Which Credit Cards Give a Digital Card on Approval?

I've been dipping my toe in churning this year. Two of the banks have taken over two weeks to deliver the physical card, which has been setting back my spending plans. I have a PO box but most banks don't give an option to add a different postal address when registering online, so I have to reassure for approval, call, change the address, get the card reissued, etc. It's all hassle.

Does anyone know which banks give you a virtual card as soon as you are approved, without having to wait for all that bumf in the post with cards, activation codes etc?


  • From the HSBC app you add a credit card to google wallet. With a debit card you can do it before the card arrives, I'd assume credit cards are the same.

  • -2

    all of them?
    westpac do, and if they do I'd expect it's fairly standard.

    • +5

      def not amex, virgin money, citi, anz

      • Don't recall StG let you do that

      • Thanks. That's my problem then! I went with an unhelpful trio for my first churns.
        Virgin involved 5-10 phone calls to try to get it all sorted, but refunded the fee pro rata, and the quickest to churn regularly it might be worth the mess if I plan ahead.

  • NAB can do this for Apple Pay and Google Wallet (but not Samsung Wallet).

    Westpac can do this for Apple Pay (but not sure about Google Wallet or Samsung Wallet).

    • Confirming that Westpac worked for Google Wallet

  • +1


    Amex cards usually arrive in two days .

  • Bendigo

  • CBA

    • Indeed. Unfortunately Auspost don't deliver to my residential address. Relying on PO Box is also a nightmare, no online deliveries, etc. I wouldn't do it if I didn't have to.

      But put it another way - it's more of a hassle for banks if they send post to the wrong address. Allowing customers to input the correct mailling address at application would not be difficult, and save everyone time and effort.

  • I got that for CBA Ultimate awards, physical card arrived within few days

  • Would applying for more than 1 card at the same time reducing the chance getting any at all?

    • Not really because it’s entirely depend on your financial circumstances. It’s not likely the banks immediately see your other applications the day you submitted the applications.

    • Unless you can meet all the expenditure and repayment requirements for multiple credit cards at once, this would not be recommended (if you are churning for points, at least).

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