[PC, Steam] Larian Studios Publisher Sale Inc. Baldur's Gate 3 for $71.96 (20% off) and More @ Steam


If you haven't already clicked through to the Steam link before reading this blurb then i commend you on your willpower to part with your gaming monies.

The whole of Larian Studios Steam catalogue is on sale, including the stupidly popular Baldur's Gate 3. The game they collected so many awards for that they complained about having to send staff to collect the awards. I am yet to buy it due to the real possibility of calling in sick to work for the next week and a bit just to play it. cough cough

As well as BG3, their other awesome, awesome titles - Divinity Original Sin 1 and Divinity Original Sin 2 are on sale at 80 and 70% off respectively. I would pay full price for these games but you only have to pay $19.48 for D:OS2 and $11.39 for D:OS1. I haven't played any of their other games so can't comment on those ones but if they're anything like the ones i've already listed, i'm sure they'll be good too.

If you have some money burning a hole in your pocket and hundreds of hours of free time then i can't recommend enough to buy these.

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  • +10

    even if youre not into D&D or top down games or turn based combat in general, please give this a shot. you'll thank yourself 80hrs in when you've had one of the best experiences in gaming.

    • Combat took me a long time to get the hang of, but I enjoyed it. Need to pick my playthrough back up, come to think of it ..

  • +8

    I envy people who can call in sick for a week and not just have all the work they need to do pile up on them.

    • +2

      The work and emails will definitely pile-up but the pain would be worth it

  • +1

    Not big into the genre, but this game is a 10/10.

  • +3

    This game is fantastic but I'm pretty sure I paid less at launch https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/791492

    • +1

      20% off MSRP this far after launch shows just how massive the sales figures must still be.

    • +1

      Bought it using that deal too and still haven’t played it lol

      • +1

        You're missing out. Play it!

  • +5

    If you enjoyed BG3 and haven't already, check out Original Sin 2. I'd say it's Larian's best game

    • Divinity Original Sin 2 is a great game.

  • +1

    I have no idea what I paid for BG3 and I never gave it a second thought. No reason to not get the best deal you can, but if you're actually waiting to play and can afford it, just grab it. I don't see how you could regret the purchase

  • Best game ever: BG3
    Second best game ever: DOS2
    The only problem anyone could have with the game is turn based combat. If you don't enjoy the combat I suggest dropping to easiest difficulty so you can nuke combat quickly and get back to the joys of each game.

    • I didn't enjoy D:OS2. I really love RPGs but I don't think Larian games style is for me.. I think it's too deep of an RPG that the complexities take away from the experience, not add to it..
      I know I'm a minority on this as it's super highly regarded, but it's also the reason why I haven't bought BG3

  • +4

    I am so jealous of people who get to play BG3 for the first time

  • This and the recent ozb post about the Yakuza series…. decisions to be made (hanging for the Capcom vs Marvel collection next week!).

    I'm interested in BG 3 but not sure how I'd go playing it.

  • +1

    Just bought through vpn moldova at GOG, for AU$35.76…still working

  • Obligatory "I would pay for this game 50 times" comment. I feel like we're stuck in a time-loop.

    But seriously, just pay once or twice if you're a PC and console player, and enjoy!

  • Purchased it through GOG which may have been an error in judgment - the download might take a while longer than it would if I used Steam lol.

  • A studio worth supporting, empowering honest workers who are not blinded by typical greed is so important nowadays.

    Terrific product releases ✨

  • You are kidding yourself if you think you can get away with only taking 1 week off work… I'm currently 140 hours in, still plenty to go :|

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