Vornado Air Circulator 660 Large Air Circulator, Black $179.99 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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First time posting, so please excuse any errors.
My 3rd Kmart fan in 3 years just died, so I decided to check if Vornados were on special anywhere and saw the Black and White Variety of Vornado 660 were the cheapest they've been all year on Amazon and decided to pick one up. There's apparently only 2 in stock for the White Variety.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +12

    For those interested , the DC model - 633dc is smaller but dc for those that prefer dc, currently $182 with good guys commercial (membership access required)

    in terms of CFM:
    660: High Speed CFM = 584
    633DC: High Speed CFM = 435

    • +3

      DC kicks ass compared to AC fans.

      • +1

        Particularly for my camping holidays

  • My 3rd Kmart fan in 3 years just died

    Were those the Vornado clone ones? I've had nothing but luck with mine.

  • Whats the difference or advantage of dc? quieter?

    • DC is quieter and more energy efficient

      • +3

        Quieter for sure.

        The energy efficient claim can be true but is often warped; lots of companies quote the lower wattage motor and ignore the transformer losses; gotta measure at the wall.

    • +1

      Also, the speed can be finely tuned , and you can use it with smart switch.

    • +1

      AC version needs to be physically switched on after it loses power so no good with a smart switch - DC version will revert to last state after power is removed, ie, if you turned off power via smart switch, it will be on if you turn on power with smart switch. I have one and use it for indoor cycling, I got teh DC version so I can power it on while riding

  • Can someone please explain why this is worth it's price? I'm keen, had a quick look at reviews but more keen on ozbargain personal experience on this before getting jumping in.

    What is it good at, what not to expect.

    Safe for kids 1-2yo to approach?

    • +3

      Assuming your Asian coz of your tag.. so you do use fans during summer. This isn't a fan, you won't feel the breeze if you point it at you.

      It's more to circulate cold (or hot!) air which comes from your a/c. Very good for bigger houses.

      The Bunnings ones are <$50 and does the same thing for smaller homes.

      • Thanks for your responds but how does it circulate air if it doesn't blow directly at you?

        What is considered bigger house? 300-400m2 internal considered big enough?

        So during summer, if I turn on the AC and not feeling the temperature drop during a 40 deg week in Perth, this will help?

        • -2

          "circulate air" if a fan does not circulate air, it is a dead fan (or not a fan). Marketing vs physics.

          Bought one for home, tried and returned the next day. Too noisy and doesn't do what a fan won't do.

          Get a standing fan for $30, and a high velocity (noisey) one for $60. Use it to situation.

        • +3

          I own one of these and it has a powerful stream of air when aimed toward you.

        • +2

          how does it circulate air if it doesn't blow directly at you?

          It depends how you use the air circulator — some people point it towards the ceiling in a corner of the room to create some turbulence and circulate the air. Others (like me) just point it directly where we need the cool breeze, like a normal fan.

          So during summer, if I turn on the AC and not feeling the temperature drop during a 40 deg week in Perth, this will help?

          An air circulator will help distribute the cool air more evenly. Whether it makes your home more comfortable or not, is hard to say, it depends on your home layout. If your aircon is too small and unable to cool your home properly, then an air circulator won't help.

      • +2

        I have one. Can definitely feel the air movement from it when it's pointed at me.

      • you won't feel the breeze if you point it at you.

        This is just, wrong

      • This isn't a fan, you won't feel the breeze if you point it at you.

        Whaaa? It's totally a fan. It's got… fan blades and these blades spin around just like… a fan.

        These things absolutely blast air in a narrow cone. If you point it at you, it's far windier than a normal fan running at similar noise levels.

        Did you mean something else?

        It's more to circulate cold (or hot!) air which comes from your a/c. Very good for bigger houses.

        These work fine without an AC.

    • +4

      the fans are used to move air around the room. It helps the room feel like there’s a very slight breeze (you just need to find a strategic spot to point them to encourage the air to spread across the room).

      Compared to a direct fan pointing at you, it’s not as good, but the feeling of the room having a slight breeze can make some rooms a lot more tolerable. Essentially it’s like dropping the temperature by a few degrees.

      If you combine it with a heater or AC, it’s even more effective.

  • +1

    I’m not a fan of this.

    • +1

      You must be on page 1 of the dad joke book…keep reading.

  • +1

    luckily use regional plebs aren't allowed this AMAZON SAYS NO

    • Maybe you have a kmart nearby instead. Their version works quite well, though is only AC.

  • +1

    Pretty sure Costco had it in store for $169

  • +1

    I’m a fan of these Vornados. The main reason is that is does indeed produce a breeze, more natural to a traditional fan, that does circulate the whole room, whether you value that for the premium in price is up to you. Ive got 2 of these running 24/7 for next to nothing (dc model) and am very happy.

  • In before someone says their $10 Kmart fan is just as good.

    • +1

      I have this and the $10 Kmart one and the $10 Kmart is just as good if you have both fans directly in your face.

    • Nah, but the $59 kmart version of this is an easy 80% as good, at 33% the price.

      • Do you get 240% or 80% or 100% if you get 3 kmart fans

    • how about that anko industrial style fan

      will need to make room on the desk and invest in a comfortable set of goggles


      • Those things are a bit crap, unless you're somewhere like a workshop. Or you want to achieve that "ghetto Asian restaurant" look.

        They are prone to vibrating around and being unpleasantly noisy.

  • +1

    The AC version is seriously overrated. The DC version is perhaps the wiser choice.

    • Yeah, this. I wouldn't bother with any AC Vornados, especially at this price.

  • +1

    I have a DC Vornado and it's excellent. In lieu of no bathroom fan. Genuinely impressive performance and energy usage.

  • difficult to clean, black would be better to hide the dirt

  • these things are insane, bought one last summer for $230 (was out of stock everywhere so i paid premium) but still not at all disappointed, worth every dollar. i dont have AC and conventional fans weren't enough to keep me cool at night, pointing this right at me means i can sleep even through 30+ degree nights :)

  • https://www.bunnings.com.au/mistral-50cm-black-metal-floor-f…

    One of these will prob need a blanket on.

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