When things couldn't get worse, Annastacia lands a job with Australia Post.
Former Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk joins board of Australia Post
When things couldn't get worse, Annastacia lands a job with Australia Post.
Former Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk joins board of Australia Post
Labor "promotes diversity".
might be why they are running such a rubbish government - trying to fill quotas instead of hire people who are actually capable of doing the job
At least it's significantly, measurably better than the one we had in power before them
You're in the wrong country.
@mountaineer: In case you're confused, this is Australia not America. Those 3 have nothing to do with our postal service. And the political parties are the same in every country. Themselves first, people after thought. If you think otherwise then you have an issue. They're not your friends. Any of them.
@mountaineer: You must be in your own bubble of world. If we're talking about Australian companies and politicians then yes, it should be about Australia, not americas presidents or russias presidents or kenyas presidents. They all have nothing to do with us. And you can take Anthony and throw him into the pacific ocean for all I care. And that goes for the next one voted in. Its people like you who cheer on these scum who give them a first class ticket to making millions while doing nothing.
This board is full of communists!
This board is full of communists!
I'm the utopian non-existent kind with a dash of capitalism.
what about hiring your mates, this happens often but its only diversity that gets labelled as "not hiring the best for the job"…if we're talking politics here, then not hiring the best for the job is rampant…
What quotas? Do you personally know a single non-native speaker being hired by the government? Diversity is just buzz word they throw around.
heaps? What a bizarre statement
Former Queensland premier will serve a three-year term, replacing a Coalition appointment – the former Liberal party federal director Tony Nutt
Did you take issue with Tony Nutt's appt?
Didn't dictator Dan get knighted?
Pretty sure the other despot premiers landed cushy jobs as well. And don't forget comrade Jacinda from over the ditch as well.
Dictator Dan? Don't you mean Xin JingDan? The only thing Danny boy did was pave the way for backdoor deals with China and CCP influence throughout Victoria.
She was hired because of her influence over the unions.
Obviously nothing to do with management expertise.
Influence is a form of management right?
Maybe I’m missing the point. How is this not an instance of Labor doing “jobs for the boys”?
It's sarcastically using one of the lefties favourite talking points. They like to pretend their lot are perfect rather than just as corrupt as the other lot.
Why does it have to be about left and right? You do understand left leaning people can not be happy about this happening as well, right?
@Nereosis: This 💯%. We shouldn't be making it an issue of which side is more or less corrupt, we should be making it so that we have actual standards for our government and the people in it to do the job they've been appointed for, regardless of political leanings
We're too happy to call out the other side while turning a blind eye to what the one we support does
@Nereosis: You guys always pull that argument when it's your lot being (profanity). Hypocritical as (profanity).
Honestly, I cant see the diff between left & right wing. Arent they on the same bird ?
If only that diversity could include people who don't think 1984 is an instruction manual.
What do you think will happen with Annastacia at the helm?
Absolutely nothing will change. She'll take the money, spend it on fat food and keep quiet.
As long as she doesn't hand out any luxury watches…
You might want to look into that story as well. They were handed out with prior approval from the minister (?) concerned as a reward to a few people for saving the Post Office many millions of dollars from bank gouging. Very interesting shiving from Morrison and the other worms that woman got. While she was in charge I noticed a big improvement in the delivery service also. IIRC she was totally vindicated in the end.
@gromit: What she did was literally saving them money though.
She accepted the watch as a gift from a supplier at no cost to the government or tax payer, instead of claiming a contractually agreed upon bonus for her hard work that she had every right and entitlement to claim - which the tax payer would have been paying for.
How do you not understand that?
@infinite: You seem to be talking about something else. It wasn't her that got watches, they were multiple watches purchased for others and NO they were not gifts from the supplier.
@gromit: Spoken like someone with no idea about management of successful organisations, and wants them only run like wasteful government departments with no idea about motivating and more importantly RETAINING staff in this labour market. It is certainly NOT a HUGE bonus. Not even close to that category. Many such organisations commonly pay $500,000 bonuses for executives. The issue here was ScoMo reacted and made a fuss like the control freak he was, shooting from the hip, over nothing of note.
Christine Holgate was ultimately paid $1m settlement + $100K in legal fees over what occurred. So it cost Australia Post a lot more than the piddly sum for those watches. She went on to Toll which was struggling, rebranded it Team Global Express, turned it around to a 16% increase in profits in the first year. Meanwhile Australia Post took a turn back to the worst.
This is the problem with Government, it has these organisations, tells people to run them independently as though they are a business, but when people actually do that, they scold them over governance or probity or rewarding people based on a judgement call - it expects them to be run like a government organisation - a commercial business would do exactly what she has done here. "To drive positive change, you need to thank and reward positive behaviours". Empower your managers to make decisions like this and be rewarded when they achieve.
She gave 4 senior managers watches worth $20,000 TOTAL (i.e. $5000 each). I'm sorry if this sounds like a large number for you, but it isn't. This is absolutely nothing in terms of Australia Post's turnover, a rounding error. Those staff made Australia Post lots of money. They managed to pull off a deal with three banks worth $66 million a year for Australia Post - i.e. $180,822 per day, or over 36 of those watches every single day, 365 days per year - i.e. They were paid for in the first 3 hours of that deal being in place.
Even in my small business I've given out $20,000 bonuses such as to just ONE middle management person (not $5K each) just for showing up and doing their job consistently for years, going the extra mile (instead of showing up with a DILIGAF attitude, not showing up, or stealing from the company like some of the others we've had), someone who hasn't saved me millions like those people did for Australia Post to be acknowledged with a token of appreciation for a job well done, helping turn the struggling finances of the business around. Saved me that much in recruitment fees alone to try find someone else when they were being head hunted.
Why? because the market for good people is tough and they need to feel extra special for putting in the hard yards.
Get your head out of the sand if you think all people are equal and should be paid equally for same level of jobs according to some pre-government approved scale - some people have a bad attitude, bad output, hardly achieve anything, and others are really helpful, successful, drive a positive culture and output, and go the extra mile and the organisation wins - a decent manager / company will fall over themselves to keep them and pay them and reward them as they drive the organisation's culture and success and they need them to stay.
@MrFrugalSpend: Glad someone was able to say it well. Scomo getting his knickers in a knot over 20k is laughable considering the money he has wasted.
Only comment I will make, Christine went to Team Global Express, not Toll. It was already sold and under the management of Allegro Funds by that time.
This, it's a non-executive position and former politicians collect these non-executive board positions like frequent flier points. 10 meetings a year and a $110k pay packet a year for the next 6 years, pretty sweet gig. It definitely won't be her only job though.
The guy she is replacing is the former president of the liberal party and Howard advisor. At least Palaszczuk had a job that involved oversight of something.
yes, Palaszczuk was great at making oversights
[ oh-ver-sahyt ]noun
an omission or error due to carelessness:
My bank statement is full of oversights.Synonyms: slip, blunder, mistake
unintentional failure to notice or consider; lack of proper attention:
Owing to my oversight, the letter was sent unsigned.Synonyms: inattention, neglect, lapse, slip, blunder, mistake
Increased mental health issues for Aus Post employees meaning botched deliveries for the rest of us
I guess that makes her a postman woman.
Jobs for the boys/girls
Payback, too, for favours while in office.
Gladys Berijilian now works for Optus. Coincidentally, NSW moved most government cellphones to Optus while she was in charge.
Gladys was corrupt!!
What a shocker !
Who really gives a rats? I really don’t see the point of these posts. Whatever dude, go play to your audience.
It's an anonymous forum for a bit of fun. Imagine if someone posted in the forum about experiences with kitchen appliances, geting a TV fixed, or (God forbid) a post about just buying a coffee machine?
We seem to have different views on "a bit of fun". I'm just sick of the tedious trolls on this website who just want to stir the pot. OMG an ex politician has been appointed to a board. In other news the sky is blue and rain is wet.
Luckily we live in a democracy where people are allowed to have opinions about politicians or anyone else who is in, or was in a seat of power.
I think the "fun part" BOGOF is referring to, is that we can talk about it in the open and make light of these wonderful people like Anastasia who're a blight on society.
@try2bhelpful: One man's fun is another man's tedium, doesn't mean we should stop talking about these so called public servants and their dodgy business dealings.
@scooba: We would be better off talking about whether the constant tearing down of leaders in Australia and the political processes that drive this are healthy for anyone.
Do we, can we get good leadership when people just want to join a tribe and sling mud?
@tonka: Good point, most people are too afraid of living and have to belong to one tribe or the other.
There's a reason why politicians are only paid in the hundreds of thousands bracket versus the CEO's of banks that are paid in the millions of dollars bracket, which is when you pay peanuts you get monkeys.
In this case, people need an echo chamber to vent their personally held beliefs so they don't feel like outcasts in society with their ideas. Most don't feel comfortable letting others know how they think in real life so they use the anonymity of the internet to share their most unorthodox beliefs. It's similar to a Klan meeting
What's sad is, when people participate in these echo chambers, they think they're actually learning or doing something. In reality they're just entrenching themselves deeper in the beliefs they already had 99% of the time
Or even an Antifa meeting!
Whatever unsavoury group that helps make my analogy work in the minds of the people
Isn't the point of Klan rallies that they ARE public ?
Are they? I always imagined them in a field with a burning cross or in a barn/clubhouse, sequestered away from society and law enforcement to plan out some racially motivated crimes on people with dark skin
Was the best man for the job apparently 😂
Why so much hate on her. Is this residual bs from the co-vid tribalism pollies where playing at instead of proper leadership?
The Dan Andrews effect. They're grasping at straws
More corruption incoming for auspost
I didn't see this vacancy on Seek or CareerOne…
Only political insiders get these cushy jobs. Noticed who she's replacing?
I would think people in these level of positions are headhunted, rather than applied through Seek..
She will be the least qualified person on the board but only one of eight. Could be worse. She could devote the rest of her working life to being a loyal mouthpiece for the banks.
Companies like Australia Post have a lot of political oversight and publicity. A politician who knows how to navigate those issues seems like a fairly reasonable choice
The Federal Department of Finance has 100% political oversight of Australia Post. No one within AP has any political influence or power over any government. Her position on the board is responsible for the day to day running of Australia Post. What skills or experience does she have in the postal system ?
but labor and left bad
Pisses me off seeing AB as a front for those megacorps.
She'll have the network to get things done. Just better hope the rest of the board has a good enough plan to know who to tell her to call.
I liked Anastacia I think she was a great premier, one of the best we've had in my lifetime
Agree, seemed to me she had the guts to ignore the lobbyists and pick the best interest of the people. So much of the bad media came from big business like Fox.
She's definitely one of the better Premiers we've had in QLD over the past 20yrs. A Premier will never win over everyone but almost 9yrs in power says a lot about her performance. Though, the Olympics was probably biting off more than she could chew. Not too many cities prosper economically from hosting the Olympics so I really hope hosting in 2032 doesn't become a deathtrap for Brisbane.
She's definitely better than our current choices of Miles or Crisafulli… and don't get me started on short and shortsighted Newman. Those massive property selloffs should never have happened. Planners and demographers can get their forecasts wrong (especially with lack of ability with predicting shocks like what happened from covid). Holding onto property allows for the government to react accordingly. The housing crisis in QLD would not be as bad if the State had more usable land/properties to address the issue.
Miles is doing an incredible job, I'm curious what your issues are with him as Premier? Seems he took over the reigns and then amped things up. I believe Pala/Miles were in opposite factions (Miles is in the Left faction, Pala in the right)
I know people who crossed the border legally to see dying relatives. And I respect tough choices were made, with no good alternativea that stopped the massive death toll seen in Europe. Or did you prefer Scomos approach of closing borders to some countries and publicly advising people how to cheat that.
She won the last election purely because of her decision to lock down the QLD border, that was it. That was the only good thing she did for the state in her 7 years at the helm.
I like all the crying from mining lobbyists was that her work?
Is she like a Russian princess or something.
Polish x German heritage, born and raised in Australia.
Aus Post is just in utter shambles. After the Psy Op media bullshit of the "cartier watches" saga Aus Post has been gutted of talent. Did any of you notice how suddenly they've stopped innovating from around 2018 onwards?
Now it's just full of these fat clowns sitting there and slurping up the trough with their golden spoons.
The other week I paid $14 to send a 50g document to the US that takes 28 days. Unbelievable bullshit that they're losing money as claimed.
I also paid $14 for a Xmas card which was just 4mm oversized to an elderly relative in Washington US. It missed the festive date by 3 freaking weeks. No wonder they were gifting Cartiers.
Did any of you notice how suddenly they've stopped innovating from around 2018 onwards?
What was their last "innovation"?
She won't let the mail cross the border, ie qld mail will only be for qld'ers.
What does this mean? Is it meant to be positive or negative?
cooker covid nonsense
The dust collecting 220 million Tax payer funded Wellbeing camp she built must be ccoker covid nonsense too right?
There is a quote of her during covid saying "Queensland hospitals are for Queenslanders", when a pregnant mother from northern NSW was denied entry to QLD, where the closest major hospital was to her, and she lost her baby.
Absolute tragedy for the family. I'm sure that vile creature Anastasia doesn't lose any sleep over it unfortunately.
The family of a NSW couple grieving the loss of their unborn child have spoken out about the tragedy saying they are “deeply upset” but don’t blame anyone.
Lifted quote. Cheers
Yet another let's bash Labor post….. so sick of these
Half the comments on this post almost seem like bots posting random stuff as well, making no sense at all. Reads like comments on a Murdoch article.
Only the conservatives have "jobs for the boys" for those who've retired from their side of politics. Labor "promotes diversity".