Firefly Free @ 7plus Streaming


After taking aboard a group of passengers bound for another planet, the crew of the spaceship Serenity encounters lawmen, double-dealers and savages.

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  • +25

    Watch and get disappointed it didn’t get renewed or not watch and stay disappointed I didn’t watch

    • +24

      Life is, as they say, suffering.

    • +2

      I thought the movie did a good job of tying up the overarching plot (though you have to deal with [spoilers] and [spoilers] [spoilers]ing) and like with a lot of Joss Whedon's stuff (prior to the unpleasantness coming to light) there's a comic continuation.

    • I want to understand!

  • +5

    What's the bargain here?

    • +3

      The "free" part I think?

      • +21

        I heard you can stream the 6pm news for free on 7Plus also

        • +15

          Mind if I post that one?

          • +3

            @dreamstation: You seem confused. Clowns are silly. They weren’t silly. They made a completely valid point.

            • @PainToad: Who can compare the nightly news to this legendary show and still keep a straight face?

        • +3

          I think the difference here is that Firefly isn't normally available to stream for free?

          On 7plus you can watch it for free whereas on Youtube, Apple TV and Disney+ it will cost you.

      • +2

        7 plus is always free

        • Firefly isn't always free

    • You get frustrated, head to the bar and have 7 pints!. Surely the bar gains from it! 🥸

  • +3

    It’s on Disney too

    • +2

      You can't sue Disney if you go that route

      • -1

        Disney should be banned from Australia. I've had enough of their crap. One of the nastiest prolific companies

    • Is Disney+ free?

  • +23

    Even if went for just one season and a movie it was one of the best sci-fi of its time. Classic and a great binge watch.

    • +4

      It's still one of the best written shows ever.

      You know how some shows just have really good acting and writing, so much that the cast feels like people you know in real life? It's one of those rare gems.

      • +1

        Agree - this series was top notch. I'll probably watch it again - I'm curious to see if it has aged well.

        I will say this: I detested the movie ("Serenity"). It seemed a ham-fisted, rushed attempt to finish the story - and once it has been watched you can't "untell" the ending(s) it gave us.

        I wish they had just left it where the series ended: let the audience imagine for themselves how their lives played out.

        btw Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic show that the majority overwhelming disagree with me.

  • -2

    a 20 year old tv series

    • +3

      And? It holds up really well.

  • +10

    It's not free. There are ads

    • -2

      So does Free to Air TV

      • +2

        And? FTA isn’t a bargain either.

    • Use the kodi add on for ad free experience

    • Plus you have to also first buy a TV or phone/tablet, have an active internet connection and pay for electricity!!!

  • +2

    One of my all time favorites. If you haven't seen, watch the first few. You'll be singing the opening song in no time

  • Uuum any ads?

    • +3

      Uuum yes ?

  • +2

    Amazing series which of course means it was immediately cancelled.

    • +1

      But they got to complete the story with a movie, so it has a proper ending.

      (So it's nothing like Netflix cancelled shows where watching is a waste of time because you're left hanging).

  • +5

    The show was released out of order, at varying timeslots and was cancelled at 14 episodes, despite being fantastic.

    The movie Serenity (2005) helps conclude the show that could have been.

  • +5

    I dont need to watch Firefly for the 10th time.

    I will anyway, but its not because I need to.

  • +7

    Sheldon Cooper : We agree to reserve Friday nights to watch Joss Whedon's brilliant new show Firefly. Leonard : Does that really need to be in the agreement? Sheldon Cooper : We might as well settle it now. It's going to be on for years.

    • i watched that ep just last week

    • I both laughed and cried at that joke when I first watched that episode. It still kinda hurts actually.

  • +1

    Dont watch this unless you plan on watching Serenity

    The show starts getting really really good (after a slightly slow start) then the show got cancelled and you get no closure

    Serenity ties it off but you feel like the show would of done are more in depth job exploring the characters/lore/universe

  • Have it on blu ray. Good reminder to rewatch. If you have it blu ray or dvd, there are quite of lot extras worth listening to.

    Also, apparently Joss Whedon had planned on 7 seasons. Shame it never happened.

  • +2

    Shiny…. awesome series at the time

  • +2

    Oh I was just thinking about rewatching this last week but couldn't be bothered digging out a DVD player and the box set so this'll do nicely.

  • -3

    Any fan already owns this on Blu-ray. I wish the money I pay towards taxes would stop being contributed to funding free to air TV, I don’t watch it and haven’t for over 10 years, and I don’t feel that I should be subsidising those that still do any longer.

    • 100% Also stop funding Triple J. If you want to listen to terrible pretentious music, find it on Spotify.

      • -2

        I haven’t listened to the radio for even longer than the last time I watched free to air TV… If radio and free to air TV ceased to exist I would care at all, and I don’t think I should continue paying to prop them up for the much lower than 100 percentage of people that still do care about them and want watch and listen to these old school formats… If they can’t survive without my tax funding then too bad sad they should die off, however if they can stand on their own two feet and can be viable on their own then great, if they are able to survive purely from the funds of those that want to watch and listen to their content, then good lucky to them, I still won’t watch or listen though.

      • Both of you have very limited mindset regarding job creation and arts investment. You may not like what's produced, frankly that doesn't matter.

        Also, only some FTA is subsidised (ABC, SBS)

        JJJ is also the only listenable radio station to me. Not that my personal taste matters either, because again taste is not all that matters.

    • wish the money I pay towards taxes would stop being contributed to funding free to air TV

      I thought only ABC and SBS received government funding?

      • -2

        I don’t watch or care about ABC or SBS, no different to any other free to air TV channel/network, or radio station… I contribute to Government funding of these from my taxes, I don’t care if you’re taxes pay for it if you still want it, I care if my tax dollars do though.

        I own over 5000 1080p and 4K Blu-rays, and pay for multiple streaming service, I have no need and never will have a need for free to air platforms ever again.

        • +2

          Demonstrates he's not the norm and would like everything to cater to him as an outlier. rollseyes

          • @justtoreply: The norm in 2024 isn’t the majority/95% of people watching free to TV. My father and his wife are a boomers, they absolutely love all of the boring crap on free to air TV (and refuse to watch streaming services even though I offer them my logins for free, they just claim they don’t like it and don’t take very well to change), and that’s what the taxes of the majority of millennials (which is the generation I belong to) and people younger are paying for when it comes to free to air platforms, to keep it alive for boomers that are used it and still love it. I’m happy to pay for it out of my taxes until mum and dad die because they like it, however I’m not wanting to fund it for you or anyone else.

  • +1

    I believe in something greater than my self.

  • -1

    Better to just watch battlestar Galactica followed by The Expanse

    • +1

      Or watch all 3, trio of the best scifi shows

    • Have to agree. Seen all three and it's only 7/10 for me, with the other 2 10/10. Check out also Pantheon and Invincible on Prime - great shows.

  • +1

    Just finished it. Keen to check out season 2

    • +1

      You’ll be waiting a while.

    • Why make hurtful comments like that?

  • +1

    Great series. Must watch.

  • Look up the best order to watch the episodes in btw

  • +1

    I'll be in my bunk

  • +2

    Did I like this show? Ask my daughter, Inara!

  • +1

    Oh look, free heart break everyone.
    proceeds to watch it again for the 26th time

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