Just browsing the velocity e-store to see if I can get a few more points to upgrade a flight and noticed that a Foxtel NOW 10 day free trial will land you a bonus 1000 Velocity Points
No Lock in Contract (cancel anytime), New Foxtel Customers only.
Just browsing the velocity e-store to see if I can get a few more points to upgrade a flight and noticed that a Foxtel NOW 10 day free trial will land you a bonus 1000 Velocity Points
No Lock in Contract (cancel anytime), New Foxtel Customers only.
Lots of leftie shows on there for you to watch too…
There is also the documentary of the bloke who had a surfboard accident…
Lol you're on the extreme right so even centre right is left to you.
Extreme right? Lmao
imagine thinking coservative is the worst of the lot , poor little soul
Targeted? They told me I'd already had a free trial, I wasn't game to enter my credit card number as I don’t value 1000 Velocity points at $59.
Use a burner email and burner visa?
sweet 1k points free for me :) cheers poster
New Customers only.
New email only
Thanks op
Says points awarded within 30 days - but trial is 10 days - anyone have any experience with how long it took for the points to load onto the account?
No lock in contract, cancel anytime.
I don't think that should matter
I don't really understand what you mean. Are you suggesting they'll still award points at day 30, even if the trial has been cancelled prior to day 10? Kinda hard to deduce what you mean when I've asked a legitimate question.
Yes that should work
Yes, I believe so.
A condition of the 1000 points is 'cancel anytime' so I think as long as you've signed up - you are eligible for the points.
Your Foxtel NOW account should remain active even if you cancel the trial.
31 days from sign up when I did this last year.
I did it last year as it's a long running offer, I only kept it during the free period and got the points a few weeks after cancelling it.
anyone has issue to cancel subscription right after signup for 10 days trail?
i signed up and now go to my account, and the cancel button is greyed out…this is annoying
Same happened to me - after ~10 minutes and it's not greyed out now
as @whytd said, could cancel after some time
Appreciate the effort posting the deal OP but is it really worth all that for ~$10 worth of points?
For me, yes. I'm wanting to upgrade to a domestic business class seat and just needed shy of 1000 points to claim it. Even with flybuys, you only get 500 frequent flyer points on a 1000 flybuys points accrual. Onepass does help but at the moment there aren't any larger points deals that I can afford under the current cost of living circumstances.
Sir, I think you forget what table you're sitting at
Worth all what??
Followed link, Google pre fills my data..
Signed up in under a minute and cancelled.
2 minutes max of work for $10 thanks for coming
How did you cancel? The cancel option is greyed out for me… Luckily I used a card that has no money in it lol..
Nah after like 10 minutes you should be fine to cancel.
2 minutes effort for 10-13$??
I mean, why not
is $10 based on flight fare buy?
I used to covert points to gift card which roughly 2000p=$10
they also offer a free hubbl device after your trial :)
no one wants that piece of shit lol
I keep being sent the free Hubble offer and I don't want it, even as a freebie.
More junk and clutter I won't use, pass.
sell it on ebay. there's a seller who sells it for $50 and has many sales.
Have not been a subscriber for years. Signed up. Gave credit card details. Got activation email. Logged into the app with my new password and was told i could not get a free trial. No idea if they intend to charge me $59 or what. Live chat says try back later. No agents. Can’t leave a message. Onus on me to chase it up.
Same email used before?
That usually means you've used your email for a Foxtel/Streamotion service previously. Kayo or Binge perhaps?
Have you got phone calls from them too? I had the same thing and they called me multiple times to get me signed up.
Server error 500
Yep same
Problem with the server
Most likely causes:
There might be Internal server error
At the moment we are working on the server or updating pages
Card got charged $1 however can't create account/get free trial due to this error:
Hmm… we have had a problem creating your account. Please try again.
Anyone else have this issue?
had this error due to prepaid CC. I changed to zip card it then accepted.
Yeah I had this problem when I tried to use Revolut and Wise. It charged both then cancelled both and gave that message.
Now they have Binge, what's the use case for Foxtel Now? How is its offering different?
You can stream live TV
Points credited today after signing up on 11 Jul.
Foxtel NOW, Conservative propaganda LATER