I got an upright freezer from haier. New it seems to be about 800 bucks.
It's about 7 years old and lately it's been displaying an e1 error. Not sure what it is, but it's still cold.
I suspect it might be the thermostat isn't working or something. I've got a smart plug on it and since the error has displayed, I can see that rather than turning off periodically it seems to be on power all the time. It's costing about 20c per day instead of 10c.
Anyway my question is, would you bother fixing it? It'll probably cost 200 for someone to just look at it and then depending on the problem the parts and labour might cost even more.
And I only suspect it's the thermostat. I have no clue. Who knows - it could be something else entirely. I'm paying a quarter of the price just for someone to take a look and fixing it might cost almost the same as a new unit.
Should I just buy a new unit? Maybe not a haier this time?