If it's helpful for anyone else, I've been working on updating my credit card comparison spreadsheet. Here's a link.
I've allowed commenting in case anyone has any suggestions / corrections.
A few notes:
Yes I know there are websites that compare cards and show you a ranking depending on what you're after, but I couldn't see anything else out there that just listed all the useful bit of information to easily compare all things in one hit.
This is correct at 8/8/24, but happy to update it if people want to comment in the sheet.
The tickbox up the top activates the savings that can be had on the first/second year fees for things like existing customer, monthly spend met etc.
I calculated the $ value (give or take a few dollars) in bonus sign up points, and placed that in a column. I then listed the first year fee (after any cashback offers) and the 2nd year fee. Cost after 2 years = first year + 2nd year + cashback - bonus points value. There is conditional formatting in a red to green gradient (white in the middle) to indicate ranking of some column. Eg In some cases it costs money (red shaded), in other cases it gains money (green shaded).
Bonus point value is based off e-shopping gift cards, such as Woolworths. Yes I know bonus points will mostly likely be worth more in flight redemption, particularly in the case of direct frequent flyer points, but for me baselining it to this was the easiest way to compare. Plus, if you just want to see which one returns more points.
AMEX excluded from my table on purpose (not widely enough accepted for me)
Cards with no decent bonus points offer excluded
Lastly, I tried to put a filter on to make these columns sortable but it broke my formulas. If anyone can fix it, let me know.
Thanks OP