Background - I outright own my own home, and have kids approaching adulthood. Have previously been a landlord but now only own ppor.
Pre Covid there was always a opportunity to buy a cheap family home. Cheap meant a long drive to work/school and the house was tired. And you may not be able to live in a major city.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is: when/if will low end housing get affordable? And what will make it better?
Is it greedy landlords owning multiple properties causing this? Lack of public housing? No sting of 10%(the 90's) interest rates to trigger a sell off? Too much/too little immigration? Elevated labour costs to build new? Other factors?
As a gen x, it feels like when my boomer parents pass away all the inheritance will go to house deposits for the grandchildren - which will make the situation worse in the long run as people without family money will rent forever. Another options is to buy investment properties now and pass them to the kids later, but again thats just making the overall problem worse.
It seems kinda grim. Any thoughts?
Ed: I removed my realestate search as my-bad, sorry, my search included a filter that limited results.
The green are all for migration even though they can't seem to see how it is bad for the environment. Maintaining high migration will continue to increase house prices and reduce quality of life for everyone except the wealthy land-owning class