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I know Xero is getting more and more expensive but I know lots of businesses that have issues with MYOB. At least Xero works without issues. Don't get me started on QuickBooks!

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  • +6

    Since the majors all went to subscriptions their prices have become exorbitant.

    My old QuickBooks 2013 does everything I need it to but is a pain when I upgrade my pc.

    • +2

      That might be true. I assume you do not need to process payroll in that case.
      My question would be, how much pain is it for your tax agent?

      • +1

        You associated mate?

        • Lol no

          Just trying to figure out what the lesser evil program is.

          Had massive issues in the past with Quickbooks/Reckon.

          I wanted to love MYOB but so many issues with conversions etc. They cannot even get a training session to run smoothly.

          That leaves Xero. But oh man those price increases are starting to annoy me. If you know any other good alternatives, I am all ears. No chance that I will buy a 2013 Quickbooks version.

          • @Heiks9000: Agreed that the price increases are getting to me. I have a hobby side hustle and the increased monthly fee is eating into my (meagre) profits!

          • @Heiks9000: Xero has had tons of issues, not on the scale of MYOB sure, but I don't think its infallible like you make out.

            You're just looking for STP?

            • @Figure8: So far I did not have too many significant issues with Xero. I guess everyone has a different experience with this.

              Just looking for a cheap program that I can recommend to family and friends. Should also be easy to use. No point saving money by going with QuickBooks but everything takes much longer to do.

              • @Heiks9000: Recommending really depends on the scope of what they're doing with it. Which is why I asked if it was just simple STP compliance for a few employees.

          • @Heiks9000: Maybe the last of the local standalone QB 2019 full retail would work with something like seSQue payroll for reporting. Good luck finding 2019 new old stock - I have looked. Suspect the old 2013 is an even bigger pratyer.

        • Payroll of 1.

          Do all my own BAS etc.

          SeSque Payroll takes care of the ATO reporting

          Accountant does my annual returns with excel reports.

          I can't be alone in not needing all the whistles and bells.

      • +4

        Payroller for STP/SuperStream with your legacy non-subscription software is the best combination.

    • My partner recently went from MYOB version 12 which is as old as the hills and changed to Xero. Should've done it years ago. Absolutely brilliant for her business and so easy to use.

    • I still use MYOB v7 from 20 years ago. No need to upgrade. Let time i checked the new subscription plans are disgusting. $35 a month and you can only do 5 invoice per month. Stuff that.

  • +14

    Xero price rises are getting stupid…

    • I hope they’ll pay for that decision

  • +2

    It's actually quite funny seeing the comments about xero fees whereever they post an ad - fb/insta/ozb.

    Will they get the message? Nope.

    • +1

      They are kind of a monopoly, in sofar as combination of reliability, STP, and other features, so they unfortunately don't need to listen, unless they start to loose market share, or profit. They don't seem to have to worry about retention.

      But it increasingly hurts to use them, as as soon as something viable (that my accountant will put up with) comes along, I'll jump ship.

      • as soon as something viable (that my accountant will put up with) comes along, I'll jump ship.

        Wait till you try to get any data out of xero - they make it difficult and then some.

        • I think this is inaccurate.
          I have exported data from xero in the last two months and it has been quite easy and in a text file. It is totally upto me how to clean and repurpose the data from the text file. It is obviously a laborious task by itself but because they made it easy, Ironically, I am going to stay with them than risk changing services.

      • +2

        Except they weren't a monopoly, as they only started years after MYOB. It's just MYOB didn't listen and let Xero leap past them so they lost the market share. But they're still around, so can up their game, and offer a better price as competitors do. Same way Xero started!

      • Can't you just export your profit and loss statements got your accountant?

  • Any geo-deal to make it cheaper and also for long term? Imagine paying $35/m after the this deal.

    • +4

      And only able to do 5 invoice a month. They're a disgusting company. MYOB is the same

      • +1

        The five invoices a month of the base plan are a killer. My wife just needs something to generate quotes and invoices, and keep track of receipts. $30+ a month for that in either MYOB or Xero is just crazy…

        • Invoicely? Or even a homemade airtable

        • Try and find an old version of myob. I have version 7 from about 20 years ago and it still works great.

    • How would geo deal work? Australian accounting rules but somewhere outside Australia?

  • Idk about xero - but seriously, myob is such a POS.

    Recently it’s been doing this stupid thing again where it sends a copy of an invoice to my client when I hit ‘send invoice’ but instead of being the right invoice it’s for some other random customer (not mine!) - surely there’s some kind of invasion of privacy at play - emailed with screenshots to myob, still no reply.

  • Didn't someone here post about an accounting software startup, Gimbla or something similar? Has anyone given it a go?

    • There is Thriday, Easy Business App and Hnry (for sole traders)

  • Freshbooks is the way to go imo.

  • I’m moving to Xero from QB. Thanks OP

    What a load of shyt QB is. Worst program in the world.

  • +1

    but I know lots of businesses that have issues with MYOB.

    lots of businesses have issues with Xero too.

  • Xero - /ˈzɪərəʊ,ˈzɛrəʊ/ dry. "xeroderma", "xerophyte."

  • +3

    In 5 years we've gone from paying $25/pm for Xero to over $90p/m

    For us, it's no better than 5 years ago; there is more support via accountants, etc.

    I wish for once that Xero would 'Reward' us existing customers as well as the new ones they're enticing with these great deals.

    Especially at the moment, with small businesses doing it so tough.

    • In 5 years we've gone from paying $25/pm for Xero to over $90p/m

      That was their plan all along…

  • +4

    New competition is coming up like Easy Business App which is based in Australia. If they keep forcing people to take all in one packages people will move. https://go.easybusinessapp.com/easy-xero-alternative

    • Still a min $29.85 a month with payroll for 1 employee.

      Free if you do not want payroll.

  • so expensive, the same plan increase from 30 to 70 within 2 years

  • Here is a bookkeeping software Thriday - 6 months free with a NAB account

  • Back in 2014 when I signed up, it was $60/mth for a plan with 25 employees. Now it's $200 a month!!

    Xero is still the best option, but boy are they capitalising on it.

  • Perfect timing! Was about to sign up from trail month. Thanks OP!

  • Has anyone tried Odoo instead?

  • Happy with Xero for most things, but the price just keeps going up. Would love to know about alternatives. 4 staff.

  • I’m on quickbooks, pretty much for the price. It’s been annoying but I’ve just succumbed to workarounds that seem to work. They’re starting to price gouge though.

  • damn i wish i had use for this

  • What is the issue with Quickbooks? From what I've been reading (when researching as I'm just starting a business and trying to decide on software) is that globally quickbooks has the largest market share followed by myob and then Xero. It's just Xero is big in Australia.

    And from what I've heard off some accountants is they don't need full access to your books, all they care about is the balance sheet at end of financial year. So any good accountant will be fine with whatever you use as long as you don't stuff it up and your books balance.

    In saying all of that, I'm still researching so if someone can give me some insights in to why I should go the most expensive bit of software instead of the cheapest of the major companies, I'd appreciate it!

  • I've only ever used Xero, it's great. Would like to hear about issues with others as well.

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