EV Electricity Plans Ausgrid NSW

Just got an email from Ovo energy.

Was reasonably happy with their EV plan even though supply charge and some rates were quite high 1.24/day for supply. The new plan is just ridiculously crap and I’ll start doing some research but wanted to start a forum topic here to see if anyone in New South Wales specifically on ausgrid is the same situation looking for a better plan and has any luck. To top it off they dropped the FIT from $.08-$.03 last year it was $.12 absolute crap.

NSW electricity was meant to be one of the states that dropped.

Old/new rates I get

Daily Supply Charge ($/day) $1.2474 $1.3090
Peak Charge ($/kWh) $0.532565 $0.5995
Shoulder Charge ($/kWh) $0.273240 -
Off Peak Charge ($/kWh) $0.266915 $0.3498
Super Off Peak Charge ($/kWh) $0.0000 $0.0000
Controlled Load 2 Usage ($/kWh) $0.175835 $0.2343
EV Charging ($/kWh) $0.079970 $0.0800
Solar ($/kWh) $0.0800 $0.0300


  • -5

    The new plan is just ridiculously crap

    It is…

    Just sell up and go back to an ICE car…

    • +2

      Hmmmm, pay $2.12/litre for petrol or 3 hours of free electricity a day and $0.08/kWh from midnight till 6am to charge the car…

      I’ll get back to you on selling my ev…

      • -1

        pay $2.12/litre

        $1.64 per litre and can easily drive Mel to Syd without 1 hour+ stops to recharge.

        • time spent fueling each week vs time spent waiting to charge on road trips hmm

        • +1

          With all the money they save on fuel they can afford a plane ticket.

        • $1.64 per litre

          I put fuel in my “other” car yesterday, and 91 was $2.12/litre.

          Even if I use your super cheap fuel price (that I would have to drive 1000km to get), 1 litre of fuel would be the same as about 2kWh of electricity for me, so even if I fill up during peak hour electricity, it’s still only $1.20 for the equivalent in electricity. On off peak, it’s $0.16. And well, “free” is kinda hard to beat.

          can easily drive Mel to Syd without 1 hour+ stops

          Yeah, but you shouldn’t. 8 to 10 hours behind the wheel in a single stint is stupid at best. Truck drivers are not allowed to do it, I don’t know why car drivers think it’s ok.

          And you don’t stop for 1 hour. On a DC fast charger from 0 to 100% in my EV is 45 mins. You don’t run it down to 0% and you only ever top up enough to get you to the next charger, so an average charge stop on a long trip might be 20~30 mins. Time to get out, walk around, have some lunch…

          And it’s a stupid comment, because just how many times a week does the average person drive from Melbourne to Sydney?

          95% of my charging is done at home. I do it while I sleep, while I WFH, while I fix the Fiat, while I watch tv, while I go to the gym, while I eat lunch.

          If charging an EV is cutting into your life, then you are doing it wrong. But trolls gonna troll.

          • @pegaxs:

            91 was $2.12/litre

            $1.64 in Melb after 8c discount

            • @jv:

              $1.64 in Melb after 8c discount

              Unfortunately, not everyone has the pleasure of living in Melbourne.

              $2.12 in Newcastle after 0c discount. (8c discount place was 12c more expensive, so no net value in buying from Colesworth.)

  • -5

    EVs should be only allowed to charge of wind and solar generated electricity.
    Not of coal and gas generated electricity at night.
    Otherwise how can they claim to be green?

    • my ev whispers to me at night and claims to be black

      • You mean identifies as black? That's ok then.

        • nah, claims

          • @askbargain: Must identify as black to be acceped as per current inclusiveness policies.
            Otherwise only green electricity for non compliant EVs

    • +1

      Even when accounting for coal heavy energy source and transmission loss in the grid; the co2 cost per km travelled is still less in an EV compared to burning fossil fuel in small inefficient piston engines.

    • Who gives a (fropanity) about EV’s being green? I didn’t buy mine because it was “green”. I bought it because I was sick of paying over $2/litre for fuel.

      And running an EV on coal fired elec is still waaaaay cleaner than burning fossil fuels to go the same distance.

      • -1

        EVs are currently only economically viable because of huge government subsidy. You probably have it from your employer as a FBT free fringe benefit. So completely tax free.
        And I don't think they are cleaner when you account for all the additional new infrastructure and additional new power generating requirements that has to be put in place to recharge them, especially if they were adopted en masse and especially because people will recharge them at night when there is no solar.

        • You probably have it from your employer as a FBT free fringe benefit.

          Nope, paid cash for mine. Bought it before the FBT incentive was announced. State government did chip in $3,000 though, which worked out to be around 6% and didn't even cover the GST, so no, it wasn't "CoMpLeTeLy tAx FrEe!1!!"

          And I don't think they are cleaner when you account for…

          Again, I don't give a (fropanity) how "clean" it is, just how cheap it is to run. And I can assure you, even filled with the dirtiest of dirty, filthy coal generated electricity, it's still cleaner than using petrol to do the same thing.

          all the additional new infrastructure

          Have you see a fuel station recently? You are trying to tell me that setting up and operating one of these is cleaner than setting up and operating something like this or perhaps this??

          new power generating requirements that has to be put in place to recharge them…

          You do know how oil gets form the ground wells to your fuel bowser, yeah? The massive amounts of energy required to turn a barrel of crude oil into petrol and get it all the way from the other side of the planet and into your car…

          Stop getting all your news and talking points from Murdoch mouth pieces. It's rotting your brain.

          • -2


            Again, I don't give a (fropanity) how "clean" it is, just how cheap it is to run

            Ok, so you are not one of the mindless greenies that bought a brand new EV and scrapped a perfectly good ICE vehicle to save the planet. That's good.
            But if it is so cheap to run, why does it have to subsidised so heavily by the goverment?
            Why are there incentives for power companies to sell EV charging power cheaper than the electricity people have to use for everyday living?
            I get it. The stupid goverment is throwing money at the net zero BS and you take advantage of whatever you can. But that doesn't mean it is an economically viable alternative that can stand on its own merits. Not yet at least.

  • +2

    I’m in the same boat as OP in NSW. The OVO rate changes nuke the EV plan for me especially with that 3c FIT.

    I did a lot of research and switched to Engie’s EV plan which gives lower rates all around plus a 10c FIT. Only downside is no free charging window between 11-2.

  • We're with OVO in VIC (Powercor) area and I'm not impressed with the increases on our EV plan but I think it will still be better to stay with them as they are the only ones (that I can find) that offer a cheap overnight charge along with a free power window that we have definitely been utilising for charging our EV + home battery. If anyone has found something better, I'd love to hear about it.

    Our old rates vs new rates as of 1/8/24

    Supply: 1.221 / 1.1
    Peak: 40.51 / 57.2
    Off Peak: 22.94 / 27.5
    FIT: 8 / 3.3
    EV charge midnight - 6am: 8 / 8
    Free power 11 - 2 everyday

    • Would love your new rates

      • +1

        lol supply at least went down for me! When you compare the peak and off-peak rates to other providers in my area it is quite high though… if we didn't have a home battery to help avoid paying the peak rates, I would definitely be trying out a new provider. If they get rid of that free time, I'll definitely be switching

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