I have credit card sorted for Japan trip next year.
Was hoping someone with actual experience can confirm the following:
AEON bank ATM does not charge operator fees.
7/11 ATM do not charge fees for Mastercard debit as I’m thinking of getting a Macquarie account for this purpose.
Just came back, the seven eleven didn’t charge any fees for my withdrawal. Can’t comment in AEON bank.
Just something to be aware of, I have gambling transactions locked on my card and when I tried to withdraw money it said it was not allowed due to this. So I jumped into my settings and turned the gambling lock off, but it was a 48 hour wait. I don’t know why it was classified as gambling, perhaps because this particular one was in the general vicinity of a casino type place? Was frustrating because it was our last day and I needed the cash for our final train trip, had to use another card that had foreign transaction fees.