This was posted 5 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Uncle Tobys Quick or Traditional Oats 1kg $3.25 ($2.93 Sub & Save) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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It's been a few months or so since they were last half price, price matching 1/2 price Woolworths $3.25 (which expires 01 Oct 2024) + an extra 10% off with subscribe & save on Amazon. No minimum quantity purchase this time.

I got onto these quick oats previously, instead of using Woolworths oats. Although Coles brand are also pretty good at $1.90 for 900g.

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  • +13

    I really don't understand why you would get this even at this price.
    Aldi has them for $1.29 for 750g.
    Uncle Toby's must be making some serious mark up on these.

    • +3

      Believe it or not some of us don't have an Aldi.

      • No Frills feels like Aldi sometimes.

    • +5

      The oats are consistently good quality. Switch between these and home brand and you'll see what I mean

    • -1

      Agreed, IGA has non branded ones for $1.40 for 1 kg

      • $1.40 for 1 kg

        Black & Gold is $1.60 for 750g FYI at IGA.

        (Aldi is actually $1.49 for 750g nowadays also).

        Yeah grab those in store, if you don't find Uncle Tobys any better or don't think it's worth the extra $0.80 or so /kg.

        • Agreed, buy before they twig they can sell for more profit

    • The Aldi oats are nowhere near as good as the Uncle Toby's. I always spent the extra

    • Woolies has a better value IMO
      1.5 kg for $2.60…

      Or if you prefer smaller pack
      750 g for $1.60…

      • many won't agree - but we have a vitamix smoothie for breakfast every day and have done for years.

        When we have switched to this (even if the others did not know) - the taste is immediately obvious. Coles oats are mostly okay, there are some batches that make it taste bad, but many have been fine. Never had an issue when I have had uncle tobys or red tractor.

        But woolworths oats are consistently poor in our opinion.

        • Poor, or different taste to what you're used to? Ww oats are consistently good imo. Certainly nothing wrong with the texture or oat size. Been decades since I've eaten UT oats, might try a blind taste test.

          Nutritional info is almost identical (Ww has fractionally more protein but that would vary somewhat between batches anyway).

          • @Igaf: the taste is not nice.
            we use a vitamix so it's never about texture or shape etc

            if we use coles (almost always good, rarely not), red tractor, uncle tobys, they are all indistinguishable in our smoothie

            ww = 'this does not taste good'

            how much oats go in your smoothie? we prob put like 1.25cups. perhaps if people put less it isn't as noticeable.

            • @bohn: Don't make smoothies. Porridge - lightly toast dry oats, add water, milk, salt and +- a dash of honey/golden syrup/molasses

              • @Igaf: No thanks
                Mine is far better

  • +6

    Honest question, is there a reason to get these over the generic ones from woolies or coles?

    • curious as well do they taste better?

      • +4

        They do. I found the aldi ones very plain tasting and added a little sugar. Uncle Tobys ones taste better. Dont need to add any sugar.

    • +14

      I find they cook much better and with a much creamier texture as opposed to the generic ones. The generics also tend to have plenty of "husks" come through that I end up having to pick out.
      After these I've found it impossible to go back to the generics, but try both because YMMV!

    • -8

      No they are identical. People just dont care and buy brand names because "better."

      Do you guys think the farms that supply Coles/Woolworths use different machines/processes to those that supply Uncle Tobys? They are probably the same farms often. I've had both they are the same, placebo effect is real. And there is normal variation, crops turn out different from water/sun/weather differences that year.

      • -3

        Brand names are always better (or at least equal to the generics)

    • +1

      The generic Coles ones are pretty bad in comparison. I’ve sometimes had ok batches of the Woolworths ones. Texture and taste on the Uncle Toby’s ones are definitely better and probably worth it at half price. Wouldn’t ever pay full price. That said you can probably do better buying somewhere in between.

      Also, Nestle owns Uncle Toby’s if that helps people decide.

      • I found the same thing re Coles and Woolworths versions (traditional not quick), I have them as porridge rather than in smoothies. Been meaning to try the Aldi ones to see how they compare.

      • +1

        Haven't bought UTO for decades so can't compare but I buy Ww generic (whole, not quick) 1.5kg packs by the "truckload", primarily for native birds, and porridge during winter. $2.60 (~$1.72/kg) every day, never on special.

        The generic milled oats are consistently very solid, not flaky or inclined to break up, despite the plastic packaging and lack of handling care by Ww packers. Both Coles and Aldi are poor by comparison in that regard.

        Not of interest for my use but quick oats generally have a higher glycemic index and less fibre, and are smoother and creamier to taste.

    • Consistently good quality. Even thickness (= even cooking and mouthfeel) mostly.

  • +1

    So which ones for smoothies?

    • Quick Oats are usually preferred for smoothies due to the smoother texture.

      • Thank you

        • I use rolled oats in smoothies. Have done for years. Lower GI, higher fibre, more nutrients.

          • @bohn: That’s the traditional one? Thank you, I’ll try both.

            • +1

              @Skatez: yeah.
              I also like the red tractor brand from coles on sale.

          • @bohn: Quick oats have slightly higher gi, but the fiber and nutritional values should be exactly the same.

            • @stuckster: yeah I may have been thinking of a different type of oat product

            • @stuckster: Probably varies between brands but conventional wisdom is that quick oats have slightly less fibre because of their extra processing. Apart from GI (and taste/texture) most differences are apparently very minor.

              Just one of numerous sites with similar comments, albeit this one attempts to provide some typical (???) values.

              • @Igaf: Yep I'm sure it varies by brand and we can certainly agree that typically more processing equates to more fibre removed. However, the Uncle Toby's oats discussed here both have the same fibre content at 9.2g/100g. Woolworths homebrand and Lowan brand (the two other brands stocked by Woolworths) also have the same fibre content when comparing Rolled oats to Quick oats.

                So it would seem that in the case of quick oats at least, the processing involved in chopping the oats into smaller pieces is not significant enough to affect the fibre content.

                • @stuckster: I doubt they've actually done any solid analysis but we have to take their word for it. The (very small) fibre difference in quick oats isn't related to chopping into smaller prices but in the finer rolling (squashing the oat more marginally breaks down the fibre) and longer steaming - apparently. Perhaps UT uses a special process. We had UT when we were kids but I haven't tried them for decades.

  • Woolworths half price is the Quick 2 minutes oats only, not the traditional ones,

  • +1

    I stopped eating oats, too many chemicals used for growing them.

    • Same! I use to eat them religiously until I discovered they had Maltodextrin in them. Everything seems to be filled with artificial garbage these days.

      • Yup all the arguments about taste are irrelevant, the real problem is you need to get organic and trust it's not a lie, just easier to avoid and find an alternative clean source of carbs.

      • +1

        And thats bad because of?

        • From my layman understanding

          Maltodextrin is classified as an 'artificial sweetener' which leads people to believe it has no calories. And technically the thing itself does not have any calories. So if you read it on the box, it doesn't increase the 'carb' macro.

          But it converts inside your body and spikes your sugar levels in basically the exact same way as real sugar does.

          So it's basically a 'fake' low-calorie sweetener depending on how you look at it. Also it's in basically 1/4 of everything that is marketted as 'low calorie' meaning it's a scam if you shop to lose weight.

      • +1

        The sachet pre measured versions tend to have more sugar and other additives this is normal plain rolled oats.

      • +1

        How did you discover this? The ingredients listed (at least for these oats) are 100% whole grains rolled oats.

  • The cheaper no name oats often contain bits of husk, powdery dregs and whatnot. So paying a bit more for better quality is worth it, imo.

    Having said that, steel cut oats trumps rolled oats.

    • For nutritional value yes. Certainly not for convenience 🙂

  • Bought these, box came slightly punctured. Free replacement with customer support.

    Note to self - buy only plastic packaged food from Amazon.

    • +1

      Yeah I find that if you buy 1 box of oats, chips, biscuits etc they smash them into a satchel which can be problematic. However if you buy 2 or more they put it into a box, so I try to that when practical.


  • Available again.

  • I buy the red tractor brand, is uncle toby better?

    • +1

      I find red tractor and uncle tobys pretty much the same - that is to say, good.
      One is definitely not better than the other.

  • It is healthy but Watch out high level heavy metals, glyphosate chlormequat

    • we can't win in this world
      may as well just eat KFC 9 for $9 then? ;)

      • With the amount of protein. Probably a better choice

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