Hi all, purely nothing more than an observation and question out of interest.
I've been wondering over the past few days if it's just me, and I'm not looking hard enough, or has there been a serious reduction in posts on OzB and up likes recently?
Perhaps there isn't many 'sales' and 'bargains' floating around in this past few weeks. Considering the usual 'mid year sales' that all happened with the lead up to EFY, yet, just thought it was interesting… Is everyone waiting for Boxing Day and Vogue Fashion Week, October Click Frenzy, Singles Day, Cyber Monday and whatever else is left before Christmas.
Maybe a lot of the members are waiting for tax returns/refunds to be released before spending again?
Tax bills, instead of refunds last financial year?
Just a lack of 'free play OzB monies' to waste and things are a little tight, while others might be holding out to see what happens with the next Reserve Bank announcements and reviews for the remainder of this calendar year?
Just wondering what is driving personal spending behaviours at the moment? (Question is on a serious note, not other jokes about family, eating, or some other behaviour or the likes that JV and team will usually chime in and come up with…)
Just wondering what is driving personal behavours at the moment?
BYD and Tesla deals