This was posted 4 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The White Stripes - The White Stripes (Vinyl) $31.60 Delivered @ Rarewaves-Outlet (UK) eBay


(You probabaly already know, but if not) a good reason to add The White Stripes to your vinyl collection is Jack White's obsession with analog mixes. As a result, his output sounds far better than anything digital. Well worth it.

In the same vein, I would highly recommend listening to Stadium Arcadium by Red Hot Chili Peppers as John Frusciante is very much the same in that respect.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this title.

AllMusic Review…

The White Stripes Review by Chris Handyside

Minimal to the point of sounding monumental, this Detroit guitar-drums-voice duo makes the most of its aesthetic choices and the spaces between riffage and the big beat. In fact, the White Stripes sound like arena rock as hand-crafted in the attic. Singer/guitarist Jack White's voice is a singular, evocative combination of punk, metal, blues, and backwoods while his guitar work is grand and banging with just enough lyrical touches of slide and subtle solo work to let you know he means to use the metal-blues riff collisions just so. Drummer Meg White balances out the fretwork and the fretting with methodical, spare, and booming cymbal, bass drum, and snare cracks. In a word, economy (and that goes for both of the players). The Whites' choice of covers is inspired, too. J. White's voice is equally suited to the task of tackling both the desperation of Robert Johnson's "Stop Breakin' Down" and the loneliness of Bob Dylan's "One More Cup of Coffee." Neither are equal to the originals, but they take a distinctive, haunting spin around the turntable nevertheless. All D.I.Y. punk-country-blues-metal singer/songwriting duos should sound this good.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    (You probabaly already know, but if not) a good reason to add The White Stripes to your vinyl collection is Jack White's obsession with analog mixes. As a result, his output sounds far better than anything digital. Well worth it.

    In the same vein, I would highly recommend listening to Stadium Arcadium by Red Hot Chili Peppers as John Frusciante is very much the same in that respect.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy this title.

    • Thanks Bazza. I read your post and went to eBay.
      ….buys four White Stripes vinyl albums

    • +2


      • -8

        sed wot i sed

        • +1

          Nirvana grunge tho.

          • -1
            • @0jay: Don't go all Shakespearean on us bruh.

              • @Daabido: 0jay woke up and chose violence

                • -1

                  @Robzargain: elvis fan from wayback, was deeply offended by his depiction of dying elvis with a turd hanging out his ass in the cobain diaries

    • +1

      “the utter degradation of the commercialisation of punk and hardcore that Green Day & Parkway Drive brought about.”

      Fixed it for you, next you’ll be saying the Ramones were real punk🙄.

      • -5

        green day et al are the fruits of your mate cobain's moves to enrich himself

        you've honestly no clue what i might think about the ramones and the concept of a 'real' punk is as gauche and odious as the idea an outfit like green day are even worthy of discussion

        • +1


        • +1

          Yeah sure, we could put Nirvana and Green Day in the same category as they're both pop, I doubt Green Day spawned thanks to Nirvana though, more like english punk thanks to Billie Joe's fake english accent vocals.

          Hey ho, lets go, hey ho, lets go……🙄.
          If we're going to discuss "punk" D.R.I, Circle Jerks, and Fear should be included, not to mention Die Kreuzen who Nirvana ripped off.

          Also, you can drop the sMelbourne uni english lit speak, it's really unbecoming of you lol.

          • -4

            @scooba: this conversation (so far as i entered into it) is about the corruption of capital and commercial influences on art and expression in context of a particular scene at a particular time and the revitalising of a spirit and essence that had been overlooked

            i'm a politics and anthro major just fyi and if y want to object to my choice of language i'll draw attention to your entirely redundant appeal to authority as though rattling off a bunch names demonstrates some kind of particular insight

            • +2

              @0jay: "i'm a politics and anthro major"

              How did I know and how original😂.

              • -3

                @scooba: original..? peculiar choice of word there, cowbye

                go spin up some greenday and have yourself a time

                • +2

                  @0jay: Yes, how original.

                  You "politics and anthro majors" are a dime a dozen, not to mention the last demographic that should be discussing "punk music" as you went to uni & entered the system to become part of the system.

                  What a tragedy lol.

                  • -2

                    @scooba: anthro's a really unpopular discipline actually. very uncool in fact.

                    political anthropology is about the cultural dynamics driving politics as distinct from anything you might identify as politics per se (as indeed is political science but that's another conversation).

                    i graduated some time ago now and an honours degree's just a tiny chunk of the work i've done pursuing my particular interests.

                    what bout you, teddy bear? what've y got going for y other than an avatar of a wannabe comedian interpreting a wannabe celebrity on yr ozb profile?

                    • +1

                      @0jay: Ah. That's how you have enough time on your hands to generate this nonsense.

                      • -1

                        @Manny Calavera: oh manny, wanna join the party?

                        what gives you the impression you can possibly know anything about what amount of time i might have on my hands?

                    • +2

                      @0jay: Yeah, sure it is lol.

                      So a professional student it is then, the memes write themselves.

                      Don't worry about me now, you'll end up twisting yourself into knots trying to pigeonhole me.

                      Hope you had a wonderful day, xoxo.

                      • -2


                        you'll end up twisting yourself into knots

                        think i got you ted, you have an regrettable conviction you can assess a person from a tiny handful of anecdotes.

                        dime a dozen y say? damn bruh, y can't give that sht away

                        • @0jay: Yep, cork sniffers are easy to spot lol.

            • +2

              @0jay: You sound like a dumb person with a dictionary

              • -1

                @peskyMatt: what dictionary might that be mattyboy?

                were you even around in the eighties? any of you muppets even seen nirvana play?

                • +1

                  @0jay: The white stripes are my favourite band and I dont like Nirvana. I just think you sound dumb regardless of the point youre trying to make.

                  • -1

                    @peskyMatt: well son, i did leave school when i was still 14 so i guess that might explain it

                    • +1

                      @0jay: I love how people in today’s world just come out and say “look, it’s because I’m dumb ok” lol.

                      • @scooba: no real idea what you're getting at here ted, care to elaborate?

                        • @0jay: It’s alright Tim, don’t worry your pretty little head about it😂

              • +1

                @peskyMatt: 😂😂😂

                I don’t know why that made me laugh, but thanks👍🏻.

  • +1

    Teh Hawtest Buttin' to Buttin'!

    • +1

      I had opinions that didn't matter
      I had a brain that felt like pancake batter

      Love that line. Lol

  • +2

    De Stijl is the same price from the same seller too. I just got both haha.

    • +1

      Thanks for the heads-up! Excellent album also.

      Posting the link the The White Stripes - De-Stijl - Same price, also from Rarewaves UK eBay…

      Thanks @mj7312 - your southern can is mine!

      • These are all re-issues right?

        • old stock first pressings

          get in quick

          • @0jay: Just checking, I don't buy vinyl but my brother does so this will be a good birthday present I think.
            I realise that's /s

            • @DeToxin: if i was your brother and you gifted one of these to me i'd be overwhelmed, speechless with love for my sibling

              • +1

                @0jay: I'm going to screenshot this and put it on the card

                • @DeToxin: he's a lucky guy

                  • +1

                    @0jay: The screenshot just got better, his name is Guy

                    • @DeToxin: that gave me a good chuckle

  • Got them both! Cheers

  • I spoke to someone a couple of months back who bought some records from Rarewaves and they said that every record turned up damaged thanks to them being poorly packaged.

    Anyone else actually had anything delivered from this seller and can confirm their legitimacy?

    • I mean 98.2% over 1.2 million sales is pretty damn good

      • I want to believe you I really do, but again, has anyone actually had anything successfully delivered to confirm their success/failure rate?

        • I have. 100% success rate from a sample size of 2

        • Loads, no issues. I had some warped records delivered and they refunded me without asking for them back (I videoed the evidence).

          • @vibrate: Ah that's good to hear, that was one thing that the person I spoke to that received the damaged records said, which was they refunded him without requiring returns.

            Thanks for the feedback👍🏻.

    • +1

      I buy a lot of Blu-ray etc from them but have stopped buying records because the majority came with at least bent sleeves and some bent records. I stopped buying about 6 months ago. Hopefully they are using better packaging now because it wasn't going the distance before.

      • 6 months ago sounds like it’s around the same time when the person I spoke to said the majority of orders he was receiving from them were also arriving damaged. He didn’t say anything about bent records though, what the hell?!?!

        Thanks for the reply👍🏻.

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