This was posted 7 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Pirates of The Caribbean 1-5 Boxset Blu-Ray $16.32 + Delivery ($0 Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon UK via AU

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Limited time deal, 14% claimed as of posting.

Part of the

Buy 2, save 8%
From 20 Aug. 2024 to 27 Aug. 2024

promo if you can find something else you want.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU
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Amazon UK Store

closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks OP.

  • +3

    Oh yeah, they made another two of these

  • +2

    I've stopped buying physical but damn that's a good deal

    • +1

      Not 4k

      • True, but even then.

      • +1

        This seriously isn't as big of a deal as some make out. Plus the 4k transfers of these movies are controversial to say the least

      • +5

        These probably look better than the trash Disney put out on UHD.

      • +1

        The 4K remastering is pretty notorious, I think they used upscaling and didn't do a new transfer on the film and the color grading was messed with.

  • $15.02 with another eligible item - $3 a movie.

  • Is it region free?

    • Most blu-rays are.

      • +1

        4K Blu Rays are region free by default, not so with HD. Nothing on the packaging to indicate region

        • +2

          On Amazon UK it says region free, you should be good to go.

          • @Hiphopopotamus: Thanks. This or the 4K box set for $64… Decisions, decisions.

            • +1

              @fullerms: The 4K has gone as low as ~$32, maybe wait if you're not in a rush.

              Edit: Not sure if this is good advice as it seems there isn't much stock of the 4K anymore, do they reprint these?

    • +6

      UK Blu-Rays have the same region as Australia (B). The USA are region A, but quite often they have discs that are region free (A, B & C) I think Warner Brothers discs are region free. But just check to be sure. can be very helpful with this.

      • +1

        Apologies, yeah that's what I meant.
        I have bought a ton of Blu-rays from the UK over the years and have had no issues. Only the included special feature DVDs that some sets have may not work locally

  • +2

    a pirate life for me……. bought

  • got myself a box.

    currently 32% claimed

  • Thanks Op, always enjoyed this series. Bought two sets to avail the additional 8% off and going to gift one set to a friend.

  • +2

    Same as, Bought the box + Prey On Blu Ray which is have heard is pretty good, but haven't seen, something like $35 so pretty solid… 40 % Claimed at Pirates now.

    • Prey is really good. Enjoy!

  • Couple of comments on Amazon (from Aus) say that disk 5 didn't work.

  • Nice, I've only ever seen these in crud resolution… even the postage from the UK would cost more than $16. Bargain.

  • -1

    Never got the hype with these.

    • +2

      During the time these were released they were fun, ticked a lot of boxes, they’re not ‘academy award’ winning type movies.

    • -1

      they're crap

  • +1

    Carina Smyth : My calculations are precise and true. I'm not just an astronomer. I'm also a horologist.

    Captain Jack Sparrow : No shame in that, dear. We all have to make a living.

    Carina Smyth : No, I'm a horologist.

    Scrum : So was my mum. Although she didn't crow about it quite as loud as you.

    Bought it to watch this again.

  • Would buy if movies 1-3 in this set contained the bonus features like on the previous releases. Shame it doesnt.

  • I think this is expired?

  • Showing as $76.76 for me, appears to be expired. Showing only 3 left in stock, guess that's why the price went up.

    • +1

      Yeah it's gone, that price is from Amazon US.

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