30% off PyCharm (Python IDE) Personal Annual Subscription US$76.23 (~A$112.17) @ Jetbrains


The 30% off deal is back:

Until October 7, you can purchase PyCharm Professional with a 30% discount. All proceeds will be donated to the Django Software Foundation.

PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) used for programming in Python. It provides code analysis, a graphical debugger, an integrated unit tester, integration with version control systems, and supports web development with Django.

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  • +15

    Reminder if you are in uni or still have access to your .edu email, their whole range is free.

  • +3

    Any advantage of having to pay for this when there’s free VS Code?

    Also, any AI integration in PyCharm?

    • Also, qtcreator works for python debugging.

    • +2

      This doesn’t suck like VS Code.

      • Please explain?

        • +1

          Try PyCharm. You’ll see.

          • @PainToad: I know I can but if you already know I am asking why this doesn’t suck like VS code bro

    • It depends, debugging, code merging is a bit easier compared to VSCode. Once you get the hang of Pycharm its also easy to move to other Jetbrains IDEs.

      But if you dont have the money then stick to VS Code its pretty good too and with so many extensions you can do almost anything.

  • https://www.jetbrains.com/products/compare/?product=webstorm…

    PyCharm Professional bundles all the WebStorm functionality either out of the box or via plugins. There's no need to purchase licenses for both PyCharm Professional and WebStorm unless you would like to have dedicated tools for each language.

  • +6

    wusses, what's wrong with VI ?

    You're probably reading this with your fancy-pants Netscape Navigator, Mosaic or Opera. Lynx is where it's at.

    • +10

      I just check Ozbargain everyday from my terminal by using requests and BeautifulSoup to get each deal, process them with scrapy, pandas and NumPy and then use pyautogui to vote up the good ones and occasionally leave a comment.

      • +2

        You forgot to mention that Co-pilot wrote all the code for you while you were having a martini

      • No AI to summarize comments bro? 😂

        • And let Sam Altman ozbargain all the bargains? I would never.

          • @bradism: Let’s not talk about Darth Altman. There are other options like Claude, Mistral or Llama.

      • Too much work when there are comand line viewers for OzBargain.

      • How does scrapy fit into that workflow? I thought it was an alternative to requests/BeautifulSoup? Or is this more a meme on how many pypi packages you could squeeze in?

    • +1

      wusses, what's wrong with VI ?

      Or Emacs https://youtu.be/urcL86UpqZc?si=V0Esn7tYwcXZ7m2j

  • +4

    Screw subscription services!

    • +8

      Subscription services for dev tools suck in general but Jetbrains has a good compromise

      Subscriptions of least 365 consecutive days qualify for a Perpetual Fallback License. The Perpetual Fallback license lets you keep using the subscribed to products forever at no additional cost if you have ever decided to not renew your subscription. However, the Perpetual Fallback License will be limited to the version of the product available at the time of purchase or 12 months prior.

      Essentially, you pay for a year and keep the latest version for that year perpetually but no updates. This is no different to once-off payment for a particular version of a product.

      • Well that's something at least.

        • +2

          And yet you still have your negative vote for this deal?

      • And if you are using PyCharm for your work, then this fee should be tax deductible.

        • If you’re using it for work, your work should be paying for it.

  • I use to purchase IDE license(s) but unless you make a pretty penny coding/programming it ain't worth the hassle. Software has since changed to sass models.. Meh! Too complicated

    • +2

      Software has since changed to sass models.

      IDEs have always been a subscription. Instead of paying a fixed fee every year, you used to shell out a few hundreds every couple of years when Visual Studio released a new version. If you didn't upgrade, you were stuck with the old version (which is the same with JetBrains tools, you can keep your existing version and use it forever).

      • No they have not. When you bought the software it usually inc security updates for x fixed years. Now it's even shorter x fixed years, and after a certain point that software becomes unavailable. Real SASS is designed to be using the latest and does not keep past software+all expansions/plug-ins connected and working together. Now they even charge for incremental updates, and hell I've heard they sometimes release f**k all quality features on newer versions and just push it out for making more dough. Can't speak for jetbrains quality, can't remem using em. To me SASS has always been geared towards corporate offices not med-small business.

  • +1

    This should be titled Pycharm Professional not Personal

  • too expensive. maybe try turkey vpn.

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