• expired

Earn $10 Worth of Bitcoin (BTC) for Completing Earn & Learn Course @ Swyftx


Looks like this deal is on again. Free money!

Login into Learn, view the course content and complete the quiz. To claim this reward you also need to have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled.

From Swyftx's Facebook post:

Scam Awareness Week might have arrived early this year, but staying vigilant against scams is an important message every day of the year. 🔐🛡️
To further learn how to identify these scams and protect your assets, explore our various Learn & Earn courses to earn $10 in Bitcoin or the chance to WIN your own Ledger 👉 https://learn.swyftx.com/learn-and-earn/

It was relatively easy. I got 90% in the quiz and the $10 of BTC appeared within minutes.

Referral Links

Referral: random (362)

Referee and referrer each get A$10 worth of Bitcoin credited to your Swyftx accounts after referee makes a trade within 30 days of signing up.

Related Stores

swyftx Crypto Exchange
swyftx Crypto Exchange

closed Comments

    • +1

      Hmm… perhaps you’d already completed it previously?

      • +3

        Just checked, sorry you are correct already completed it. Still did the other two to add to my sat stack. Thanks

        My rewards section says I've claimed almost $200 in rewards over all these years that appreciated in value from $35 in rewards from earn courses

    • +12

      Hand over your Ozbargain membership 😂

      • I forgot my password.

        • Doesn’t hit bro…password reset.

    • +3

      Each to their own. I just got $16 of bitcoin from doing 3 courses… I also discovered I had bitcoin from previous deals / rewards that I never cashed out that have since gone up 80%.

  • +1

    thanks OP

  • +8

    answers can be found here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/816780

    • +1

      Cheers, does anyone have the answers to “Crypto Tax in Australia”?

      • +4

        Quiz: Crypto Tax in Australia

        90% correct

        What is one of the potential benefits of holding cryptocurrencies for more than 12 months in Australia when managing crypto taxes?
        Eligibility for a 50% capital gains tax discount

        Calculating your taxes manually in a spreadsheet is always the most efficient option for filing your crypto taxes.

        If a blockchain network undergoes a soft fork and no new cryptocurrency is created, there are no immediate tax consequences in Australia.

        If an individual buys an NFT and then later sells it for crypto at a profit, what tax would this be subject to?
        Treated as capital gains tax

        How does the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) view cryptocurrencies?
        They are classified as property and may trigger capital gains tax events

        Which of the following dates is the tax deadline for individuals filing their crypto taxes in the 2023-25 financial year without an accountant in Australia?
        31st October 2024

        The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has never taken any measures to ensure compliance with tax obligations in the crypto space.

        Crypto donations made to social media or crowdfunding platforms are always tax-deductible.

        Which of the following could potentially be treated as ordinary income by the ATO?
        All of the above

        Which of the following transactions involving cryptocurrencies may be classified as a non-taxable event in Australia?
        Buying a cup of coffee with Bitcoin

        • Sweet thanks for that.

        • Thanks…!

  • Thanks op

  • Signup not sending code for me … shrugs

    • Mine ended up in spam

  • +2

    The good news is that it's more bitcoin than it would have been a couple of days ago…

  • I'll do it for 10 bitcoins

  • +4

    In addition, I had another 2 courses, $5 BTC worth for a crypto tax course and $1 BTC worth for a crypto wallet course. So all up $16 BTC worth for me.

    • were you able to claim all three? im getting "Unable to claim Reward due to an error in redemption code." completing the second :(

      • Yeah I was and I didn’t see that error msg.

        • thanks i guess just bad luck for me :(

          • @nanny0tt: The now deleted first comment above also mentioned something similar error msg, perhaps you have already completed them?

            • @ilovefullprice: I only signed up today. It might have been delay in account verification. theres a button to redeem unclaimed reward and just now that worked yay

  • +5

    Just doubled my portfolio, cheers OP.

  • -7

    Crytpocurrency is still around? lol

    • -2

      Yeah, too much money in the (ponzi) scheme now Wall St has their hands on it.

    • Over recent years, the crypto community has been focusing on building decentralized infrastructures such as decentralized social media platforms, decentralized cloud services, low cost chains and cross-chain protocols (which helps in bringing crypto transactions costs to near zero now for those crypto doubters out there criticizing crypto transactions costs but bank transactions are free).

      Building infrastructures are much harder and takes a longer time than say building decentralized finance.

    • +2

      BTC is in the top 10 biggest assets by market cap., so doing quite well I would say. Including the spot ETFs.

      My plan will be to cash out a portion soon once the Fed cuts rates to pay off my mortgage and cover CGT then take a year off work. Then leave the corporate soul-destroying world forever, and find a simple job with no stress. Looking forward to it.

    • We found the Peter Schiff sycophant

  • Try to get the answers right you will be locked out for 24hrs if getting them wrong.

  • -4

    How is this not a scam?

  • Do I have to use swiftyx or can it be transferred to my own e-coin wallet

    • Once you complete the training it gets transferred into your Swyftx account. From there you can transfer it out of Swyftx to your own wallet if you wish. Just be aware that the minimum BTC you can transfer is 0.00015 and this will incur a withdrawal fee of 0.0001 BTC.

  • Never have I done a quiz with 100% focus and commitment lol. I guess when money is on the line this happens even though its 10 bux

  • Guarding Against Investment Scams i need help with the answers only getting 50%

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