This was posted 11 years 7 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

WDTV Live Free $50 Gift Card Promo (Valid with $99 Office Works WDTV Live)


Promo not limited to WDTV Live, includes:

  • My Book® Live™
  • My Book® Live™ Duo
  • WD TV® Live™ Streaming
  • WD TV® Live™ Hub
  • My Net Routers – My Net N600, My Net N750, My Net N900 and My Net N900 Central

Only valid from purchasing at:
Comp Now, Harvey Norman, JB Hi Fi, Next Byte, Bing Lee, Officeworks, The Good Guys or Dick Smith

This is valid with the $99 Office Works deal:

Promo opened on 26/11/2012 and ends for purchases at close of business for the Authorised Retail Stores on 24/12/2012 (“Promotional Period”)

Purchase any Connected Life product*. Be sure to keep your proof of purchase in order to be eligible.
Fill out the form and provide proof of purchase

To be eligible to enter the Competition and receive a $50 gift card (the “Gift”)the individual must, during the Promotional Period, purchase any of the following Western Digital product(s) (“Eligible Products”) whilst stocks last from a participating (i) Comp Now, Harvey Norman, JB Hi Fi, Next Byte, Bing Lee, Officeworks, The Good Guys or Dick Smith retail store (for Australian residents) (collectively, the “Authorised Australian Retail Stores”) or (ii) Noel Lemming, Dick Smith, Harvey Norman, JB Hi Fi, Warehouse Stationary, Bond + Bond or Youbee retail store (for New Zealand residents) (collectively, the “Authorised NZ Retail Stores” and together with Authorised Australian Retail Stores, the “Authorised Retail Stores”):

In the 25 words answer thing, make sure to include:
Mention “Western Digital”
Mention the Eligible Product purchased
Mention a benefit of the Eligible Product

Credit to: Lovemybargains, stilted

NOTE: THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION. From the linked page:

Every valid creative entry will receive a $50 gift card.

PLUS be in the running to WIN a $1,000 gift card for the most creative answer.

Delay in rebate processing

"Thank you for your recent entry into the WD Christmas promotion.

The popularity of this promotion has been overwhelming, to the point where our claims centre has been inundated with entries.

As a result, all entries will be verified in the first half of January and the $50 gift cards will be sent to eligible participants by the end of the month.

Don't forget you are also in the running for the major prize: a $1,000 gift card for the most creative entry."

Related Stores

Western Digital
Western Digital

closed Comments

  • It sounds like every email they are sending out now is an automatic rejection. I wonder if they are even checking the entry.

    • Wow - has anyone of the recent email recipients actually got a card?
      Looks like I am doomed if they all automatically fail now.

      Spewing, assholes caused me to spend $100 of dollars that I would not have. I really believed they would honor the cashback. WD can get F@#!ed.

  • Hate to say this but look at my original comment when this promo first appeared:

    Just hope that they are not rejecting claims based on this "creativity" clause.

  • +1

    This is probably one of the best promotions - just handled by absolute sh#t cu*ts. So fed up.

  • +2

    If you guys want to do so, you could also contact the Department of Fair Trading in your state.








    But you know, just to give some perspective to the frustrated, the Fair Trade page has two headlines about Tassie bushfires (Advice for Victims etc). Kinda makes this deal seem small in that light.

    But fair is fair, if you feel jibbed by WD, by all means report it and stick it to WD.

    • I have lodged a complaint with fair trading who contacted me today. She said if atleast 10 people complain to them they can escalate it quicker (QLD). I was contacted today and the rep said they are very difficult to get in contact with or get a reply from (I could have told her that).
      Someone from WD or Synnex or Targetbased marketing or wherever left a message for me on my home phone on friday saying it will be another 3 weeks. no phone number to call her back of course. soooo over it. But i am stubborn and will see this through.

      • Another three weeks until what? Getting a card or a response about a denied claim?

        • Until i get the card. I will not hold my breath. We will probably get another email with another delayed date. I hope fair trading can do something about all this nonsense.

        • received the gift card in the mail today. will activate it this afternoon. won't be at all surprised if it doesnt work though given the experience to date.

  • -3

    Apparently they gave the product a new name. Instead of "WD TV Live", they decided to call it "WD TV Live Streaming" instead. Although their website (, your online store (…) and the box of the product calls it WD TV Live only. Really dodgy. I have lodged this with Consumers Affairs Victoria who have adviced me to lodge this with VCAT. We need to group together and put a complaint to VCAT against Synnex (the promoter) and Western Digital.

    • +3

      In fairness, their T&Cs mentioned specifically the actual eligible product names as there was a Live Streaming and a Live Hub. They also specifically stated the WD TV Live (without anything at the end) was excluded.

      Are they just nitpicking? I guess we'll all find out shortly.

      • what is your definition of shortly?

      • actual eligible product names as there was a Live Streaming

        I did buy the 'live streaming' and they have not responded to any of the emails I've sent them in the last few weeks.

    • Actually they still call it "WD TV Live" see their current promo From the promo picture and the RRP value its a WD TV Live Streaming.

    • I saw your post on FB about this and sorry I don't have sympathy for this case. The conditions clearly stated the product code, and it was all over the comments on here.

    • is the problem that you purchased a WD TV Live which was specifically excluded?
      or did you get a WD TV Live Streaming and fail to mention the word "streaming" and thus fail in your T&C to correctly name the product?

      • -1

        No, he's complaining about buying a non-streaming model.

  • Right, WD are claiming on their Facebook page that all emails either win or lose have been sent so if you didn't get one like me, it doesn't look too good but the good news is that they are at least responding on their Facebook page now.
    If you want some action with this you very best shot is to call it out on Facebook. The negative posts eventually wore through and I have a feeling that the cases that get called out in public on Facebook will magically be "winners".

    Go here

    • They are selective in who they reply to

      • Well they seem to have pretty much gone through the list since last night and replied to everyone on Facebook/

  • Nice of WD. I never got a response either positive or negative so they are flat out lying. I've emailed them once a day for the past few days and nothing. Last email I received was the one in early jan.

  • Has anyone who has been designated as a winner actually received their card? It's one thing to receive an email saying your a winner, and another thing to actually have the card. I suspect we're all in for a long haul on this one.

  • I messaged them on Facebook this morning and received this reply within an hour

    "Hi, We apologise for the delay getting back to everyone, we have had many claims and it has taken longer that we expected to process them all. Since your claim was rejected we will review it on your behalf and provide you with a reason.
    We assure you that any claims that have been rejected have not been done so with malice. We would like to give everyone a gift card but if the terms and conditions are not met, we must be strict in our decisions or it becomes unfair to all those that fulfilled them.
    As we have your details now, it will make it much easier to find your claim on the system and we will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible. We thank you for your continued patience."

    • Well there is movement at the station - this is good.
      Not sure about the logic of " we must be strict in our decisions or it becomes unfair to all those that fulfilled them" as I doubt anyone who receives a card gives a damn if or whether others fail. Personally I hope every legitimate purchaser gets their cashback.

      I would say the best possible solution WD can do now is review every case that is disputed with a "kind eye", considering the amount of stress and wasted time this promo has caused and that many retailers promoted this as a regular cashback, not a half contest. I presume the basic point of a promo is to create good will around a brand or product…

  • +1

    I have just posted via facebook and they have changed their mind on my claim.
    please wait until the card is sent to me before flooding their facebook page so they don't change their mind again.

  • There is hope, at least I have my faith restored part way. When I have the gift card I will be happy.

    Requested a copy of my entry and justification and received below. Clearly the 'Streaming' was important, although as posted above most reasonable people could easily not realist it was part of the name.

    "…we have further looked into your claim after our email last Friday and your response below and reviewed it as a special consideration entrant. Therefore we will be awarding you with your $50 gift card.

    The word ‘Streaming’ was left out of the 25word criteria under terms & conditions #6 – ii-mention the name of the eligible product purchased."

  • This email seems to have done the trick for me:

    "I would appreciate an update on this cashback claim.
    I believe I have met all the requirements to qualify but have not heard from
    It appears a lot of claims are being rejected on somewhat spurious grounds -
    please do not try that with me, or I will be obliged to contact the
    department of Fair trading here in Queensland."

    48 hours later an apology for the delay and informing me that I am a "winner" and will be receiving the $50 card by the end of next week.

    • Got the same reply after emailing them. My claim has been approved as special consideration. Just have to wait and see if the card shows up.

    • Hi! I got the same response. Approved. Just gotta be persistant and polite.

    • I used your email with a bit modification and posted on their facebook page. It worked - thank you very much.

  • How long between sending the email and getting the reply?

    Was this the other day?

    • 48 hours.
      Tuesday to today.

      • Mine was Monday and received reply on Wednesday

    • My email sent on Tuesday, received reply today.

  • I e-mailed [email protected] twice (13th & 8th Feb) and did not get a reply. What other e-mail address could I use? I even has prove that my entry had won.

    • +1

      try facebook, this worked for me,
      emailed on the 8th, no reply.
      facebook on the 13th, reply in 90 minutes.

      • +1

        I tried facebook too. Got the special approval thing. Yay!

        • I messaged on FB on Friday and was told they would get to it on Monday and now its Monday night and still no reply.

  • I might have 'won' and had the email sent to me on 4th Feb…but still NO sign of the $50!

  • +1

    Im going to neg this deal after all the BS from WD about not meeting the requirements. I just returned mine to OW.

    • +2

      I agree with everyone here complaining about the $50 card( i still haven't received mine) but i wouldn't return my WD live streaming, it's been by far the best media player i've tried.

      • -1

        The best? You haven't tried many then. May I suggest XBMC.

        • don't rush to aswer! i'm already using XBMC software on my ipad but i suppose not everyone is willing to JB/root his devices…

        • No root needed for Android.

        • not everyone uses Android…

        • -3

          I'm really confused. You said "it's been by far the best media player i've tried". Are you still standing by this? Or are you conceding XBMC is better?

          XBMC runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Xbox1, Linux (including raspberry pi), iOS (including AppleTV2), AppleTV1 and Android.

          Seems like a large number of platforms for those who don't run Android or don't want to jailbreak…

          But I still don't see how any of that is relevant when proclaiming which option is the "best".

        • +6

          let me help you with your confusion! Out of the box it IS IMHO the best media player!
          No need to download anything, install anything just plug and play!
          XMBC is a software solution, you have to buy extra accessories to make it work(remote, mouse ooh yes… and a compatible device to install it) You cannot compare apples with oranges!
          Have you ever tried to troubleshoot over the phone your mother in law's apple tv 1 when Xmbc overheats the device and freezes the system?(not to mention flashing the OS)? or that cheap Android devices that play HD movies like a slideshow?
          Maybe not…
          P.s. i'm not here to change your mind, i'm just posting my experience! I have seen many people complaining about apple tv, android mini pcs etc as media players and only positive feedback from those with WD live steaming.
          And no, even if i love Xmbc, i wouldn't leave my 1000 watt PC 24/7 to use it as a media player :)

        • -6

          So by best you are actually saying "best for lazy and/or technology ignorant". Whereas XBMC is "best".

          Thanks for clearing that up.

        • +1

          the ONLY ignorant here is you my friend, who believes that WD live streaming suits lazy and technology ignorant people! I suggest you take a deep breath and stop commenting for a while if you have any trace of dignity left! Have a good day

        • -5

          What? That's exactly what you said. XBMC has potential to be better but is expensive/harder/more time consuming to get running. Whereas WD works okish straight out of the box…

          I don't see what your problem is. To me "best" means the best end result regardless of how time consuming or expensive it is, whereas you are judging "best" to mean quickest and easiest to setup.

          We value different things.

          I suggest you take a breath and not get so defensive.

        • open your eyes, checkout the negative votes you are getting and then try to accept the fact that most people have a different point of view than yours! (thank God!) Grow up mate!

        • -2

          ….My point of view is we have a different point of view. What is wrong with that? You want quick and simple, I don't.

          Calm down champ, I don't care what random people on the Internet who click a little '-' think. They all probably brought a WD Live and don't want to hear any other options.

          WD Live Positives:
          Works out box

          WD Live Negatives:
          Ugly interface
          No TVDB/MovieDB support
          No third party apps

          XBMC Positives:
          Great library feature with TVDB/MovieDB scrapping
          Lots of apps/plugins
          Some very nice looking skins
          MySql library: all tvs in the house synced (start/resume from different rooms)
          Lots of third party remote options for Android/iOS
          Easy to code plugins with Python

          XBMC Negatives:
          Cheaper hardware sometimes runs a bit slow
          Setup not simple
          Customization can be over whelming to some

          If you want more features, XBMC is best. If you want simple or cheap, WD Live is best. Agreed??

        • Hi negative collector! If you want to behave and write something constructive I'm (we are) here! If you want to offend people and TROLL then …keep humiliating yourself! AGREED?

        • I'm listing detailed reasoning, you're listing personal attacks…once again, calm down or at least find some logic to your attacks.

        • +1

          Is detailed reasoning "lazy and technology ignorant people"?
          Can you explain with detailed reasoning why everyone is giving you negative votes?
          For the last time i will say that for $99(or $49 if the gift card arrives) you won't find any better media player, and that is my personal(not only) opinion. If you are willing to fork out extra $$$ to buy a compatible device and install xbmc then i'm happy for you but this is a software solution so you are still confusing apples with oranges!

        • Perhaps the pair of you might give it a rest; every time I look for new comments I find myself looking at your personal stoush. Time to move on.

      • The WDTV Live is my first media player and I'm not happy with it at all. It's so slow and most of my videos downloaded from ABC,SBS,Youtube does not play. WTF, It's H264 MPEG4 so why is it not supported? Is there a firmware to fix this? cos I can't be bother converting all my videos.

        • That's weird! can I ask you, how do you download them from youtube? cause some programs use different converters to download the video(since youtube doesn't have a direct download option)

    • Good on you. i am not receiving any email from WD except the one from 2 months ago that said i have won $50 gift card.
      Unfortunately i got mine from JB so i have no chance to return it. for $50 ,i can live with it but for $100 it's not worth it.
      A good lesson learned and i will try to avoid that sort of promotion in the future.
      It was time consuming and stress not really worth it.

      • i got an email 2 weeks ago saying that my $50 dollar card would be sent within 2 weeks, so i'm still waiting…
        Apart from that i must say that i had already bought the media player a few days before the $50 deal was posted on ozb so i had already accepted the price and i'm very happy with the product. If they send the $50 card i'll be twice as happy, if they don't i'll. still keep the product but i'll complain to WD just like everyone else :)

  • Saw this and though "hmm I wonder if people ever got their gift cards…" turns out, it wasn't just me!!
    Just sent them the Facebook message Derrick recommended :)
    Let's see what I get in the morning…

  • There is someone on their Facebook page claiming that he received a card last week. He must be the first…

  • My msg response to my FB query.

    "we have received word that your claim has been approved. You should have gotten an email by now and your card is on its way. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks for your patience and enjoy your gift card."

    No email or card as yet though.

  • -4

    I've got a feeling to help recover costs they have hired the Easter Bunny to deliver the gift cards during his egg deliveries.

    • -1

      Geeze 4 Negs? Tough crowd!

  • I still haven't had any replies to my email… :(

    • Me too.
      So rude and unprofessional to not even respond to emails. Not a peep since"you are a winner" one in December.

      Beyond a joke for a large multinational. My confidence in them is strongly effected by this piss-weak display.

  • Message left on Facebook worked. I left a message on last Friday and I received email notification today that I "won" the gift card.

    I feel really sorry for those who got their claims rejected.

    • I messaged on FB as well on Friday and now Tuesday has passed and they still haven't replied.

      WD Facebook replied saying they will get back to me on Monday.

      Poor display.

  • +3

    These guys are really taking the piss now - "The card will be sent in the next two weeks to the address that you nominated when entering the competition."….received on the 4th Feb. Seriously…not one person has received a card yet?

  • These guys are certainly taking the mick now.
    Have checked my emails/generally though about and tried to deal with this so many times.

    So much wasted time. Not worth it.

    Pack of pricks have made it so hard.
    Has anyone actually got their card? How many blown deadlines is that?

  • Anyone got the direct phone number to them? I wanna ring them up and ask them what their definition of 2 weeks is..

  • Full of shr! Complaing to fair trading now!
    I redeemed 5! Thts $500! $250 in gift card i should get

    • Ouch.

  • what a cop out!

    "Unfortunately claim xxx has not been approved, because the product name was not mentioned correctly - ‘Live' was missed in the contect of the 25words"

  • 'However we have re-viewed your last 2 claims – 103 and 104 and they have not been approved for the $50 redemption. The reason we have not approved these claims is because you can only claim once on a WD product that you have brought the same of (T&C # 10). If all your products (3 products claimed for) had of been a different eligible WD promo products this would have been granted if the T&C’s under 6 were also met.'

    • Yep I would argue that,, It says 1 per product.. So 2 products (even the same model) is 2 claims.. Like 1 per person - 2 people is 2 claims.

      They are now saying its 1 per different product or 1 per model which is not stated in the terms and conditions.

    • Thats BULLSHIT! I claimed 5 each on seperate receipt!
      They changing words around now, i claimed seperately on unique recipt as they say max of 5 claims with unique receipt on each claim! Complain to fair trading everyone!

  • I received the confirmation email on 5 Feb, stating it would be sent in two weeks, but no card as yet. Just sent them a follow up email checking on expected delivery.

  • My claim was rejected via email for not using the correct "product name". Emailed the back saying that it's unacceptable, and that I wanted to see a copy of my entry, but they never sent it to me.

    I finally today went to their Facebook (W.D. Australia) and wrote them a nice but firm message asking them to review my entry. I basically said- I'd hate to be another unhappy entry entry on your wall.

    Got a response straight away, then received an email tonight saying that an 'acceptation' had been made and that I would receive the card.

    • Big deal.

      So folks like you are essentially saying you went from the rejected, thus no gift card pile, over to the accepted/won, but still no gift card pile.


  • Ok, got my $50 gift card when I went to check the letterbox this morning (before 10am). May have been from yesterday, not sure.

  • hmmm still waiting on my refund. recieved the 'you won $50' email.

  • I just got 1 out of 5 giftcard i claimed for today 12pm in the mail..
    Still waiting for 4 more i hope i get them all or they gonna use excuse 1 claim per customer bullcrap!

    • Did you receive 5 confirmations (from the second round of confirmations at the start of Feb) saying you won all 5?
      I claimed 3 times and only got 1 confirmation. Gonna wait till that arrives and then I gonna ask where the rest of them are.

      • Only got 1 confirmation..

        • Gotta hound the bastards on Facebook - its the only thing that works.
          Magically changes "failed" or no emails into winners.

          Absolute cluster-f@ck of a promo.Completely mishandled.

  • +2

    Received my $50 gift card in the mail today.

    • Gone mine too - off to activate!

    • Me too. However, from now on I'll be wary of any scheme that don't have the explicit words 'cash back'.

    • +1

      This Christmas ????

  • How do you activate the card? I am still waiting for mine.

  • If you wanted to buy something at JB for $150, are you able to use this $50 card + add $100 cash to it?

    • +1

      Its treated like a bankcard. so yes it should be fine.

      I've never ordered something at jb with cash and credit in one transaction, but i'd be VERY surprised if it didn't work.

  • got rejection email today and accoring to them i have used western digital in my answer but not tv live and therefore rejected. i am not going to bother complaining as i had enough of wd lately and do not want to deal with bunch of thieves. had one of my wd big 2 hdd enclosure die on me and was told to send to malaysia or something for warranty claim. post office wanted $35 for delivery so i backed out.

    • Contact the rep on facebook and he/she will resolve this issue for you.

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