This was posted 6 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Short Dated] Pure Chicken Essence 60ml X 8 A$59 Delivered @ Eu Yan Sang, Singapore


Expiry Oct 2024

From website:

Prepared from fresh chicken to preserve its original nutrients.
Nice aroma, no frosty or gamy taste.
Over a long period of stewing, the essence of whole chicken dissolves into amino acid making it more easily absorbed by the digestive system.
Made with advanced manufacturing techniques, no refrigeration required.
No antibiotics, No growth hormones, No added salt, No added artificial colouring, fragrance and preservative.
Time and energy saving, suitable for busy lifestyle.
Easy to carry, sachet can be placed directly into boiling water or immersed in hot water.

Related Stores

Eu Yan Sang, Singapore
Eu Yan Sang, Singapore

closed Comments

  • Maintain vitality and improve the quality of breast milk.

    Good, ive beem feeling a quart low…

  • +7

    It is chicken stock with magical properties because reasons? $59 plz.

  • These are better……

    Can get them from local asian groceries, ~$35 or so per 6 pack

  • +1

    Are we guinea pigs here?

  • +2


    • +3

      Eau de poulet.

  • -4

    This is soooo expensive.

    I got 30 bottles in Malaysia for cheaper than this.

    talk about mark up

    Yes I know its not in Australia but there is not way 8 bottles is way more expensive than 30.…

    • +7

      they are not the same product (different ways of extraction)

      the normal BRANDS one are in bottle, in chinese they normally called "雞精", usually using high pressure cooking to make
      like this:…
      normal 雞精 usually a pretty strong taste and smell

      the one from OP using a double boiling method to extract, normally called "滴雞精" or "萃雞精"
      this new type of product are usually in a form of much smaller sealed bag
      BRANDS has this product line as well but only selling in Hong Kong and Taiwan
      like this:…
      their HK website (chinese):
      滴雞精 taste and smell are very light compare to normal 雞精

      • -2

        Still not worth the price tag. Neg me all you want but this is just marketing crap for a higher price tag.

        • from nutrition point of view (eg. amount of proteins)
          its actually best to just eat chicken, and they are way cheaper LOL

          • @littlesoldier: That too.

            Or you can boil the chicken and keep the "essence" from that and boil it again in some herbs if you really want the double boiling method.

  • +6

    Pure Chicken Essence 60ml

    Smells fowl.

  • chicken essence?

  • Essence of chicken

  • -3

    This in a super soaker down the dog beach makes for a piss funny day.

  • Extract of llama chicken

  • Or, buy cheap chicken frames, add to slow cooker w/bay leaf, onion, S&P, cover with water, and turn on low for 24- 48 hrs. Strain. Can strain even finer if desired. Place in fridge, remove fat cap next day & reserve for cooking (roast veg- YUM). Freeze the rest. I use large ice trays then pop into a freezer bag once frozen. Easy to use in whatever you wish.

  • well Im happy to check out what Watsons have on offer. I guess both brands are available in Malaysia and Singapore. Not sure if they are that much cheaper than Australia??? can someone please verify that?


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