Father’s Day Stall at Schools

My child has been asked to bring money to buy Father’s Day gift from stalls at the schools.
It’s all junk and I don’t want it. My child is onboard and rather use the money for a hot chocolate with me.

Does anyone have any insights whether it’s frowned upon to reject the school stalls?

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  • 279
    No Issues with not purchasing at school.
  • 25
    They have gone through the trouble - just buy and bin it.
  • 4
    Child stays at home that day.


    • Shiny rock or PoorAss rock

      • BigAss rock

  • Absolutely no judgement for not buying from them… my son came home from the Mother’s Day stall this year with 3 tea lights in some cellophane… cost $7

    Last year for Father’s Day he brought home a small jar of haribo gummy bears… cost $10

    I told him that I would take him to the shops and he could pick something out himself there, but we’re not doing the stalls at school anymore.

  • +2

    As a teacher, it doesn't matter whether your child buys anything at all.

    I might ask them but if they gave me an answer like I prefer to buy my Daddy/Mummy a hot chocolate or whatever I won't judge. Seems perfectly logical.

  • +1

    even when i was a kid and these there at the school, i hated them so much, it was cheap tacky crap.

  • fathers junk day stalls

    straight to the bin

  • I didn't mind them growing up, I guess it was the start of my shopaholic (pre ozbargain) ways. I remember buying my dad gifts like keyrings (Holden, Ford, Nissan etc) and home made things - one example a wooden notepad + pen holder.

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