Automatic Water Gun Red/White/Blue/Green US$2.07 (~A$3.14) Delivered (New Users Only) @ Shop1103772493 Store AliExpress

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Price for new members (welcome discount)

So I don't post much these days; I don't see many deals in my travels. I was wasting my time this evening being a little bit of a manchild looking at cheap weapon replicas (possibly wizard staffs) and the like. I sort of stumbled across this 'deal' and just remembered that I used to sell something similar years ago in a small gift shop which went for like $60. Someone recently sort of challenged me to post a deal so I figured this might actually classify as one to someone out there. Weirdly decent reviews with images for this shop so I wasn't worried about risking $3.

I couldn't tell you the market value of this thing because another popular Aliexpress shop has them for $30 usually but some shops are selling them for like $14. The deal for me is just the free shipping and discount from the welcome deal, which seals the journey of plastic hunk of landfill binding it to a new master for a gold coin donation. This is the kind of present you pretend to buy for the kids but comes in handy after the Christmas intoxication sets in. Imagine the waterworks and general sort of pestering of family members you can pull off. Dare to create a new aliexpress account and test the waters with me. Become the Blue wizard!!

Cost breakdown:
Subtotal: AU$1.51
Tax: AU$1.63
Total: AU$3.14

Related Stores

Shop1103772493 Store
Shop1103772493 Store


  • +2

    Can you only buy 1?

    Tried to add multiple but didn't work

    • +1

      Yes, unfortunately seems that way. I personally made a few accounts just to grab a few. Lot of legwork but I am fairly certain the welcome deals usually restrict quantity to 1.

      • +3

        How do you get around the multiple phone numbers?
        Edit: other than having multiple phone numbers ._.

        • I find it doesn't seem to care, only the email address needs to be new

      • +1

        @GrumpyGandalf I’d also like to know who to make multiple AliExpress accounts.. Help for the uninitiated?

      • Would like to know too :o

  • I’m getting a shipping fee - any way to avoid that?

    • +1

      Local pickup in Shanghai

  • Cheers OP grabbed one

  • thanks o0

  • -1

    Not the same gun but I tried to buy a pistol for like $1.50 and the seller on Aliexpress refunded me without any notice. So I was disappointed with the non-communication and also the feeling of not getting what I wanted. I thought that the seller refunded my purchase because it wasn't worth it for them to send me my purchase.

    So now I hesitate to buy anything off Ali. But I hope to do so again one day because I still browse their app and there are lots of interesting stuff in there.

    • +6

      And nothing of value was lost

      • -1

        Oh to be one so lucky that time has no value. If only that was all of us!

    • I bought the same water gun from AliExpress and was refunded. It was something to do with custom knocking back to sender.

      I buy quite a bit from AliExpress and this is the only time I had it refunded.

      • that's weird, I bought gel pellet pistols (not powered) and a plastic pellet firing revolver and neither were rejected even though both were intercepted by customs

    • Weird I've tried to buy multiple water pistols too and they were never shipped/arrived. Might be a customs issue

      I've never had issues with alie otherwise, I've purchased over hundreds of stuff from there.

    • +5

      Axe murderer identified

    • Direct fill or did you use a funnel?

  • +1

    The water blaster is $1.51 & the 10% GST is $1.63…. Good math AliExpress…
    Either way, summer sorted for the kids!

  • "Order Unsuccessful". The site has detected unusual activity from your region

  • Ehh why not lol. Can't hurt for summer. Thanks OP!

  • I was able to get one at $1.43 and one at $13ish by just choosing other deal links at the bottom of the page.
    Of course it may get cancelled. We'll see.

  • +1

    Fill up that rubbish tip people. Awww yeah

    • Get a move on it! They won't fill themselves!

  • I have never in my life had so many errors and issues trying to complete an AliExpress order. Gave up after 40 minutes of countless issues (mostly in chinese text).

    • Seems to be working much better now. Ordered 2, cheers!

  • Thanks, OP! I grabbed one.

  • Waterproof upgrade available


  • ordered one, tks op.

    lets see how crappy this 3 dollars watergun can be.

  • Thanks OP, bought 1

  • Link is looping back to this page?

  • Thanks OP, Bought 2 with different accounts…..

  • +1

    PSA 1: dont fill it with green pondwater like the kid in the video - unless you actually do want to spray your fam and frends with ecoli and listeria this summer

    PSA 2: another li-ion battery device of questionable charging safety. dont leave it charging unattended - unless you actually do want to burn your house down

  • Anyone know if these can be submerged in water for pool activities..

  • Out of curiosity, you mentioned weapon replicas. I wanted those toy guns that just shoot out the casing from the chamber, have you ordered those before and did you have any trouble with customs?

  • Finally I've got a proper weapon against the stabbing villains…

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