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Nulon One Coolant Concentrate 5L $32.48 ($31.71 with eBay Plus) Delivered @ SparesBox eBay


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I've been looking for a concentrate for a full coolant change and came across this type which is supposed to be suitable for all ICE vehicles in Australia.

Unbelievable price with free shipping.

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closed Comments

  • Dangerous stuff if you don't know what you're doing. Heard horror stories of unsupported coolant becoming jello.

  • Good price, but note the following:

    • This is only suitable for use in a fully-flushed cooling system, and can't be used to top up/mix with existing coolant
    • This is a concentrate, so it must be diluted with demineralised water
    • Definitely agree this must be diluted correctly, but as far as compatibility with other types….

      "Nulon Multi-Vehicle ONE Coolant Premix is guaranteed safe to use as a top-up for any car, 4WD, LPG or light and heavy-duty diesel vehicle on Australian and New Zealand roads. This advanced Global Type A pre-mixed coolant is a 50% mix and is safe to use as a top-up with all Green, Red, Orange and Blue OEM coolants and corrosion inhibitors. It provides the ultimate anti-freeze/anti-boil and anti-corrosion and rust protection for all vehicle cooling systems."….

      • That's confusing, I don't understand why the premix would be safe to mix/top-up, yet the concentrate isn't.

        • I think they mean that they prefer people use the premix in case they don't dilute the concentrate correctly when topping up.

          Catering for the average joe blow i guess.

          • @Price Jack: Fair enough, but the directions for the concentrate that I linked below states:

            WARNING: Never mix coolants from different manufacturers. DO not mix Nulon Mult-Vhicle ONE Coolant 100% Concentrate with green, red or blue coolant.

            • +1

              @magic8ballgag: Probably just generic, but specific…….Do not mix the "100% Concentrate" with green, red or blue coolant.

              I think fine to mix once diluted correctly, like the premix.

  • Nulon is a great coolant but would recommend sticking with what the manufacturers put in IE green or red. Whilst this yellow is meant to be cross compatibile I would always be a little nervous as when you do a flush you'll never 100% get everything out and I've seen what cross contamination of coolants do so would rather play it safe. Go woth the Nulon Red or Green what ever youre car has currently

    • +2

      Nulon recommends flushing existing coolant with an additive and/or demineralised water before using this, which if done properly, shouldn't be an issue.

      I agree with you though, I perform all mechanical work on cars myself and I personally would just use the specified blue/green/red coolant that is recommended by the manufacturer.

    • +2

      Worth mentioning the Nulon red is closer to the additives used in most green coolants. Don't go by colour, go by coolant type.

  • +2

    I've had this in my fleet of Mercedes OM612 Diesel powered vehicles for a few years now. What can I say, it works.

    I chose this because of the compatibility with all other coolants, but not in the way you think…

    I did a full flush and then full replacement with this yellow stuff. That way if I'm ever caught low out somewhere remote with only a certain other colour coolant available, it should be fine to top up with the other coolant, in the same way this can be used to top up other coolants.

    I haven't ever had to top up yet though, but thats the theory.

  • Do general automotive workshops utilise demineralised water when they replace the customer's radiator? They normally dont use the premix because i think it's more expensive.

    • It would depend on the workshop, but I wouldn't be surprised if some just use whatever water (i.e. tap) they have available to get the job done.

      Reputable workshops should be using demineralised water or just spend the extra on premix.

  • Nulon uses 2-EHA in all their longlife coolants such as this, which softens plastics and eats silicone. Prixmax JNK Blue or Pink is what you want if you care for long-term health, plus is an actual P-OAT coolant which is otherwise impossible to find in Australia. The Japanese long figured out that you want phosphate in coolants while avoiding other abrasives.

    • "Nulon uses 2-EHA in all their longlife coolants such as this"

      Does that mean all or lots of vehicles that have been using Nulon long-life coolants have been springing leaks after a few years?

      I call BS.

      • 2-EHA doesn't burn through tubing/gaskets it just weakens and compromises it over time and can gel up in vehicles that lack pressurized tanks. This was the entire cause of the dexcool lawsuits thay affected so many cars of the era.

        And yes, vehicle leaks happen all of the time which can be exacerbated by 2-EHA coolants. 2-EHA also saves a lot of cars because it's such a cheap/effective corrosion inhibitor. People with older cars or care about long-term reliability should just know to avoid it in favour of a better coolant.

        The newer red Nulon coolant doesn't contain 2-EHA** my bad but this, the green and blue do and this can be confirmed with a Nulon rep as I have done.

        • +1

          I'm sorry, but i still call BS.
          What you're saying is basic Google search regurgitation.

          This "Nulon rep", can you provide their details?

          I want to be sure about I'm using.
          I very much doubt any "Nulon rep" would admit their product contains 2-EHA when their latest SDS's don't call it out.

      • +1

        Excellent expanation here - including comments about 2-EHA's issues for some cooling systems, well worth a read:…

        Product SDS doesn't mention 2-ethylhexanoic acid, which IS hazardous…

        Update: 2-EHA is also not mentioned on the red, green or blue - or pink - concentrate's SDS. Seems Nulon needs to update their docs or the rep uodate his knowkedge.

        Here's the MSDS for 2-EHA:…

  • People are still using MEG and PEG based coolant? lol

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