Eurostar Flash Sale currently ongoing. Limited availability, but there are cheap tickets between now and January 2025. Destination/Origin is between Paris, London, Brussels, Lille, Amsterdam and Cologne
London-Paris 13th August £35
Paris-London 29th August £35
For travel between 13/08/2024 and 23/10/2024 inclusive. Subject to availability. Availability varies according to dates and trains.
This fare will not be available for the following dates:
- Paris to London: 24/08/2024, 26/08/2024, 09/09/2024, 07/10/2024, 19/10/2024
- London to Paris : 17/08/2024, 23/08/2024, 24/08/2024, 04/10/2024
- Brussels/Lille to London:26/08/2025,19/10/2024
- London to Brussels/Lille: 17/08/2024 / 23/08/2024, 24/08/2024
- London to Amsterdam/Rotterdam: 17/08/2024, 23/08/2024, 24/08/2024, 14/09/2024, 05/10/2024, 06/10/2024, 12/10/2024, 13/10/2024, 19/10/2024
It's £35 (~$67.5), not €35