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[OnePass] 30% off Hada Labo & CeraVe Skincare (Excludes Advanced Repair Balm) @ Priceline [Free Sister Club Membership Required]
edit: actually, if you compute for 30% less. its around the same price as cw. so no actual discount. and you can also find it cheaper elsewhere. not a deal. more like a signup campaign than actual discount
cw must be a bad anchor point.
still cheaper somewhere else……
still cheaper somewhere else……
do they offer free delivery with no minimum spend? if not, then what's the extra cost?
@tonester: edit: so discounted price is around same price at chemist but if i pay 40 a year, not only do i get ~42% higher markup price after the weekend sale, but also the privilege to get free delivery? no thanks. still not a deal
so same price at chemist warehouse, but if i pay 40 a year, i get free delivery? no thanks. still not a deal
@tonester: apparently no one? still doesnt merit the signup markup disguised as discount. im totally happy paying the regular price, thank you very much. still. not. a. deal.
and why does hada labo look like that? seems fake. the usual hada labo i buy is nowhere near that look… cleanser at priceline is 25… original is 17
I got excited when I saw they were stocking Hada Labo too.. Seems like some watered down Gaijin version lol
lol @gaijin version. i was like, surely priceline is not selling any fakes. apparently, theyre legit rohto products. this version is more expensive than imported japan ones
this version is more expensive than imported japan ones
are you including the delivery cost of the imported products?
@tonester: because this deal is not forever. lol. im happy to not pay coles any more than what i get from somewhere else. thank you
Do you think maybe, just maybe, different packaging for diff markets?
Im not sure how well a product with foreign language will sell. You can't even tell/see English brand name in the original.
i get that. but for a brand that has a cult following, people will think twice if the new look is legit. a lot of korean products have an american offshoot to cater for the west. with hada labo, they reused the name, but got a design overhaul. skin lab (hada=skin, labo=lab) would have been a perfectly nice brand name and not confuse people, especially those who are already loyal to the brand. and it seems they are targeting people who dont know the brand anyway
Since its introduction in Japan in 2004, the Hada Labo brand has grown to more than 60 different products and expanded its success to several Asian countries. Hada Labo Tokyo™ is the first Japanese skincare line to launch at U.S. mass retailers.
It seems like the Tokyo line has existed for a while. But since its usually easier/cheaper for us Aussies to import/buy from Asia than the U.S, you (and most people including myself) didn't know about this line until Priceline starting promoting it.
seems they are targeting people who dont know the brand anyway
The way to grow the business.
@Ughhh: all good. just had to clarify. the way you referenced it made it look like the line was from 2004.
nonetheless, im very happy with the cheaper import ones that does exactly the same. no thank you, priceline
@tonester: jack up the price by 42% and claim discount by 30 so people sign up to a 40/ year service that no one needs. sure.
@tonester: honey, its already finished. no point in arguing if the price has gone back up to the more expensive non discounted price
@tonester: actually yes! im a maths major and have worked in marketing. so i actually do know what im talking about. we do love to obfuscate the real value so people think theyre getting something out of nothing. just like this.
@tonester: by having people sign up to a discounted yearly service, people think theyve gamed the system when in reality, they are suckered to only buy from this "service" because of sunk cost and perceived value.
just getting the same product elsewhere and saving
@tonester: because its now "back" to 25…
@tonester: im happy to buy them whenever i feel like it and still get it cheaper than to wait for a jacked up discount weekend that may never come back because im already signed up to the service.
what did you buy anyway?
i only go to priceline for theordinary. with everything else, i get them cheaper elsewhere
Yeah it's definitely not a good discount at that
why is cw still cheaper tho? am i missing something?… is 30 at priceline… 22 at chemist warehouse… is 43 at priceline… 33 at chemist warehouse