I couldn't find a shingles post so here we go…
Day 1 - 4 weeks ago I went to bed and started to feel pain in my right rib. I'm fairly active so thought it must have been gym related and thought nothing of it.
Day 2 - Next morning I woke up and still had the pain but also pain on my back, still fairly mild but constant. Still thought it was just gym related because I have had back pain in the same area before. Thought maybe nerve related and that was causing the pain to radiate to the ribs. That afternoon I was flying to Melbourne for a short 3 night trip - still caught the flight. Woke up at 2am and it felt like someone had taken a baseball bat and smashed every bone body in my torso. It was the most pain I ever felt in my life. I was just laying in bed in agony, trying to somehow fall asleep as I didn't want to go to hospital.
Day 3 - Woke up in moderate/severe pain and went straight to the doctors who did a heart scan and sent me off to get a chest xray which would come back the following day. There was still just pain and no rash showing so he gave me codeine for the pain. Realised the codeine was not helping with the pain but alcohol did help. Went to sleep and woke up at 1-2 am and again the most pain I have ever felt before. It was like every bone had been smashed and I was laying on the ground in completely agony for an hour before I got tired and got a few hours asleep. This night was worse than the other before. I should have gone to hospital then.
Day 4 - Woke up and noticed some red patches and thought farkk now I have internal bleeding and went straight to hospital. One look and the nurse immediately knew it was shingles. I was put on anti virals and some stronger pain meds.
Day 5 - 14. After starting the anti virals, it started to feel a bit better. It was still a constant minimum 5/10 pain and I would still wake up a lot in pain but nothing like before.
Day 15+ Onwards - After finishing the anti virals, all the pain came back with vengeance. I am constantly in pain and have not had 1 night since where I have not woken up at least 4-5x times in agony.
The pain goes from feeling like my bones have been smashed, to feeling like someone has poured acid on my skin to there being a million bugs crawling under my skin and if I go to touch the skin, it feels like I'm touching it with razor blades. Thankfully I don't get pain from water touching my skin and have found showers/baths are my best relief.
I'm on a number of pain meds and antidepressents which can help with nerve pain. Tried 7 different creams which provides very minimal relief and all the suggested diet/supplement changes. Going to try Vitamin C drips soon to see if that helps. It's looking more like I have postherpetic neuralgia now which is nerve damaged caused from the shingles and can last for months, or years or a lifetime. I'm literally scared of going to bed at night because I know how much pain I'm going to wake up with in a couple of hours. Ask me anything lol
Damn, I was hoping for a fascinating AMA from that.
Thanks for giving me a laugh though!