50% off Fellow Ode Coffee Grinder $299.50, Hario Pour Over Kit $22.97 + Delivery ($0 w/ $69 Order) @ Lime Blue Coffee


Hey Oz Bargain Community,

This one's a tad lengthy, but hopefully worth the read. However, if you're flat just, please feel welcome to skip to the deal details below in bold :)

Given it's international coffee today and I regularly get asked by Lime Bluers how I personally make coffee, I thought I needed to come up with something super special to help convey the joyous coffee experience I have making coffee every day. Please indulge me by stepping into my world for a moment. I generally wake up around 4am (I know that may sound a bit loony, but once you're used to it no alarm clock is needed), turn on the kettle, pick which coffee I'll have to kick start my day,, put a paper filter in my Hario V60 Pour Over, weigh out my beans using my super smart Hario Polaris Scale which instantly let's me know how much water I need for my brew based on the brew ratio I decide, then pour my hot filtered water into my Hario Tetsu Kasuya Stainless Steel Pour Over Jug,, then I grind my fresh coffee using my Fellow Ode Gen 1 Filter Coffee Grinder with upgraded Gen 2 Burrs installed by yours truly,, open up my balcony door, water my ferns and mint plants, then I proceed to relax for 20 minutes with my wonderful coffee and prepare for any surprise challenges ahead that day (business is a roller coaster, so there's not a single day that goes 100% to plan without a curve ball coming at me, but as long as there's more smiles than frowns, all will hopefully work out well in the end). Throughout the day I usually also have an Espresso and Flat White or Iced Coffee, but that first morning coffee is pure bliss for me, it's like going on holiday for a month in the space of 20 minutes every morning (sometimes only 5 minutes when things are extra hectic), it's a holiday in a cup. Given caffeine takes roughly 30 minutes to take effect it's a relaxing kick, like the quiet before the storm type of moment. Now to the point of my lengthy ramble…It's easy to talk the talk and tell a novel (yet truthful) story, but for me to truly share my blissful coffee experience it is apparent that you need the access to the equipment. My pockets aren't deep enough to give out the equipment for free or sell it at a loss, but I really have done my best to make it as accessible as I possibly can by offering a 50% discount to get you started. This may be the ideal opportunity to shout yourself a first or second setup (I have an espresso set up too that I also use every day for espresso and milk based coffees), the office or even get your end of year gift shopping sorted early :)

We're offering you crazy 50% discount off our the spectacular Fellow Ode Gen 1 Filter Coffee Grinder, Hario V60 Pour Over Coffee Brewing Kit, Hario Polaris Scale and Hario Tetsu Kasuya Pour Over Stainless Steel Jug, please note there's relatively limited stock available of all these items, see details below:

1) Fellow Ode Gen 1 Filter Coffee Grinder, only $299.50 (usual RRP $599), via the product variant options you're able to upgrade to the Gen 2 Burrs for $129.99 (this is not a must, just an option and the Gen 1 default burrs are fantastic I still love them as I used them for a while before upgrading), if you want the Gen 2 Burrs but aren't too keen on installing them yourself then I'll be happy to install them for you which is another variant option with an install cost of an additional $50. Also if you're not a fan of static grinds mess and love the sound of close to zero ground retention in the Ode chute then via the variant options you can add an atomiser for $25 extra

2) Hario V60 Pour Over Coffee Brewing Kit,, this includes a transparent Hario plastic 02 size V60 dripper (suitable for making 1-4 cups at a time), a Hario 02 size borosilicate glass server with a capacity of ~600ml with a black lid to help prevent spilling and retain heat as well, 40 paper filters (if you haven't used them for coffee before you'll marvel at how clean the coffee comes out, no real sediment in sight) and a Hario coffee scoop, only $22.97 for that whole kit (usual RRP $45.94). Additionally via the product variant options you're able to add a Hario Polaris Scale, which is a scale, timer and coffee calculator all in 1, it's truly marvelous, simply input the desired brew ratio (1:16.6), weigh out your beans and the scale screen will instantly show you how much water to add based on your dose to achieve that brew ratio, furthermore, providing % brew competition as you pour only $98.43 extra (usual RRP $186.95). Another little gem you can add via the varient options to your pour over set up to well and truly complete the wonderful experience is the Hario Tetsu Kasuya Pour Over Stainless Steel Jug for only $48.48 (usual RRP $96.95)

Deal valid for orders placed until 03/10/2024, unless sold out before. Dispatch will happen during the last two weeks of this month. Once a given dispatch date is at full capacity the green circle will be removed and date will turn red, first in best dressed :)

FREE SHIPPING for orders over $69. We recommend freezing any excess bags purchased to quality for free shipping, without compromising on enjoying fresh coffee.

  • $6.99 No Delivery Company Preference Flat Rate Shipping (No Parcel Locker/PO Box/Collect)
  • $8.99 Courier's Please Flat Rate Shipping (No Parcel Locker/PO Box/Collect)
  • $8.99 Australia Post Flat Rate Shipping (Parcel Locker/PO Box/Collect available)
  • $12.99 Express Post Flat Rate Shipping (Parcel Locker/PO Box/Collect available)

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  • +2

    I appreciate the effort here, but it’s a pass from me on the grinder. By the time you upgrade the burrs and add an atomiser, you’re looking at a price very close to a Gen 2 grinder (when on special).

    • +4

      Morning @SirFrankGrimes terrific to know the effort's got us in your good books!

      I hear what you're saying, no issue at all if it's not the deal for you. However, even Gen 2 on the best special you can find special (normal RRP $649) is still double digit more expensive. You don't have to upgrade the burrs, as I used the Gen 1 burrs for a while, loved them and would have been happy to continue using them. The anti-static tech on the Gen 2 does help but isn't a complete solution and it also requires regular maintenance. I would highly recommend the atomiser for both the Gen 1 and Gen 2, if you want close to zero retention and to minimise static grind clean up :)

      • +3

        Gen 1: $504.49 (burrs with install + atomiser)
        Gen 1: $454.49 (burrs w/o install + atomiser)

        Gen 2: $519.90 (Alternative Brewing)

        Gen 2 upgrades (besides the burrs):
        - larger hopper
        - larger cup
        - much better anti-static / retention
        - slightly better design upgrades

        All this for an extra $15.41 + cost of an atomiser (<$20). I’d say the Gen 2 is still much better value. Plus, resale will be higher if one ever decides to sell.

        Yes, a person can save $50 by installing themselves, but I still don’t think the saving is worth it

        • +11

          More information is always great, thanks for sharing!

          Just so we don't get off track, at its core this deal is meant to be a Fellow Ode Gen 1 grinder at 50% off for $299.5 and a Hario Pour Over Kit also at 50% off for $22.97. The burr upgrade is just an option for those interested, my focus of this deal is not to try and get people to add upgraded burrs, if they decide to then great, if not that's also great as far as I'm concerned. I'd highly recommend the atomiser for both the Gen 1 and Gen 2 Ode's. As for the Gen 2 burrs I personally upgraded, but don't think it's a must as the Gen 1 default burrs are terrific as they are. I personally assessed the other differences with the Gen 2 and decided value for money was best by simply upgrading the Burrs on my Gen 1, as I found for single dosing (as is intended by this grinder) a larger hopper didn't personally add value to me and the anti-static tech does help but isn't a complete solution so you still need the atomiser. It's really down to personal preference, you can still save money either way with this deal, but I completely acknowledge it won't be for everyone. I'm simply trying to share my personal coffee experience for International Coffee Day today, so if you can find the same equipment elsewhere, you deem it to be of better value and you get it, that'll still make me happy as it still achieves the goal of you sharing this coffee experience I love so much every day and hopefully you'll use some fresh Lime Blue Coffee too :)

    • Plus there’s always a more wanky looking grindr out there in the world that will impress your friends even more…

    • I got the email as well and it's interesting but sounds like the gen 2 is much better looking at online reviews/YouTube (but still not perfect obviously).

      On Reddit people in the US were getting for US$150 so I think it is a bit expensive. If it was gen 2 for $300 or so I'd be tempted.

      Wouldn't mind upgrading my em0480 at some point, always right down near the finest setting. Not spending over $300 though.

  • +4

    It's probably clear enough already, but if you want to fix a missing word(s) on the grinder page: "does not Espresso Style". Got that everybody? MUCH NOT FOR ESPRESSO. VERY FILTER. WOW.

    • +3

      Good morning @Morven woohoo for that very nice detail pick up, thank you so much, all fixed now!

      Please shout out if you find any more typos, knowing my frequent trips to Typo Island I wouldn't be surprised if you came back with 37 different edits needed haha :)

  • My pour over game is pretty weak. I've been using a cheapy Daiso pour over ripper with their branded filter papers. The shape of the filters are flat/tent instead of a cone. Seeing how popular harios are I've always wanted to try using them. Plus they aren't that expensive. I've also considered the chemex but that thing is too expensive and the filters appear expensive too. Any thoughts?

    • +1

      If you don't have a good kettle and scale you'd be better off with an aeropress for simplicity. It's more consistent than a pour over.

      • I have a gooseneck kettle and coffee scales. I don't have an aeropress, though!

        • +1

          Hey @shiny terrific question!

          Got to start somewhere, so nothing wrong with starting at Daiso :)

          The difference between Hario and Chemex really comes down to person preference. Both do a somewhat similar job, although there are some slight differences. Chemex used to be more geared towards larger brews, but they've recently introduced smaller brewers. I'm firmly in the Hario corner based on experience, but acknowledge Chemex's are also terrific. If you're planning to only make 1-4 cups at a time and have no visual preference between the two brands, then I'd say Hario may be the winner for you based on value for money quality :)

          p.s. you also make a good point about ongoing filter costs being notably cheaper with Hario

          • +2

            @LimeBlueCoffee: Thanks for the lengthy response. This sort of service is the reason why 90 percent of my bean purchases are from Limeblue.

            • @shiny1: What a wonderful response to receive from you @shiny1 thank you so much for your continued orders and support, I promise we'll never take your patronage for granted!!!

    • Are you using the osmotic flow technique with the Daiso?

      • I will look into this. I've been watching more of Lance Hedrick's videos and I think I have my espresso routine ok, but it's now time to look at better pour over techniques. Thanks for that.

  • +4

    Given you're now selling pour over specific items, have you considering changing your omni roast to, filter or espresso? A typical filter roast is very light and all your beans so far are mediumish which I run through as espresso. I tried pourover with them in the past and they are way too roasted for filter coffee.

    • +1

      Hey @ColourWolf thank you so much for your orders thus far and input/feedback here, both truly appreciated!

      We have done light omni in the past and will do so again for very specific coffees…releasing a fruit bomb in the not too distant future which we'll offer as a light omni. I personally find our omni medium roasts delicious for both filter and espresso methods. However, I completely acknowledge how subjective personal flavour preference is and I also have noticed whenever I go out somewhere for a pour over it also seems a bit too heavy and the used coffee bed looks significantly different from the brews I make comparatively speaking…I'm self taught through trial and error, so I'm not sure if my method (specifically grind particle distribution) is unique or my personal bias towards the coffee I roast means I'm just imagining a huge flavour strength difference when others make pour over :)

      p.s. the used coffee bed visual difference isn't in my imagination, well at least I hope it's now haha

      • +1

        Just my 2cs on your omni roasts as someone who does both filter (v60) and espresso at home. I think your omni roasts are generally really good espresso beans and okay to decent filter beans usually. As someone who does both methods, I prefer to use a lighter roaster for filter as a contrast/difference. With the medium omni roasts I tend to stick with espresso as its just more reliable and the filter doesn't bring much more out of them in terms of flavour usually. Have some single origin beans in the post from your guys for next two month, so maybe I'll like those more as filter roast, as I generally find single origin really shine in filter and I don't think I've had any of your single origin before.

      • A filter only light roast is generally the gold standard for the types of coffees that filter drinkers like. It's not going to sell as well as the espresso or 'omni roast' as you call it, but you can definitely charge a premium for the time you spend in to developing the roast profile. Hard to compete with others in the space though.

  • These are very good prices, though not the most popular products. I'm here for it though!

    • Wonderful to hear @ThirtySixNights thank you so much for that complimentary vote of confidence :)

  • Bought some beans and the Hario kit.

    • +1

      Amazing @zelliot thank you so much for that terrific order!

      Fingers crossed you love the setup as much as I do and please feel welcome to email through any brewing questions you may have :)

  • Nice write up as always Tom. I put up a plug for yours on the 'Melbourne Home Baristas' facebook page along with other international coffee day sales going on. Cheers

    • Fantastic to know we're in your write up good books :)

      Woohoo love your spraining skills, thank you so much for helping spread the word about us, it truly does mean so much and I'm sure it'll make a positive difference!

  • Good one OP. Gonna put my breville smart grinder pro up for sale and upgrade to this

    • WOW that's absolute music to my ears, thank you so much in advance, love your upgrade skills!!!

      Sure you'll find the experience difference night and day :)

      p.s. not knocking Breville they have some good value for money products, I just find the Fellow Ode to be in a special league of its own.

      • Genuine question. I have a Smart Grinder, use it every day for Hario pour over. I have made at least 700 batches based on number of filters. Wondering if there is truly a difference with a different grinder? What exactly more should I expect? Does it change workflow or anything? Night & day is a big call!

        • Terrific questions and I love those numbers @mjdavo in this specific instance I believe you'll find the difference night and day!!!

          Of course personal flavour interpretation is subjective, but if you really love Pour Over you should find there's way more depth and clarify of flavour by upgrading to the Ode. There's also the more aesthetic appeal of the Ode, which of course is another subjective interpretation. I think at the end of the day are you happy with your current set up or would you be happier with the Ode is the determining question :)

          • @LimeBlueCoffee: Thanks for the reply. Aesthetics less important for me at the moment. I am truly interested in WHY there would be such a difference. Can you break it down a bit for me - technical is fine - I work in wine and understand chemistry etc and differences in production techniques.

            • @mjdavo: It's a perfectionist hobby for a lot of people, just like home hi-fi. The law of diminishing returns is strong as well. Amazing how most 'good' grounders are all $600-1000 and still have issues. Sounds like yours has been fine or you would have changed it sooner.

              You could go and have a look on Reddit/YouTube and spend days researching it all :P.

  • 2 days is too short to get permission from missus to get this, can you extent the deal period..

    • +2

      haha you made me laugh, so thank you for that!

      How long would such a negotiation take? Perhaps start the initial trade talks, see how you go and loop back :)

  • Will this make better coffee than my 1zpresso K-Max?

    • Hey @bleeder appreciate the fantastic question!

      The 1zpresso does a terrific job as does the Fellow Ode. I personally think the Fellow Ode is the clear winner from a visual, functional and filter flavour perspectives. However, personal flavour preference is subjective and this is comparing conical burrs to flat burrs thus grind particular distribution results will vary. I think it'd be helpful for you to weigh up the visual look of the two, manual/human vs. electronic power, and the cost difference, from there make the decision that suits you best :)

  • I recently bought the Thank You blend when it was from sale from LimeBlue and I'm more than happy with it (especially for the price). Wondering what blends others have bought and any in particular they recommend as I'd like to try a few.

  • Good work. Thank you for the deal

    • :) :) :)

    • +1

      Hey @Ceta fantastic to know you think this deal's a winner!

      Just had a quick look and to clarify the AB site pricing of $436.91 is for the Gen 1 plus $9.95 shipping. Their current sale price on the Gen 2 is $519.90 plus $9.95 shipping, when you change the model via that variant option you'll see the pricing change.

      In terms of the Cafec, there's potential but no plans, I'd need to do extensive testing no just on the products but importer/supply reliability, I'll put the testing on my ever growing to do list :)

      • +1

        Hey! I've just removed my comment (can't edit it) because you're definitely right. I was completely wrong about that price.

        Original comment for anyone curious

        "Great price on the pourover kit! Would you guys consider selling cafec filter papers?

        "I don't think anyone should be buying the ode gen 1 at $600, especially when the gen 2 goes on sale so routinely at $430 (like it is now at AB). Great discount on the ode 1 though, wouldn't recommend it, but great price. "

        Apologies again!

        Thanks for the cafec consideration.

        • No stress @Ceta :)

          Follow up comment sincerely appreciate, glad we're on the same page now!

  • Hi. I emailed multiple times but didn't get any response so I am posting here. I requested to change the delivery date but didn't get any response at all. Can you look into it please? I can message you the order no.

    • Appreciate you taking the time to reach out :)

      Hmmm this one's a bit of curveball as I can't see any "multiple request" emails in the inbox and unless the order was placed several weeks ago you are able to change the dispatched date yourself via the order confirmation email link. Could you please send a reply email to your order confirmation with the request now?

      • Hi. I just checked my email. Only 1 was sent 12 hours ago and other emails didn't go through. Just sent another one mentioning ozbargain. Appreciate it if you could look into it. Thank you.

        • +1

          Appreciate the follow up and mystery solved!

          Received and replied, so you should be all set now :)

  • This or an encore?

    (Filter and moccamaster)

    • +1

      Absolutely the Fellow, if they are priced remotely in the same territory.
      IMO the baratza grinders are decently priced, easy to get and service but not stunning performers. Especially with increased competition in the past 5 or so years. The Fellow Ode is a much better filter grinder, and it doesn't sounding like a dying banshee (all the Baratza grinders sound eally loud and high pitched, but the Encore is the worst). The flat burrs in the Ode (regardless of if its the Gen 1, 2 or SSP burrs) are generally considered a straight upgrade over the conical burrs in the Encore (it can get more complicated then that, but flat burrs are generally a higher end choice vs conical ones). The only real benefit of an Encore, is that it can technically do Espresso, but the performance is poor enough (even on the ESP version) that nearly anyone who moves to Espresso after buying an Encore for filter tends to pretty quickly look to upgrade (I can attest to that from personal experience).

  • @limebluecoffee do you have any white v1 fellows odes? Or only black ones.

    • Hey @Michael Cho nice query!

      I do have a very limited amount of White Ode's also available. If you're really keen on a White Ode then I'll make that happen for you. However, the only caveat is the very same day you place the order you'll need to send a reply email to your order confirmation with the request for a switch from white to black :)

  • Hario V60, my go to everyday. A great deal to get started in Filter coffee (I barely have an espresso anymore)

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