Foxtel Now “Free” Trial

Subscribed to Foxtel Now 10-day free trial after seeing the points deal posted here. I genuinely looked at its content and found it abysmal, and naturally went to the website and cancelled it during the trial period.

It turns out that for some reason the website hasn’t registered my cancellation and after a close inspection of my bank statement I realised I’ve been charged $59. Going through “live chat” has been an utter waste of my time, where they were asking for a screenshot of my cancellation (who does that?)—basically no record of me requesting a cancellation and hence can’t refund. It looks like another member had trouble canceling in the past, but wasn’t as unlucky as me, and had caught onto it pretty quickly before getting charged. They don’t even have phone support for Foxtel Now to get a real person to sort it out. I have lodge a complaint and let’s see where that goes (hopefully their complaint form on their website is working properly!).

Anyway, I’m writing this as a reminder to those who signed up for the points from the last deal. Do check your statements closely to make sure that you haven’t got burnt like I have.

UPDATE: I received a called from Foxtel after I lodged a complaint. I had a feeling that it was going to be a waste of time from the first sentence, so I asked the guy to cut to the chase. He said no refund. I said thanks, I'll start with a cc chargeback and take it further if needed. Lodged a chargeback claim and it was settled within three hours and the money has been refunded—kudos to CBA. If anyone else finds themselves in the same situation in the future, do not waste your time with live chat or lodging a complaint; directly do a cc chargeback to save yourself the hassle.

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  • +7

    should have used a Revolut card

    • Thanks. Gotta keep that in mind for the future.

    • The Revolut card seems the same as most debit cards - you can freeze all card payments, but you can do that with others as well - where's the point of difference there?

  • +3

    Foxtel sent me an email when I cancelled

    • +2

      I got flowers….

  • +3

    I genuinely looked at its content and found it abysmal

    has been for 20+ yrs

    Going through “live chat” has been an utter waste of my time,

    Mission accomplished

  • Didn’t get the velocity points from the deal anyway.

    • +5

      I did. I’ll sell it to you for $59.

  • I don’t mind foxtel. I prefer to flick through the channels

  • +1

    (who does that?)

    I do

  • +5

    Free trial and foxtel in the same sentence ends badly in my experience.

    I bought a tv that allowed me to get 3 months free foxtel now.
    Signed up had a play around received a message saying "We are aware the free trial is showing the wrong end date due to this issue you are unable to cancel your trial. But we will let everyone affected know when the issue has been fixed and allow you to cancel before any charges are applied."
    Next email I received was thank you for the money your breakdown of charges and invoice are attached. Contacted them because "I didn't screenshot the message they went nope you didn't cancel and no record of that ever being a thing. We are unable to issue refunds. All we can do for you today is make sure it's cancelled for the next renewal date."
    No one cared enough to investigate when I complained. So don't be surprised if you end up with the same.

    So now when I get 3 months free of Apple tv or whatever the tv comes with it's an instant nope not signing up to that.

    • +3

      Have you tried to take it any further? After I get nowhere with their complaints team, I am planning to do a credit card chargeback.

      • +2

        The customer support rep actually encouraged me to just chargeback, they genuinely as little clue as us

        Completely broken process for customers who signed up and cancelled to get charged, imagine how many people they're burning who just don't check or don't chase it up

      • If I had a copy of the message I would have tried to push things further.
        I enquired about what options I had to fair trading eg could I do a changeback? But since there wasn't a paper trail or anything solid to rule in my favour they advised me not to go any further.
        As people on here say set a reminder before the trial ends and cancel if you don't get any sort of message that it's being canceled email or something in my account put it in writing that an attempt has been made. Otherwise bye bye money.

    • had no issues cancelling free trials on apple tv+, went through a few trials actually. some good shows too.
      the problem is with foxtel

  • +5

    I had a Foxtel Now trial and cancelled it. They tried debiting my account anyway then cut off the service when it didn't work. They then sent me an "unpaid bill" for a service I didn't have.

    The service had terrible picture quality and was chock full of ads and old crappy content.

    0/10 don't recommend.

  • +3

    Rupert has another wife to support. Give him a break

    • -1

      The family owns about 11% of Foxtel.

      • +1

        Newscorp owns 65% of foxtel & Murdochs own 39% of newscorp

        • Murdochs own 39%17% of newscorp

  • +4

    The dogs burned me too, I foolishly signed up for the "free trial" with my normal debit thinking they're a "reputable" company and it would be fine.

    I have worked in ops and customer service and completely understand complicated platforms and silos, but Foxtel and Foxtel Now are something else. Foxtel Now was insistent I wasn't charged anything despite the $59 disconnection fee so we just went in circles going no where as they kept repeating I wasn't charged when I clearly was from Foxtel Management Pty Ltd. Foxtel's standard customer support can't help with anything to do with Foxtel Now.

    The only people who could identify and confirm I had been charged were their billing team, but don't get your hopes up because they can't do anything - Only Foxtel Now who are absolutely beyond hopeless.

    Ended up just getting my bank to chargeback but what a waste of time, can't stress how little I'll ever consider any product or subscription from Foxtel or anything to do with them. By far the worse customer service and their Foxtel Now platform is clunky af.

  • I am currently on one of their ‘grandfather’ plans(for want of a better word) currently paying $20 for basic & Docos.Just received an email from them saying this is now being discontinued.My cost will now be $30 per month, but that is for the ‘ultimate’ package(everything) which is a bargain.But if I unsubscribe from these two packages that I currently have,I have to go to a much higher cost.I have to wonder though whether they have an ulterior motive & later decide that package will also be discontinued & I will be ‘forced’ to go to a much higher price point.It will just rollover to the new package on 24/10/24.I am by the way using Foxtel ‘Now’.

  • Have the same issue with a binge trial, currently going back and forth with their customer service team for them to get a refund.

  • I took the promo offer and obviously cancelled as a true ozbar. Everything went smoothly. I guess it’s just a matter of luck. Btw taking screenshots is a must nowadays, so I disagree with the WHO DOES THAT comment

    • +2

      A little bit of an idea for everyone who hasn’t figured it out yet. Just open a free bank account with debit card, deposit $2-3-7 for verification purposes, and use it for these sort of sign ups. This way you can use it for promos but will never loose anything because there’s never enough balance for foxtels alike to charge you later

    • Do share the screenshot you have taken of the cancellation page.

      • I deleted it as no longer needed

  • -1

    If you paid with credit card, you can claim you don't recognise the charge, then get a new card issued and they will reverse the charges.

  • Here is an update. I received a call from Foxtel after I lodged a complaint. I had a feeling that it was going to be a waste of time from the first sentence, so I asked the guy to cut to the chase. He said no refund. I said thanks, I'll start with a cc chargeback and take it further if needed. Lodged a chargeback claim and it was settled within three hours and the money has been refunded—kudos to CBA. If anyone else finds themselves in the same situation in the future, do not waste your time with live chat or lodging a complaint; directly do a cc chargeback to save yourself the hassle.

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