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½ Price Woolworths Chicken Kyiv Garlic $1.50 Each @ Woolworths

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Not sure why there are no posts for this yet so here it is.

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    • +4

      Kiev, not Kyiv

      • +31

        Kiev was renamed to Kyiv a few years ago.
        Chicken Kiev was around for a few dozens (or probably hundred) of years.
        So the proper name of this stuff is Chicken Kiev.
        It is like Peking Duck is called Peking Duck not Beijing Duck.
        Irrespectively how you call that I do like them - had it for dinner yesterday.

        • +3

          Beijing Duck is a cooler name imo.

        • +21

          The capital of Ukraine wasn't renamed, it actually stayed the same for ~1,500 years. The different spellings (Kiev and Kyiv) come from transliterations from Russian (Киев) and Ukrainian languages (Київ) respectively. Both are correct. But as we are living in the time of political correctness prevailing common sense, some are just following the political agenda…

          • +3

            @msmaster: According to wikipedia:


            "In response to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, supermarket chains in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada rebranded their versions of the dish to "chicken Kyiv" (in line with the general media shift from the Russian-derived name "Kiev" to "Kyiv") to show respect and support for Ukraine and Ukrainians."

            • +4

              @ialam99: This is just a tip of the iceberg. Ukraine is cancelling everything russian. And you can't blame them when russians bomb their cities and do awful atrocities to innocent people. But how much is too much? How can you cancel Dostoevsky and Bulgakov? How come Chaikovsky has become an enemy of state now? Yes, you can cut all ties with modern Putin's Russia, but cancelling the entire culture…

              • +6


                Ukraine is cancelling everything russian.

                Ignoring the past, rewriting history to suit momentary politics is a real bad way to start the future.

                Imagine USA or Australia or New Zealand canceling everything that's British … or India as well.

                • +1

                  @LFO: You say that, but as a result of WWI, Australia rebranded German sausages to Belgian or Devon.


                  • +1

                    @Fire Chicken: Epidemic I will say.

                    The universal French Fries versus politicians hysteric Freedom Fries. No wonder they are sinking … deep …

                • +3

                  @LFO: Rewriting history is Orwellian Dystopia. We in the West are moving to heading to 1984.

                  We are not at war with Russia or China. We are being played.

              • @msmaster:

                How come Chaikovsky has become an enemy of state now?

                Probably because of people who prefer coffee over tea

            • +4

              @ialam99: Reminds me of the rebranding of that cheese brand "Coon" founded by Mr Edward Coon …

              Pathetic …

        • -1

          I visited China in 2007 and 'Peking Duck' was often called Beijing Duck. Peking is the old and outdated name for Beijing.

        • +9

          Lol, call it what you like, but the Woolworths product is literally spelled 'kyiv' both in the link and on the packaging. It can't be "wrong".

          Maybe this will help:

          • +1

            @SteveBuscemi: I am patiently waiting till I can see sausages in Standom called "moskva smoked" not moscow smoked.

          • +4

            @SteveBuscemi: It was literally only changed because of the "anti-Russia" movement - but not everyone bothered. So you'll see a weird mix of Kyiv and Kiev now.

            The The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law still says Chicken Kiev and it looks like Google prefers Kiev too.

            It's just profiteering under a thin veil of corporate conscience. Note the Ukraine war is still ongoing, everyone just got bored and moved on.

          • @SteveBuscemi: Not really …


            Mccain Pub Size Chicken Kiev Frozen Meal 480g $ 9.50

          • @SteveBuscemi: When an individual is wrong, they are considered foolish.
            When a group of people are wrong, it's considered the new norm.


        • How about some Mumbai Duck …

        • How about some Donald Duck?


          • @LFO: Did you mean: Duck à l’Orange?

        • You're absolutely not wrong, but I have to put it here that my local Chinese does a Beijing Duck :)

      • +10

        Türkiyeish bread?

      • +2

        Thats not what Woolworths calls them.

    • +6

      'Kevin'… In Australia Chicken Kevin!

      In Air fryer wrapped in bacon…'Kevin Bacon'

      If by itself 'Kevin Spacey'….

      • I can verify that!

        • If you forget and leave one in the Air Fryer….it's a "Home Alone"

          And when you find it the next day you must yell "Kevin!!!"

    • -2

      Wow the downvotes!. You are 100% correct. Kiev is the Russian word for the city, which CLEARLY should not be used.

      KYIV it is.

      You have my upvote.

  • +12

    Last month it was $1.25 half price.

    • bird flu hasn't helped with prices :(

    • +4

      That was "better than half price". Haven't seen their non-special price below $3 for months

  • +7

    Kiev? Kyiv?

    Neither - tastes like Covfefe. Best avoided if you respect your tastebuds.

    • +12

      This stuff would disappoint the president of Ukraine, president Putin… Wait, president Putin? We're going to beat president Putin… Incoherent mumbles

      • +7

        Name checks out unfortunately

  • +19

    Spongey texture (like adult chicken nuggets) with a watery sauce

    • +11

      Yep these are crap

      • +2

        If it is not your cup of tea, it does not mean that it is crap.
        Ukrainian cuisine is very tasty including the best soup of all : borsch.
        It has red tint and it scares some people. I do not mind, the less you eat borsch the more will be mine.

        • +2

          Agree. Ukrainian cuisine is awesome.

        • -2

          The best soup in the world is Ramen. People may have other suggestions of better soups, but they are wrong.

        • +5

          No one here is criticising Ukrainian cuisine, just Woolworth's terrible attempt at it.

        • +1

          It was a comment on the quality, not the culture that produced it. They're processed chicken wrapped around butter and garlic powder then breaded. Only 50% of this chicken is chicken.

    • +5

      Really accurate description, but sometimes they go alright for a low effort midweek meal. I mean, cheap chicken nuggets with a cheesy garlic sauce, what's not to like?

      • +1

        I respect that. Bonus points for convenience, with quick steamed vegies on the side for nutrition

        • Basically how we do them. Sometimes stir-fried veg instead of steamed for a bit more flavour since the kievs/kyivs are so bland.

    • Is there something else you'd recommend?

      • Perhaps something that isn't $1.50 and has some resemblance of actual food in it?

  • +7

    Not sure why there are no posts

    Coz taste is yuck

  • +2

    $1.25 then $1.40 then a $1.50 lol so much for lowering prices in a mth they will be $3.00 , customers aren't stupid

  • +4

    Woo hoo it's back 🐔

    • +2

      You are delicious

      • -6

        That’s what I say to my girl after I eat her

  • +1

    Are these at the deli section?

    • Yes, picked some up today.

  • +7

    Not proper chicken meat. Tell em they’re dreaming.

  • +4

    IMHO these taste foul (and not just fowl as it should be).
    There’s something off putting about the meat they used the Ingham frozen ones are much better quality.

  • +3

    Unfortunately these are like giant chicken nuggets (reconstituted chicken) with not amazing sauce. They go 1/2 price pretty regularly, I’d eat it, but wouldn’t seek it out. A decent real Kiev (rare) I’d absolutely chase.

    • +7

      Shouldn’t eat Kievs rare

      • Hahaha- good point

  • +1

    Chicken Kyiv is delicious

    • -1

      Chicken Kyiv is delicious

      Seeing as I'm Ukraine extraction I agree.

      • It is actually a Russian dish. But similar culture, different leadership, right?

        • +1

          It may be a Russian dish but it is closely associated with Ukrainian cuisine.
          Actually I do not mind "holy battles" about cuisines and dishes as long as there are no real ones.
          Unfortunately only in my dreams.

      • They need you on the frontlines as a Ukrainian.

        You must join your brethren and fight to last man for Western Democratic values in the most corrupt country in the world.

        Ukraine = Vietnam and Korea previously dwfending democratic values….can't let the commies win.

        Fools to be slaughtered and western sheeple to be brainwashed.

  • +7

    Reprocessed chicken nugget mince wrapped around some garlic cheese. Textures is terrible. No thanks

  • +2

    I don't mind a Chicken K**v but these are awful. Ingham's and Steggles are considerably more expensive for a reason.

    • +1

      Is the dish ever really that good though? Boneless chicken breast with butter is kind of bland, even if you do add garlic, which the authentic version lacks.

      Give me bone-in thigh with skin any day.

  • +7

    It's not a real Kiev/Kyev at all. It's a crumbed formed chicken like a big chicken nugget or burger with garlic butter in the centre. A Kiev is a specific part of a chicken - the top of the wing with joint attached to a breast fillet. I know, I used to be a stock controller with Inghams.

  • They announced this over the speaker a few times whilst I was at WW today - checked em out and still didn't get any.

  • Are these different than the ones that come in the 4 pack in the Chicken section?

  • +2

    Lips and arseholes.

    • Lips and arseholes.

      Might need to read up on chicken anatomy.

      • Beaks and cloacas!

  • Frozen Coles brand with the bone attached are the shit. Real chicken, good crumb, lots of butter.
    Agree that these parcel/formed type ones are disgusting!

    They disappeared for a while and my family suffered some pretty serious withdrawals.

  • +1

    Not sure why there are no posts for this yet so here it is.

    It was posted, in the weekly 1/2 price Woolworths products, first item https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/856361

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