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AmEx Statement Credits: Donate $70 or More to The Red Cross and Get $20 Back @ American Express


Activate in AMEX app. Donate $70. Receive tax invoice. Add to ATO myDeductions app. Get back $20 to your AMEX card. Get back another ~$25 in your tax return next year.

After admin fees, salaries, taxes, forex, interest and other bs, Red Cross is probably only going to deliver $25 of real value to someone that needs it so this is a nice way to give $25 and actually get $25 worth of charity applied.


Note: Donations made through this offer with your registered American Express Card are not tax deductible in Australia as donors receive material benefit, namely American Express credit.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express
AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
Australian Red Cross
Australian Red Cross

closed Comments

  • -1

    Tax deductible too

    • -2

      Only the $50 though (assuming $70 donation)

      • You can definitely claim the $70 as that is what will be on the tax invoice. Amex are paying you $20 separately from the donation so it is fine to double dip here.

        • +17

          From T&Cs

          Donations made through this offer with your registered American Express Card are not tax deductible in Australia as donors receive material benefit, namely American Express credit.

          • @argonide: Still donated $50, whats the benefit in that! 🙄 death and taxes indeed.

          • +12

            @argonide: Makes no sense.
            Red Cross has no idea about your Amex offer situation so will issue you with a receipt for a tax deductable amount of $70.
            The ATO also has no idea about your Amex offer situation.

            • +4

              @Mr BoMBAStiG: Unless redcross hands over name and dob of all the donors who donated using amex to ato. ato would then cross reference all those donors who claimed donation deduction and come knocking on their door. but we all know that ato has better things to do than to chase my ass for $70 donation.

              • @twistedbow: Then force you to hand over your Amex statements.

              • +1

                @twistedbow: ATO could probably get this info from the dark web after Red Cross gets hacked.

            • +1

              @Mr BoMBAStiG: The entire tax system largely works on an honour system.

          • +4

            @argonide: I guarantee amex are gaining a tax benefit from this.

          • @argonide: is this a new term? same offer around nov 2023 and i got a receipt for $70 from red cross

  • +3

    Doesn’t make you question how much actually gets donated lol what a scam

  • +11

    1 billion dollars a year in income. 82% of that from taxpayers.

    50% of the revenue spent on employees.

    There are very few charities I have faith in.


    • +6

      The only thing more inefficient than public services is charity "businesses". They are where dead weight go to congregate.

    • +4


      thats why we run our own.. 100% goes to our school and the teaching staff.
      also built some shops to rent out at the front of the school, 100% rent goes to the school
      all capital expenses funded by the extended family.
      no admin fees/salaries etc taken by us

      • +2

        Nonprofits should not be judged based on whether or not they take salaries or spend on admin, they should be judged on their net impact.

        If a nonprofit is doing a lot of good, but spends a lot on salaries it might better than a nonprofit that is just doing okay but spends nothing on salaries.

    • +3

      It turns out that in order to do things you need people to do them, who need to be paid.

      Isn’t the important question whether not the Red Cross employees’ labour is valuable and contributes to fulfilling their goals?

      That they spend 50% of their revenue on wages tells you nothing positive or negative on its own.

      • +2

        Read the AIS then

        Number of remunerated key management personnel: 42
        Total amount paid to key management personnel: $10,989,397

        That is an average salary of $261,652 for 42 of the employees.

        Seems like a lot to me.

        • I'm not saying that the Red Cross necessarily uses money effectively just that looking at salary spend in isolation is not a good metric.

          If "key management personnel" means leadership type positions then 260k doesn't automatically seem crazy compared to the private market which supposedly is very efficient at using money.

          If they are paying 260k for a moderately skilled middle manager then sure seems excessive.

          By all means, if a closer look indicates they do waste money in then don't donate.

    • Not sure if these figures include their blood banks, but I sure don't want a volunteer taking my blood…

      • +1

        It does, if you look at the financial report on page 83 for the same year, a vast majority of the government fund and employee expense goes to lifeblood, which makes sense because you want the proper equipment and training for a crucial medical service.

    • +1

      If you had actually looked at the financial report linked by yourself on page 83, you'll see that out of the "82% that comes from taxpayers", 85% of it goes to lifeblood, and out of the "50% revenue on employees", 72% is for lifeblood.

      And unlike the humanitarian services department, which is supported by retail stores income and donations, lifeblood has no income other than government funding, its entire expense is funded by local and federal government. Whereas only 1/3 of the humanitarian services' expense/income is funded by government.

      I don't know about you, but I'd rather have lifesaving blood when I need it, and I'd rather have professional medical staff to draw my blood when I donate, but I supposed you are not looking to donate blood with an attitude like that.

      You are obviously doing your research, but please look into things further before posting rage bait on an offer that's supposed to be helping millions of Australian getting a little more support.

      • I do not believe the Red Cross is providing that service more effectively than government could directly. As such, there is wasted public money. It is the same shitshow in the WA and NT Ambulance services. Core health services should be directly run.

        The bottom line is I hate the waste in the charity sector with a passion. In particular I hate the advocacy ones that provide zero community services or benefits and are only used to pursue ideological agendas via political influence.

        I supposed you are not looking to donate blood with an attitude like that.

        You're a bit self-righteous. You don't know what I do for the community.

  • So you give someone $50 for nothing you called its bargain?Why just give someone $2 makes you feel good at the station you can give out 25 times makes you 25*happy if you feel you are good people by donate

  • +3

    I thought Ozbargain was for saving money, not giving it away for

  • i always seem to have this offer avilable . havent ever used it yet thho

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