Another price drop for this game on PC.
Hogwarts Legacy: Digital Deluxe Edition is also on sale for $29.98.
Another price drop for this game on PC.
Hogwarts Legacy: Digital Deluxe Edition is also on sale for $29.98.
Thanks! Offer ends 6 September.
Single player only unfortunately. It doesn't even have co-op. Such a missed opportunity.
I don't understand the downvotes. Is he lieing? I thought there was online..
people with no friends aka the redditors of ozbargain hate coop
So there's no play with friends at all in this? 😪
This would be so awesome with online. I'd even quit Elder Scrolls for a half-decent Harry Potter MMO.
I've watched the missus play this and it looks like you just hammer the trigger button to shoot wand. Unless she was playing it wrong
Playing through it slowly with my partner at her request.. The combat requires some finesse on hard difficultly… But it's not like sekiro or any of those games. The story is underwhelming and the characters all sound miserable and apathetic.
I largely watched my partner play through it.
My take was "It's farcry with magic", that said there were some cool puzzle sections that I saw and it looked playable.
Nothing amazing but if a Harry Potter Total conversion of Farcry sounds appealing it's worth the $30 imo
same here. never seen her desire to play let alone complete a game (outside of paper mario), she was obsessed.
i got a bit through it. got bored, but thought it pretty impressive. i feel like they only needed a few more different enemies and it woulda felt way more natural & less repetitive.
I regret paying full price, but overall it was a decent game.
People had high expectations, rightly so, and the game was wide as the ocean but deep as a puddle.
Ironically, combat is excellent compared to the world building (when we expected vice versa)
Disappointing that no free or even paid dlc was released for what feels like a game short on features
Personally, I was not a fan of half of the npc being African either, it was a jarring break of immersion
Lol, exact proportionate racial distribution?… Seriously?
Let me guess, there's also a token minority gender or two in it as well?
J.K would be turning in her proverbial grave, how is it possible that she even signed off on something so disgustingly and intelligence insultingly woke?
@Grish: Haven't played the game but if indeed half the NPC were black then that's a hit strange.. Given hogwarts is located in UK somewhere (presumption).
It would be a bit faster if you use other buttons in combination, but yes it can be beaten the default shoot wand + occasional dodge.
I saw some people on reddit suspecting that this might be in new months humble choice, probably a nothingburger, but the sale ends after the next humble choice comes out so might be worth waiting.
Also cheaper at Gamebillet
I have been holding off to get this game for a long time lol maybe I should finally get it.
Extremely average game, but a decent price.
You can set a game as private in your Steam library, just right-click on it (…).
This has to be a troll.
If you were fired for something in your steam library (unless it's use of said library on company time/equipment), you'd be pretty set for a wrongful dismissal claim.
This trolls probably been on celeb gossip media too long, needs a re do 😂
How is it a transphobic game? It even has a trans person in the game…
It does have a trans person, but they pitched their voice lines down to make them sound more trans, even though the voice actor is trans irl. Which is fine, you'd expect there to be trans wizards and witches in 2024 England, might have gone over some gamer's heads if they didn't pitch it down to make it sound more trans.
Hi. This is your boss. Yes, you're fired.
the hell is wrong with your company
Quick question - Is the saved data stored in the cloud? i.e. could I install the game on 2 different PC's - like home PC and a laptop, and have the saved data work on each PC when playing (obviously not at the same time)
Yup supports steam cloud so you can add it to the library of games on your steam deck/legion go and have progress move between that and other stuff.
This is also on sale on PS & Xbox.
PS5 -…
PS4 -…
XB1 -…
XB S/X -…
PS also has the free DLC Onyx Hippogriff.
PS5 -…
PS4 -…
I got it cheapest at g2a with applied code found online 22$ aud global steam key
Thanks for the tip.
Wouldn’t a portion of the sales be going to a certain odious genitalia-obsessed person?
You mean a person who believes in science and that there's two genders like the vast majority do, and stands up for women's rights? Happy to support that. Bought!
Being an anti-trans bigot doesn’t make you a feminist, quite the opposite.
In the last 12 months ringleaders of the anti-trans cult have:
JK Rowling has been at the forefront of most of this. She’s a nut job and you are too if you can’t see that being anti-trans has nothing to do with women’s rights.
The fact that you refer to an 'anti-trans cult' tells me all that I need to know and erodes any credibility you thought you had. Thank you.
@combatant: Good to know you’re at least aware that theres no room for you to dispute the horrific things anti-trans bigots like JK have been up to. Imagine sharing protest space and an ideology with sig heiling Nazis and still thinking you have credibility and moral high ground.
@hobbsey1: Now you're putting words in my mouth. I don't agree with a thing you've said but there's no point engaging because I can't be bothered with the ensuing argumentative diarrhoea that will clearly be put forward as part of your agenda.
And don't forget the unreal vr mod
Time for black myth wukong 😂