Vehicle Was Damaged during Professional Detailing



  • +8

    Sorry - he used a pressure washer INSIDE the car?

    • yeah lol

      • +2

        Wait…You're saying he did something similar to this?

        Will the car even start and the electronics still work?

        • Nah so like, he pressure washed all the door seals with the doors open, so not like pressure washing the seats or anything, but you can imagine how much liquid splashed around

          • +4

            @rubb3rchick3n: I hosed out the floors in my ute after it went for a swim in a muddy puddle amd decided it was parked. All good. just needed to leave it open in the sun for a few days to thoroughly dry.

            Its not a big drama if your car gets a bit wet inside. As long as the electrical connectors are in water and you avoid the computers and dash just have to dry it out. Best way is to open it up on a hot day. Alternatively can put a fan heater in it for a bit.

            • +1

              @Euphemistic: You were probably negged by a townie. I’ve pressure washed the interior of multiple vehicles. Had to wash animal blood off the carpet in one and another was similar to your anecdote except an open top cow chaser so the entire vehicle exterior and interior was caked in mud.

          • +3

            @rubb3rchick3n: This is not uncommon. With a steady hand and the correct nozzle this is more than fine. I do it all the time.

            In the hands of this bozo though I imagine there was a lot of over spray.

          • @rubb3rchick3n: i think your over exaggerating

    • Sounds like a good story… wish we could see it!

  • +1

    Before you went through the detailing, how did you know he is professional?

    • +1

      Works for big (national) company that I'm not going to name. It was about as legit as it gets.

      • Star car wash ? Lol dont think they would do that.

      • +2

        I reckon maybe it starts with a J.

        OP why the reluctance to name and shame? Isn't it fair game to warn other people about particularly awful experiences with a company?

        • -7

          So do your homework !

          • +2

            @Murkymerv: What homework could possibly be done if no one spoke up about their negative experiences?

            • @mboy: Online reviews would be a good start , I’m sure you’ve done that .

        • +2

          Too be honest, I reckon it was a genuine mistake and they haven't screwed me over yet.
          Everybody can have a bad employee sometimes.

        • +18

          OP why the reluctance to name and shame?

          Unified OzBargain Common Law 479.13, Section 3A, Provision 9: "A poster asking for help with automotive issues on the forums shall never, ever reveal the make or model of the vehicle in question that's experiencing the said issue nor any entities/organisations related to the vehicle's issue, to the complete mystification and aggravation of other sincere posters attempting to assist them with the said issue. The OP shall make every possible effort to reasonably evade, deflect or ignore any queries about their vehicle's make or model, under penalty of forfeiting all common sense and their final pair of remaining brain cells."

  • +4

    The quote to have the car repaired was close to $8k

    Holy intercourse!

    • +5

      User name checks out.

      • +1

        Not sure why someone downvoted you, maybe they didn't try saying it out loud?

  • +1

    Reading the deed of release it seems we have 0 assurance that any further repairs will be covered by them if I sign this. I've expressed this concern to the insurance company but they are assuring me that this is standard procedure for every step of payment. This is all in emails.

    Tell them you couldn't give a rats and their empty platitudes can be reflected in the deed, if they're so confident future repairs will be covered.

  • +8

    Very simple. If it's not in the deed of release and you sign it, then you've released them from it. This is insurance offering to settle an $8k damages bill for $2.5k.

    Short answer… no.

    Likewise, name and shame…

  • +5

    I wouldn’t sign it until the necessary repairs have been carried out

  • Don't sign it until work done as others have said.

  • +2

    Why don't you go through your own insurance? The detailers have admitted liability and their insurers are aware.
    Your insurance company will just claim from their insurance company and because you have identified the liable party, you won't have to pay any excess, or impact your rating.

    • +1

      or impact your rating

      Sometimes non-fault claims impact premium, depends on the insurer.

      • OP can confirm either way with their insurance company.

        • +1

          Sure, assuming they'll be staying with the same insurer long term and won't be shopping around for a cheaper option anytime soon. I've just been getting quotes for a new car recently, and many insurers explicitly ask "How many claims in the last x years, regardless of fault".

          I'm not implying what you've suggested is a bad option for the OP, but just pointing out the last bit isn't always true.

          • @mboy: Sure, but claiming from the 3rd party insurance or his own insurance is still a claim.

          • @mboy:

            "How many claims in the last x years, regardless of fault".

            They then ask for specific details if your answer is >0. Eg. Date of event, type of accident, at fault/not at fault etc.

    • +3

      Cleaning damages not covered with Budget Direct lol

      • +4

        I am genuinely surprised, and mildly shocked about that. I just checked the PDS and yes, they don't cover it.

      • +1

        Vandalism should be covered.

      • Better call Saul

  • +2

    Why would you ever sign a release, that absolves them of any damages. Get a lawyer to assess, you should never sign anything unless you understand what you are signing.

  • Definitely a reminder to take your car to a detailer next time.

    Workshops with a production line style have much better quality control.

  • +3

    Insurers will ask you to sign a Deed of Release when a proposed solution/fix is agreed and accepted by both parties. The repairs or payout will be paid after receiving the signed DOR.

    The quote to have the car repaired was close to $8k and the insurance has requested to carry out a portion of the repairs to the sum of $2.5k and if this did not address all issues they would then repair what was left.

    I would ask them to specify that they will either address the entire issue to your satisfaction in the first instance or pay out the $8K estimate. I would not be accepting their "do a little now" and then maybe "do a little later" proposal.

  • +2

    N/A Please Remove Post as Soon as Possible


    • The user’s actions put their hand up for natural selection

    • Doesn't make sense. Cheers

      • +4

        It makes scents. Smells fishy.
        Hope OP isn’t being pressured from the corporate man to delete the post.

        • +2

          I think OP most certainly is pressured from someone/something to delete the post.

          Good ol' Ozbargain allows us to read the original post.
          The company was never named. I don't see how this random Ozbargain post could be of any issue.

          I feel for ya OP. When you engage a big company you'd think their contractor would've had proper training to do the job at hand.

          Edit: I can't see the "revisions" link anymore. Are we actually allowed to unpublish posts here on Ozbargain? That's not quite fair to the people that have spent time on replies, believing their replies may be beneficial for all people.

          • +3


            403 Access Denied

            When I go to the revisions page

  • +7

    What conspiracy is this! Forum where the body was deleted, and no revision to go to and see what the drama was about…

    Something is up here and I don’t like it. Was the car detail company associated with OzBargain 🤔

    • +1

      Ozbargain might as well just delete the whole thread and pretend it never happened.

    • Was the car detail company associated with OzBargain

      Yes, our sister site OzCargain…

      No, actually, we keep getting requests for people posting things and then wanting it removed for 1 reason or another. Deleting the OP & revisions but keeping the thread intact so discussions can continue.

      • +7

        Yes, our sister site OzCargain…

        +1 since we can't vote

      • +4

        Appreciate it boss.

        No conspiracy boys, I just didn't realise you can't remove posts from the website. I didn't intend for my woes to be up online forever.

        If you are ever getting your car detailed choose the business carefully - I selected one of the largest and it was still a disaster.

        • +2

          No conspiracy boys

          Dang it, I just put my tinfoil hat on…

          • +2

            @mapax: Hat makes sense. Cheers

        • +1

          Unfortunately 'one of the largest' can often mean theyve just got a huge advertising budget and farm out work to contractors that get paid poorly.

          Word of mouth recommendations is where its at for this type of work.

      • +1

  • So what are you going to do OP?

  • Couple of YouTube videos about "crazy car washer" doing the same thing with an suv. Commenters said he was probably a pro as this is commonly done. Gets the dirt out of drain channels for example. Has to obviously be done with respect to electrical connectors/each car model.

  • OP vanished :D

  • Vehicle Was Damaged during Unprofessional Detailing


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