Making purchases to meet minimum spend and cancelling the purchases after receiving bonus points

Looking for ways to meet the minimum spend requirements.

Any other ways to meet the min spend? I know the usual stuff that is discussed but I have met those spends already.


  • +5

    You can't bank on what other ppl say

    • You can't bank on what banks say either

    • “You can bank on the W̶a̶l̶e̶s̶ Whales”

      (Where am I gonna get a Whale from?)

      Greenpeace dislike this…

      I feel old. :+)

    • Ok Mark Twain.

  • anyone done this recently?


    • +1

      I bet someone has.

      • +4

        No, I checked…

        Not 'recently'…

  • -1

    Making purchases to meet minimum spend and cancellation after receiving bonus points

    Why not wait till the 11 month mark and then cancel?

    • -1

      can do that but that is not what my query was about.

      • can do that but that is not what my query was about.

        Cool story….. Making a note now to reject all future applications.

  • +1

    When assessing any application for credit the bank will … shocker, I know … look at any past dealings you have had with them as part of their assessment.

    This may or may not result in your application being declined depending on all of the circumstances relevant to your case.

    • -1

      As part of their assessment, do you think they are going to look into purchases and refunds I made? I thought they only checked my credit score and serviceability. I would open an account with the bank before applying for the card so that the refund goes into an account with the same bank.

      • Each bank will have their own policies and use various internal and external data points to make an assessment.

        Within the above, they calculate the profitability (amongst other things) of the accounts you hold.

        These myriad factors are brought to bear in determining whether to extend credit.

  • +1

    You just described churning

    it's your credit check. Some banks care, others don't

    AMEX hates churners. Haven't had many issues with others.

    • -1

      this is churning but my question was more about making a purchase to meet the minimum spend and then cancelling the said purchase and getting a refund. I have churned more than 10 cards by the usual churning methods because I had legitimate purchases but this time I dont have anything to spend on.

      • -1

        I have churned more than 10 cards

        So why are you wasting our time asking about churning?

        • -3

          Mate just ignore and move on if you got nothing useful to add. youre in fact wasting my time.

          • @Austin69:

            Mate just ignore and move on if you got nothing useful to add. youre in fact wasting my time.

            Mate just ignore and move on if you got nothing useful to add. You're wasting my time.

  • +1

    Why don't you try to be the Guinea pig and report back, getting on one's blacklist isn't the end of the world in the scheme of things.

  • I feel like the Ozbargain community are tue flagship team for cc churn

  • if it makes you feel any better i just got the NAB one with the $24 monthly fee. I've got my points and will cancel during month 3. I knew i could get 5k spending for 3 months to waive the fee but then I'm out.

    im at the start of my churning cycle after a hiatus, so it'll be a while before i care about trying to get a NAB card again

    • -1

      how is this related to my question? I am not new to churning and am on my 14th card. I am just looking for ways to meet the minimum spend.

      • wow

        actually your OP was very unclear since what you're trying to say is cancel the purchase, not cancel the card.

        go jump mate

        • oh sorry mate, I just realized my OP is probably not very clear. Apologies my Queen.

  • OP I think it's worth trying and finding out. And if it works, maybe keep it to yourself 😉 don't want everyone to start doing it

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