2025 Rolls-Royce Spectre - The $1 Million EV


  • +7

    You know that it’s just a price, yeah? They can make up any price and slap on it. Kia could make a EV Sportage and put a $1.1million price tag on it.

    You are not paying for the car, you are paying for the “Rolls Royce” badges on the front and back.

    It’s more about making headlines and creating advertising via people like you cutting and pasting links to articles and doing their marketing work for them…

  • +6

    Surely this is the world's most expensive EV?

    Not even close…

    • -5

      Not even close…

      Nice but so impractical for a family.

      • +4

        What family cars would you recommend in the $1million plus price range?

        • +4

          1999 Toyota camry. For 1M you can buy about 320 of them.

          You did say cars.

        • -2

          Rolls Royce Boatail

          Mercedes-Maybach Exelero

    • +3

      I thought that Lotus sounded a bit slow when I saw the 9.2s spec but checked the fine print and it's not 0-100 km/h it's 0-300 km/h.

  • +4

    Pretty sure the 2024 model was around the same price when I inquired at my local dealership.

  • -5

    It’s more about making headlines and creating advertising via people like you cutting and pasting links to articles and doing their marketing work for them…

    Yep. You are correct.

    I've signed a deal with RR. I get 10% of everyone sold to an OzBargain member if they enter the code PEGAXS

    • +6

      Code is not valid. You need to be an ozbargain platinum plus member.

      • +5

        Worked for me… if you are a Premium Plus™ member, you can also try code “BUTTHURT” for a 12% off discount.

        • +5

          Success! The code has been applied to your cart. Proceed to payment.

          • +3

            @MS Paint: Did you put it though on Shopback? They have a $3 Peters of Kensington gift card offer as well.

            • +3

              @pegaxs: Cancelling now so I can do the process again via shopback. Cheers for the heads-up.

            • @pegaxs: If I go Brogen mode, does that give me 5 x $3 Peters of Kensington gift card?

        • Only worked once for me. Couldn't apply it to a second order.

        • -1

          you can also try code “BUTTHURT”

          I don't need your medical problems.

          • +2

            @CurlCurl: No “BUTTHURT” in the rear seats of 2025 Rolls-Royce Spectre. Can't speak for the driver's seat, we owners never sit there.

        • try code BUTTHURT for a 12% off discount

          Is this the biggest discount we've seen on a 1 million dollar EV?

    • +3

      I’d rather sign the same deal but 0.05% on Toyota Camrys on ozbargain

  • +2

    I prefer the Lambo Hybrid but I'm running out of room in the garage.

    • +1

      You can borrow mine if you want.

      Also has anyone seen my Batmobile?

      • +1

        Oh yep sorry, just let me move the GTR Nur out of the way so you can get it. I'll take it for a quick trip to the shops

        • +2

          "Yeah, watch the boat, mate…"

  • +3

    Damn. Just a bit over the fringe benefit threshold for novated leases.

  • +6

    What advantages does this EV car have over, say, an EV bus? Which I could also afford

    • -1

      Well count djones shall we discuss the

  • -3

    I prefer my vehicle to have internal combustion , so much more practical in every way.

  • +2

    To people with extreme wealth, the price is irrelevant.

    It could, be $1, $100,000, a million or 5 million.

    Makes no difference to them

    • To the extremely wealthy the higher the price the more they want it. It's a Veblen good.

  • +2

    Tempting!!! Pity, I have a Hyundai Excel already

  • +3

    It's only $770k, you need to fully option it to reach the headline figure.

    • +1

      Don't come in here with your so called "facts"

  • +1


  • meh … 7 news article === the most reliable source of information.
    ESP regards to cars.

    just saying !!!!

  • Worth it for Novated Lease or straight Bankstown cash?

  • +4

    Thanks bought 3.

  • +1

    Ev prices are a joke

    I can get a second hand 2006 Honda Accord for $6k and it will do the exact same thing


  • With the saving against fuel costs it would pay for itself in no time. Probably good for an Uber gig!

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