Native Glass Shrimp $3 (Normally $5) Each + $13.99 Express Postage ($0 SYD C&C) @ Sydney Aquascapes


Native Australian shrimp down to $3! With their signature humped back, these guys are very clear without much colour just like in our rivers and lakes.

We also have some neocaradianas as usual:
Ghosts - $3
Red Cherries - $5
Yellows - $7
Blues - $12

These Freshwater Dwarf Shrimp are a great addition to your clean-up crew. Great Algae eaters, and easy to keep.
Temperature: Optimal 20-26°C, but they can tolerate extremes from 8-30°C in the wild.

Dwarf Shrimp are scavengers. They eat algae, bacteria and other microorganisms around the tank, and will never attack other live animals. They have a minimum bio-load and are a great addition to almost any tank's ecosystem!
Don't forget to check out our plants for combined postage and keeping the shrimp happy in transit!

Keeping with fish:
The general rule for all aquatic life is "if it fits in their mouth they will eat it." Unless you have specifically passive or vegetarian fish, shrimp may be eaten by any fish which is large enough to swallow one hole. Adult shrimp grow to 2cm in length, with juveniles being at least 1cm. Conversely, any smaller fish will live with them very happily. They may eat the baby shrimp if they breed, but if you have enough plant cover, usually enough survive to keep the colony going.

If you have any questions or problems feel free to ask!

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  • My partner has been keeping sea monkies, if I get a little air bubble blower can they live in perfect harmony with my sea monkies?

    • How big is the tank?

    • Hmm I think the shrimp might eat the sea monkeys which iirc are zooplankton?

    • Sea monkies are salt water, i dont believe these can go in salt water… unless im mistaken here can someone correct me?

      • Yeah brine shrimp (sea monkeys) live in brine, so not compatible.

  • Are these good for an outdoor water pond?

    • Yes should be.

      • … in Canberra?

        If they're OK with down to -5 to -10 outside ambient, I might take a punt on some,

        Unless my comets will eat them i guess.

  • This will get broden'ed in no time

  • Can I put them together with lotus to eat mosquito larvae?

    • They are scavengers and wont eat anything live.

      Id recomend white clouds or goldfish for eating mosquitos:…

      • I planted lotus in an 80-liter bucket. Last year I bought a few goldfish, but they all died in 2 months, probably because the temperature was too high in the summer.

        • Did you have a filter? If not that's the more likely reason.

          Unless its in direct sunlight? Then temp could be the case. If water gets to 28 degrees it will be too much for goldfish, but even in summer usually in the shade it doesn't get that hot.

          Minnows are a bit better with temperature and are smaller so have lower bio-load. but can't guarantee they will be ok if the goldfish were not.

    • they dont eat mosquito larvae

  • i have a 20l tank with 2 gold fish. just set it up last week. can these go with the gold fish, if so, how many?

    • +1

      Goldfish shouldn't be in 20L tank ever, they need much more than that

      • this was a starter kit recommended by staff at pet barn.. they said the tank can be changed once the gold fish have grown.

        • +4

          They are correct, though you would need to change it within 4-8 months without risking them dying. If you've heard the myth "goldfish don't grow larger than the size of their tank" - it's partially true, their outer bodies don't but their internal organs do, leading to death. You won't see them grow too large for the tank before they die unfortunately.

          Unless you plan to keep them for less than a year, it's usually a waste of money starting with a small tank, and most people don't bother upgrading anyway leading to a lot of strong emotions from people about the topic. I don't want to imply anything about your care, for all I know you might be the exception, but 95% of the time someone saying they got a 20L tank and 2 goldfish = 2 suffering dead goldfish within the year.

          To give you some more context, to keep them happy you need at least a 40L within a year, then a 80L within the next 5 years, and then at least a 100-200L for the next 10 years. Goldfish can live up to 15 years and get up to 30cm in size.

          In general, goldfish are just a really bad beginner fish.

          Since you seem new I'll add some extra info which might help! Keeping fish is actually really easy, you just need to avoid the "big 3" mistakes:
          - Don't put too many (or too large) fish in your tank. (About 1cm of fish per litre for the adult size of the fish is a good estimate for smaller fish)
          - Don't over-feed. (All food should be gone within minutes of feeding. Any left over is too much)
          - Have a filter and do your water changes. (Never clean the filter under tap water, keep it running 24/7 and 20% weekly water changes).

          All the above is obvious if you understand the nitrogen cycle as well:…

          Good luck though! Keeping fish is great and don't let people discourage you :)

        • Also, I should mention we have a sale on atm for a tank which will be good for them for a good couple of years until they get much bigger:

    • +1

      Yeah, a 20L tank is tiny. Shrimp tank at most. You need a much, much larger tank for goldfish.

    • As other two said, but to answer your question: goldfish will eat them, but usually if there are enough hiding places for them you can have a colony going even with goldfish.

  • are these shrimps good for the barbe?

    • +2

      Maybe as an entree

    • +1

      You're getting downvoted, but I clicked the link wondering if this was some sort of delicacy or giant shrimp for bbqing.

      Also, it probably does taste good!

      • The new Ausi lobster

  • How much you reckon for a bowl to go with my salad? Gonna be a pricey salad.

  • What grade are your cherrys?

  • Will this shrimp eat hair algaes? How many would I need in 200l tank?

  • +1

    Will these breed with my existing Cherries?

  • Will this go well with this?

  • Waiting on a call from the jerk store….

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