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[SUBS] Inside Out 2 (2024) - Streaming from 25 Sep 2024 @ Disney+


Spotted on their Instagram ad - available to watch on 25 Sep 2024.
One of the best sequel animation in 2024!

Hope they make more animation movies like this!

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  • +3

    Got an email from Disney+ offering 3 months for $13.99. Kind of want to see Inside out 2 but still not sure its worth it.

    • +1

      3 months for that price I think kind of worth it. You can also watch some other movies added recently or some of their TV shows are good too.

    • I got 6 months free and I still don’t think it’s worth it…

    • Careful posting deals here fella

    • Just sail the seven seas for it honestly.
      EDIT: Or import the Blu-Ray from somewhere, then either play it on your own player or rip the disc for your server.

    • $13.99 each month or for all 3 months? If for all 3 just do it, it's cheaper than a movie ticket, and gives so much more. There's tons of other great stuff on there like Andor, Orville, Solar Opposites, etc.

  • For all the criticisms launched at Disney, they still make really good animations. So what if they want to try something new like She-Hulk and SW Acolyte (which I thoroughly enjoyed) - they are entitled to and should not have to answer to anyone but their shareholders. All these SW fanbois and so-called macho men who complain of wokeness should stop whining like little girls. Go buy some DIS stocks so you can attend their AGM and complain there.

    • -2

      Pixar made this.

      • +1

        Pixar, MarvelFilms, LucasAss, all Disney Original now baby

        • +1

          Explains why their movies have been rather poor lately. Except for this, it was ok.

          • -4

            @PainToad: There are some fixed-minded adults who nostalgically want to watch the new Little Mermaid to relive their childhood. They seem to overlook the idea of fresh interpretations and should allow their children to form their own opinions.

            • +2

              @CptnObvious: Disney should make a movie about accepting others can have differing opinions and then you should watch it.

    • -1

      So because you have horrible taste it means that the crap that Disney has been pumping out isn’t worthy of criticism?
      Oh and I take offence to “whining like little girls”, sexist.

      • -2

        As you should. You know yourself well.

    • should not have to answer to anyone but their shareholders

      I mean the viewers/customers are stakeholders which do carry weight in decision making.

      • Not if these viewers carry no weight. Not all customers are the same.

        • +1

          I agree but I think Disney is too quick to blame viewers when a show flops
          In my opinion they're overlooking their shortcomings and simply write off any criticism as toxic fans

    • +2

      they are entitled to and should not have to answer to anyone but their shareholders

      so they need to answer to lots of people haha

      • -3

        Their shareholders are worried about cost challenges. The sooner Disney can replace live-action and voice actors with AI the better.

        • The sooner Disney can replace live-action and voice actors with AI the better.

          I suppose you also want AI written scripts and AI produced soundtracks.
          I can't think of anything more miserable.

          • @FireRunner: Why, if AI can provide same or better level of creativity? If they can't yet shouldn't we cultivate them? Are we as humans so petty as to hold back advancing intelligence because we see them as a threat? If the Old Ones thought the same way as us we as humans would not exist today.

  • watched this on plex a few weeks ago, not a bad movie, arguably better than the first.

  • +10

    If it's your thing, this has been on certain seas for a while now

    • I get distracted with other things on those high seas.

    • +3

      would you steal an ozbargain account???????

    • +1

      Stremio is king

  • +1

    I cried. Great movie!

  • +1

    I enjoyed it, but not as good as the 1st movie IMO. Worth a watch for sure.

  • "Maybe this is what happens when you grow up. You feel less joy."

    Straight into the feels 🥺

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