +1

            @smokenmirraz: Appreciate that, I'll give it a go tomorrow and see how it goes!

            • +3

              @InsertCrow: I use this quite regularly, and it does bank up to 30 times if you don't use it…

              I do have trouble with it sometimes, their web portal is awful, and has trouble with sessions.

              I found that to get the Speed Boost to work properly:

              1. Log out of the account hub.
              2. Log into the account hub.
              3. Request the speed boost.
              4. Wait until you get the email that says the speed boost is active (takes time - generally around 12 minutes in my experience)
              5. unplug the power from your NBN modem (not your router) for at least 30 seconds.
              6. Plug it back in, wait for everything to sync back up, and off you go to the speedtest.net page to see if it worked.

              A potential gotcha is your router (not NBN modem) settings - I had mine "optimised" for my non-speed boost speeds, so I was artificially limited to my normal100mbps even though my speedboosted connection to Superloop was 250. I removed whatever setting it was and I got the full speed!

              My experience with speeds - at least at my exchange/area/whatever is that I get 270mbps down and 21 up vs the quoted 250 down and 25 up. Pretty good really, though I wish the uploads during speed boost would be a little faster.

              Superloop definitely used to incredible to deal with, but since their merger with Exetel support became pretty bad. If nothing goes wrong they're great, but if something goes wrong it's not the best experience.

              Still, I'm pretty happy, and speed boost is a great way to taste higher speeds.

              • +1

                @Droz: Just use the mobile app, so much easier.
                Slide button to confirm, activated in 5-10min

                • +1

                  @UFO: Unfortunately the mobile app for me was a disaster with bizarrely formatted and unhelpful error messages, which is why I devised the method above (when support couldn't help :D) - but maybe they've improved it since!

                  • @Droz: I guess it depends on how long ago and what platform? But on iOS it works perfectly (on a speed boost right now) :).

                    • @UFO: I'm on Android, and this was maybe 3 months ago when i last tried through the app.

                  • +3

                    @Droz: Every time i try a speed boost on the app i get an error that says
                    S/O/M/T/H/H/I/N/G W/E/N/T W/R/O/N/G
                    Then about 2 days later i get a speed boost

                    • +1

                      @CheapWrangler: Same for me. Really poorly designed on the app (Android) I find doing it from the website is the only reliable way to do it. It feels like your taking a gamble everytime on the app if it will apply and work or not.

                    • +1

                      @CheapWrangler: That's exactly the error! Like, how awful.

                      What is the "something"? Support never know.

                      Anyway, that's why I use the web portal after logging out and then back in…

      • -2

        And wasn't that long ago that they were charging the current 1000/50 price for NBN 100.
        Amazing how NBN is progressing

        Its all at the top end
        Getting faster and faster for same of less money

        Meanwhile at the bottom end NBN12/25/50 its getting more and more expensive

    • The $10 fee was an error they sent to a lot of people, myself included.
      You weren't actually hit with a $10 fee.

      • +1

        I did notice, it was just that on top of everything else that's happened to me in a short period of time that hasn't filled me with confidence in them.
        It also just happened to be the same day they withdrew my bill balance (with no balance owing, as I stated), and with no email/text confirmation as they had usually done with manual payments.

        • I've been with them for 8 months or so and this is the only time it has ever happened to me.
          Though I will admit, their support can be pretty trash.

    • no their FTTP is near perfect for me

      I only had 1 dropout in past 5 months

    • +9

      The only issue with them is the 1 month notice BS

    • Nah been solid for me since churning to them post the ABB price hokes for their IPO

    • Zero issues dude

    • +1

      I'm on Superloop in Sydney and connected via HFC. I've had no issues at all and consistently got 900+ Mbps download speeds since I signed up: https://imgur.com/a/CV246LL

    • Yeah, i'm still with them but last year they told me my ip address ddosed the entirety of queensland, got called directly from superloop onshore. Was surprised they even existed. No issues ever since.

      (And no, i didn't do it)

    • +4

      I called them to cancel, after a long wait I finally got hold of them. Ended up negotiating a reasonable deal I was happy with, they said they would apply it for a year. They sent me no email comms, applied the detail for one month then put the price back up. Then I sent them a message on the chat and they said I'd have to call to get it resolved. Bunch of pricks if you ask me.

      • Happened to me too but do call them and they will fix it up.

    • Not sure how this is possible unless you filled in the web form incorrectly as its all automated?

    • I've had them for 6 months now. Great download speeds constantly getting my 100/40 which is enough for me. But for some reason when I am WFH my Teams calls are really bad. Its so strange, im downloading something really fast but the call quality is terrible. Speed boost is great, internet goes down for 2/3 mins amd then doubles the speed.

      I live in Melbourne's North West suburbs.

    • +1

      yes, similar experience, at every step there was a mistake on their part and a huge delay, I switched providers as soon as the promo period was up. I thought it was because I'm opticomm and not nbn, good to know it's for both.

      It took months to even join as they didn't know they sold opticomm and kept being like you don't have nbn? are you sure you have nbn? this address doesn't have nbn!!!!!

    • been with them 5 years, no issues. FTTP

    • Been with them for a year. No issues with service. Few issues with billing but nothing major

    • Yeah they are bad.

  • +2

    I’ve been with Superloop for almost a year and they have been great. In my house in northern Melbourne suburbs I’m on the 1000/50 plan and am always getting those speeds, had zero outages. At my mums house she is also with superloop on the 100/25 and also had not one issue. I came from TPG and why Superloop is slightly more expensive in my experience it’s worth it. Haven't tested their customer service as never had to contact them, which I guess is also a plus.

  • I endorse Superloop. When I was in Roxburgh Park, it worked like a charm for me.

  • +6
  • +1

    Ha, only a couple of months or so ago their retention team couldn't match the Leaptel price of $99 for 1000/50.. yet now they are at $95.. Oh well I am enjoying Leaptel so far.. might look at them again in a years time..

    • +1

      How’s Leaptel? Been meaning to upgrade to 1000 and will jump ship if Superloop isn’t willing to come to the party.

      • +5

        Leaptel are awesome.
        Superloop were terrible for me.
        I churned to Leap from Super after 2 or 3 months.

        • +1

          Ditto but was with superloop for 2 years before I left for leaptel

      • Leaptel just signed up to use Superloop's backhaul!

      • been with them for 11 months now, on 1000/50 and no complaints from me

        however, they will be increasing the cost to 109/mo next month and idk if i want to pay that much

        wink wink hope they are watching the posts and come up with a better offer for existing customers.

        • I had to pull teeth to get them to reduce the plan from $109 to $99 after the trial period, and even then it's only for 12m. Their retention is terrible but gosh they're reliable. Buddy telco has it for $99 ongoing which is sweet and probably my next stop after this deal expires.

    • My $99 is ending and they said they can inky offer $109 so will be trying this out.

      Hopefully in 6 minths time i get access to cba yellow

    • I talked to retentions a couple of a months ago saying I was thinking about switching to another provider. They offered me $99/month for 12 months on the 1000/50 plan.

    • Currenly still with Leaptel no Issues so far, however my Monthly rate is $129, is your still still within the year rate?…. so meaning this deal would be much advisable then for me?

    • They did it for me, I'm paying 99/month for 1000/50 for 12 months.

    • +1

      Leaptel are great, brilliant service. Chalk and cheese with Superloop.

  • +14

    Nothing on earth would make me ever go back to superloop. The connection is fine. However they can't get your bill right, the referral scheme is dodge and doesn't work, and customer service is so bad. If you have no issues, it's fine. If you need help, glhf.

    • +2

      the referral system is VERY dodgy and took a lot of hassle and calls to get going

    • +3

      100%. They were supposed to give 6 months of free voip form a previous deal and each month they add the $10 charge which I then have to raise a case to get refunded or credited. Got sick of it today and cancelled the service. They just cannot get the bill right after having raised the issues around 6 times over the last 5ish months. Takes weeks or months for them to refund as well.

      • +1

        Absolutely. My referral discount came on one month, then never again. They say it's because the referred person got a free fttp upgrade and they fixed it, but didn't. Then, my bills started printing at different higher prices each month. Then I asked to leave and they offered me a deal price to stay for all the hassles, I stupidly accepted. None of those discounts applied either, so I left immediately. For reference this is the second time I've been with superloop, I was once pre COVID. Similar issues, I just had hoped it had improved, it's only got worse.

    • +1. Disgracefully incompetent overseas call centre, and refuse to transfer you to the Australian office no matter the escalation level. The service itself is fine but God help you if you need customer service or have issues.

  • +1

    They used to do this deal last year for $75 a month for 6 months but they’ve been really good so I am happy to pay full price.

  • Damn that's a nice deal. Superloop has been great for me in Melbourne in a variety of suburbs in the last 4 years. I wish at least one of the buildings I lived in wasn't just FTTB so I can eat these speeds.

    It's wild people on fibre with nearly 9X speeds pay a price that I do for 100mbps

  • I'm with Superloop, been very happy with them (FTTP). 250 plan.

    I like how they give you a few free speed boosts every month (you can max out your internet to 1Gb for 24h), and you can bank them up month to month.

    I'll max out the speed over school holidays on days I know I they'll be heavy usage, or on a weekend etc.

    There's no loyalty with ISP's these days, so just churn to the next best deal when the 6 months is up (I bounce between More Internet-CBA Yello and Superloop every 6 months).

    • Is there a limit on how many speed boosts you can carry forward?

      • +3

        30 days max.

        They give you 5 a month, so you could boost every Saturday if you wanted to…. all managed by the app. Activated in 5-10min.

  • +5

    Don't forget 30 day cancellation.

    • -1

      you do not need to do this. Just say your not happy, and say ill log a TIO complaint and they will let you leave same with TPG

      • +2

        I already did that. Some people cbf with the headaches of making a complaint like myself. It's less headache porting out at 5 months, wish I known this before.

  • Nob question, what is a normal usual wifi speed from router, let's say Telstra Modem 3. Or if we have Tenda's Nova MW3, will we able to use the full speed of 1000 mbps if we select this plan ? What is the maximum speed of general router ?

    • +1

      you will get about 500mbps with Tenda if they're linked together with a cable if not probably around 300mbps, the Tenda's Nova MW3 are AC which is WIFI 5, you need at least Wifi 6 and device that is also compatible with Wifi 6. If you are cabled directly to either access point or Telstra modem you can get full speeds.

      • Ok, thanks

  • +1

    I had no issues with Superloop, was offered $99 for 12 months for 1000/50 when I mentioned I was interested in jumping over to Leaptel with the same plan. Could call and try get them to match something like Buddy Telco for the same plan right now if interested.

    • I would've thought you'd be better off with buddy? AussieBB network with local support (chat only).

      • +1

        CGNat only, Superloop allows you to have a dynamic IP, but this may not worry some people

        • +1

          Not sure if you're referring to aussie broadband but you can just request to not be part of their CGNAT pool and its processed almost instantly. I did have to chat with support for this, but they knew instantly what i was asking for and it was otherwise hassle free. Not sure if the same applies for Buddy.

          • @youknow: Doesn’t apply for Buddy. You gotta pay for a static IP if you don’t want CGNAT

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