[NSW] Free Buses Between Sydenham and Bankstown @ Transport for NSW


The T3 Bankstown Line between Sydenham and Bankstown will close from 30 September 2024 for 12 months while the line is upgraded to metro standards. Southwest Link buses will provide a free, high frequency service between Sydenham and Bankstown helping you get to where you need to go.


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Transport for NSW


  • +13

    expect 20 prams inside.

    • +19

      And a bus load of eshays

      • +2

        And allow 3X more time to plan your travel by bus, bet traffic will be so bad …

        • Damn, I didn't even consider traffic. These areas are congested as it is.

      • -1

        How many Tomtoc Slings does 1 eshay carry?

    • Lots of 45+ year old men pushing prams in Bankstown

  • +7

    You'd think a place called Bankstown would have money for a bus?

    • +4

      You have no idea how expensive it is to live around bankstown these days

      • +6

        I have know nothing about Bankstown at all. Just found it funny it has banks in it's name.

        • +3

          There is a suburb called Banksmeadow and Meadowbank in Sydney

          • +2

            @bozaar: There's a Sydenham in Melbourne so this post seemed pretty odd at first

            • +1

              @AngryAlfred: There's also an Epping Melbourne as well as Epping Sydney.

              • @nobro25: There's also Burwood and Richmond in Melbourne.

  • +3

    Nice. Will give the car a holiday

  • -5

    You'd think that 31.1%* of Bankstown's population would be opposed to a suburb with "ham" in its name

    *Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics

    • -3

      haha so good

    • -2

      I found a lot of these religious nuts pick and choose what sin they want to wash away when they pray decide what’s good themselves..
      Almost like a mental issue , thus u see the aggression issues and protests..

      Basically with any religion also.

  • +1

    You can give your car to me

  • +4

    Wait till the end of this school holiday. This gonna be madness :D

    • +1

      At first Minns was going to close it in October 2023, it would have continued into the Xmas and New Year.

  • +4

    Good luck to anybody relying on public transport. Like the traffic is gonna just magically be clear for all these buses now.

    • +4

      too many people drive in Sydney.

    • +1

      School holidays, its clear :)

  • +8

    Other options if you commute to the city:

    • drive to Lidcombe, then train to city
    • drive to Revesby, then train to city
    • drive to city directly and book a carpark in advance (check share with Oscar, it's actually not much more expensive than public transport)

    I tried the bus a few times (when they had track works) and the bus between Bankstown and Sydenham is horrible.

    • drive to Revesby, then train to city.
      Oh no…the airport line will be packed

    • +1

      The problem is parking.

      • -1

        There's a park and ride and I never saw it full

  • +7

    Oof. After having gone through this in Melbourne I feel for Sysneysiders.

    The buses suck. Massive queues, sometimes they don't show, if it's raining it's absolute ass. Just so inconvenient.

    • +1

      Eggs - break - omelette - make.

    • In Sydney buses tend to be better performance wise.

  • -1

    Trains replaced with buses, for a year at least! This is most definitely NOT a bargain. Not when every journey is going to take two or three times as long.

    You'd think they wouldn't need to shut down a rail line from end to end to upgrade it. Here in Adelaide they didn't shut down the whole of South Rd to upgrade it. You'd think they could start at one end, shut down a section at a time, have the new trains running from that end to the section being upgraded, and the old trains running from the section being upgraded to the other end, with the buses just bridging the gap as it moved progressively down the track's length. Or, and this is really radical, design the new and old trains to run on the same tracks. Hey, in Spain they have trains that can run on two different gauge tracks, and switch from one to the other without even coming to a full stop.

    • +9

      Different signalling, you would require turn backs, have dead running for safety, section the power system, etc. Also the platforms need to be straightened. The gauge of the track isnt the issue, they use the same. It not as easy as it sounds.

    • They must have not wanted it to take 20 years. Have they even finished South Rd yet? 😅

    • Look, we've got a loco engineer here!

    • +1

      You'd think they could start at one end, shut down a section at a time

      That's what they are doing. The section being shut down is Sydenham to Bankstown.

      Or, and this is really radical, design the new and old trains to run on the same tracks

      The biggest problem with Sydney Trains is that unlike every other train line in the world, they are not dedicated lines, it's one big spaghetti mess of shared lines so that when one train breaks the entire network is cooked. Metro was designed specifically to be isolated from the 100+year old existing network so that all those problems couldn't affect it.
      There's a dozen other issues too, but this alone should explain why a shared line is a terrible idea.

  • +4

    Inconvenience is not a bargain. 🥲

    • +1

      Ok sorry for posting. I will ask the mods to remove it.

      • -1

        It's still up! Been 2 hours?

  • +2

    Am I the only one cynical about the line only being closed for 12 months. This is government infrastructure after all.

    • This is government infrastructure after all.

      What's funny is when people say the government sucks, then in the next breath demand the government get more involved in things.

      • +1

        I don't think the government sucks, but historically they are just slow.

        • but historically they are just slow.

          And being slow doesn't suck to you? If you went to get your car serviced and it took 3 months you wouldn't think that service sucked?
          If your flight was delayed by a week that wouldn't suck? Why give these people a special pass? It's your money, you should expect the same level of service that you get anywhere else.

  • +4

    A free bus out of bankstown is something to be applauded.

    • Because taking ambulances out of Btown were getting kind of expensive.

  • +3

    Not a Deal.
    More like.. "Deal With It!!"

    • Deal or no Deal.

  • +1

    I guess its technically a bargain? its a stretch lol!

  • +3

    I barely make it in to work on time and now the morning trek is twice as long and even more unreliable 😭

  • +3

    I remember when this happened between Chatswood and Epping. Traffic was a nightmare and long queues for buses.

    Of course it's free when you are paying your precise time!

  • “Upgraded”

    More spin, just “changed”.

    • +1

      More spin, just “changed”.

      It's not spin, the Metro is a complete upgrade for the shitty old slow heavy rail Sydney is used to. No other major global city has such a terrible train system. If you haven't been on it, go try the City to North Shore run, it is a massive upgrade to what used to be on offer.

  • +1

    Riverwood has now added an express to Sydenham. So it’s better to go there and catch a train to the city or to change at Sydenham to a metro. It’s actually made my commute faster.

  • Wondering from Bankstown to Sydenham, do they have express? If yes, are they going via toll or norma route?

    • +1

      Bankstown doesn't have an express bus to Sydenham, but they do have a limited stops service (SW2) which takes about 40 minutes. Sounds like they take the normal route.

  • it was smart of Chris Minns to hold the closure of the Bankstown line till the Sydenham metro started up and people in that part of town realised what a game changer it is in terms of public transport. Now the problem is have enough car parking next to each metro station

    • Don't need carparking next to each Metro station, just need more feeder buses and housing next to the Metro stations - a much more efficient use of scarce land.

      • +2

        I have a feeling that technology will catch up pretty quickly. Instead of investing millions in carparks we will probably have on demand electric driverless shuttles that pick you up from the end of your street. You will probably need to book it 30 minutes before you want to leave and the algorithm will collect you along with any others in the area.

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