• expired

5G Home Internet Unlimited Data (100/20) $54.99/Month for 6 Months ($64.99/Month Ongoing), Modem Included @ TPG


Having seen a few deals for 5g internet services on Ozb before, it struck me that this is quite a good deal, even without the $10 off for the first 6 months. If you look around at any wired plans, $64.99 on an ongoing basis is still cheaper than anywhere else I could find for 100 down (I'm sure ill be told if im wrong), and provides a good alternative to those who are still not able to access FTTP.

100/20 max speed (100/15 typical evening speed).

No lock-in contract
$0 refurbished 5G modem^
$0 activation fee
$0 delivery

^A refurbished modem will be provided to use with your plan. TPG retains ownership of the modem and it must be returned if the service is cancelled.

Typical Evening Speeds are subject to change and measured between 7pm and 11pm. These are not guaranteed minimum speeds and speeds may vary. You may experience slower speeds during this period and at other times.

Techy types should be aware that 5G Home Broadband uses CG-NAT. Carrier-grade NAT (Network Address Translation) is a type of network that assigns services with a private IP address, instead of a dynamic public IP address. Our network will then translate that private address into a public address. This means that the following items (which depend on internal NAT) will not work on 5G Home Broadband:

  • Port forwarding
  • Hosting web, email or file servers internally
  • Smart Home systems (e.g. accessing security camera footage remotely, home automation and printers)
  • Remote Access (i.e. accessing your home computer or devices from another location)

If you need any of these items in your home setup, 5G Home Broadband won’t be the right fit for you. Please check your address on our website for one of our other great broadband plans.

Referral Links

Referral: random (7)

Referrer gets $100, up to $1000 a month.

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closed Comments

  • We have TPG NBN Cable 50 Plan ( 50 Mbps Download / 17 Mbps Upload) from next month $79.99.

    Wondering if this 5G plan is better than this?

    • +7

      I personally would go 50/20 FTTP over 100/15 5G purely for latency and reliability. Depends on your usage.

      • +2

        I agree. I had the 4G version of this for about 2 years. I live 50m away from the Vodafone tower (TPG uses Vodafone) and for the first 6 months it was great and then it was so unreliable. My advice is to test this for the initial trial period and really hammer it to make sure it’s consistently reliable. On some nights I was getting 3-5mbps down speed which was unusable. It may be better in your area but for me it became unusable so I switched.

        • +2

          I always wonder if they do something to improve service reliability during trials so that the customer signs up.

    • Personally i would go for a fixed line if i priorities stability

    • I'm on HFC 50/20 with Optus, they keep offering 5G … easy way to test is tether off your phone for a while and see how it is. It's very dependent on coverage, have 5G micro-cell towers on end of street but problem is have flats in the way. I work from home 3 days per week so reliability and latency is important.

  • +4

    Even on your home network, wired is faster and more reliable than wireless WIFI network.

  • +4

    Been on this plan for 8 months with NO dropouts. Speeds during the day around 250/30mbps night time seems to be throttled but hovers around 60-100/20mbps. Wont be going back to NBN as this undercuts by large margin and much faster then the previous FTTN.
    Casual gaming and never had an issue with latency either ~18-25ms
    We have clear line of sight to mobile tower which is 1km away so your results would vary depending on this.

    • 2 years wfh with this through iinet (same network tpg, iinet, Vodafone) no issues faster than my nbn. You will find better value bundling if you also have mobile service with one.

      Current speedtest 180/8 then 209/15
      Both on vpn

      Swapped to Nokia modem and seemed to a take few days to find its max speed and hook into a strong 5g signal but still worked during this time without 5g light on.

      • What is the latency?

  • Thank you for the answers, I wanted to know if it'll be better than my FTTP esp for latency and reliability.

    • +8

      Nothing beats FTTP.

  • I have it and it's ok and reliable enough but not available everywhere. Changed over to a Nokia modem (from Tpg) as the sagecomm one was always dropping out. Cheaper than NBN

    Recommend to go for 100/20 if you WFH

    • I initially had a modem issues also…. it was the ipv6 setting needed to be changed to ipv4 only fixed issue on both Sagemcom and Nokia modem

  • +3

    I was on this plan, the speed I was getting is less than 10 Mbps. I'm still waiting on the TIO response to my complaint with TPG.

    • +2

      The "independent" telecommunication ombudsman paid for by the telcos? I wonder what would they answer and what actions would they take.

      • +2

        well they charge the telco's every time a complaint is made, so tou get the satisfaction that they're paying for your whinging.

  • I moved to this plan after the price increase. No drop outs so far and my speeds are great. So far so good, YMMV.

  • Yes very interested to hear everyone's thoughts.

  • +1

    Seems like quite a few negatives, but it's crazy that the cost can be cheaper than a wired network. More competition for the NBN is welcomed though.

  • I signed up to this about a month ago after my last NBN price increase, working great so far at speeds higher than 100mps.

    • Yep my experience is exactly same. Very reliable, cheaper, faster than fttn which I was on.

  • I have theTPG 5g, it’s been working great. Also have Tapo 210 security cameras around house & can access them remotely- no issues

  • TPG NBN plans used to have a $20 phone prepayment (for a voip phone service that you might never use) . Does that apply to this plan.

  • +1

    I have 8 people in the house using tpg 5g. Netflix gaming etc has been good so far

  • Aww nuts, my address is not available. Anyone have any idea how often I should check back to see when more areas are available? Is there a alert I can sign up for that will let me know?

    • Last week they added my area. I have a mobile plan and they texted me that 5g was available at my area. Moving to this from Optus asap.

  • +2

    TPG is the worsest… never again!

  • This or iinet plan?

  • +1

    Not even for free, TPG is so bad, you can compare TPG https://bgp.he.net/AS7545#_graph4 with Superloop https://bgp.he.net/AS38195#_graph4

  • Says not available to me and only fixed wireless is

  • I had this in South Brisbane (Telstra Velocity area - wasn't going to pay $120/mth for a 50/20 connection), and was easily clocking 160 down most of the day, down to around 100 during peak. Connection was fairly stable, but given it's on 5G, YMMV.

    Ended up cancelling it when I moved a couple of streets away with NBN FTTP (first-6-month 50/20 connections were $5/mth cheaper, and I didn't really need anything quicker than a 25/10 connection anyway).

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