Samsung Dishwasher Reviews

I am keen to know if anyone is using a Samsung dishwasher. I’ve been using Samsung products and am now eager to change the dishwasher, and given the EPP program, the price of the Samsung unit seems good.

But the reviews are mixed - this is common for all the dishwashers. Hence, I want to know if anyone has used or has been using a Samsung dishwasher and can advise.



  • +3

    I am keen to know if anyone is using a Samsung dishwasher.

    Lots of people are.

    • +1


  • +7

    replaced a very old Samsung that failed with a Bosch made in germany model and the Bosh had a main board failure in the first 6 months.
    i have given up with which brand is better than which, i think its a roll of the dice these days …chances are you could buy a Haier cheap of cheap and have it for 10 years

    • +3

      Agree. Whether it's a $400 unit or a $900 unit neither are economical to repair outside of warranty. Unless you're a brand snob or trying to impress the Jones' just get whatever's on special with the longest warranty.

    • +1

      I agree it's a roll of the dice but an educated guess is needed because in many households a DW gets used daily which is more duty cycles than perhaps laundry appliances. A cheap model would have to be 25% the cost of a decent one before I'd risk it.

    • +1

      They've all sold out these days. You're just paying for a badge, much like with German cars.

  • +2

    I have a Samsung, and it annoys the shit out of me. Can’t work out why it can clean some things (like baked on lasagna stains) but can’t clean butter off a knife

    I’ve checked the spinning arms, not over loading it, tried different powder, and they’re the same

    • How old is the unit? Atm they just have few model

      • +1

        Probably about 3-4 years old

        I would say 3/4 of the time, the dishes come out clean. But the other 1/4 a lot of still dirty dishes/cutlery. It’s like none of the arm spin at all in the 1/4 of the time.

        Im looking to replace it actually, it’s getting past the point of annoying

        • +1

          "I would say 3/4 of the time, the dishes come out clean"
          75 percent not good enough, 87 would be ok?

  • +6

    I swear I've never bought a Samsung product that didn't break early, so I stay away from them now. TV was DOA (they replaced the panel on site though and it's still running 10 years later), S7 screen went wonky in 3 weeks (again, replaced immediately), arm holding the drum in the washing machine broke after 3 years, fridge made noises like a shotgun going off (which was apparently normal, according to Samsung) after 2 years.

    Their support has gone downhill too. TV and phone didn't bother me because it was an instant replace/fix then lasted. Later devices they weren't interested at all in helping out.

    • FWIW here's another anecdotal report. My Samsung monitor went a little dimmer on one half of the screen after about 1.5-2 years. I lodged a service request on the website, they called me to arrange a time to come, the guy came and swapped the panel within about 20 minutes and everything's working fine.

      My Samsung fridge is 7 years old and still running fine.

      One of my friends bought a grey-import S7 in March 2017 and is shockingly still using it today.

    • Came to say this. After the disaster of my TV, I’ll never buy another of their products. Maybe I am overreacting but their service was so terrible. All they wanted to do was sell me a new one despite the other being in warranty.

  • +1

    As someone from Korea, anything with motor, go with LG was what I was told by my parents. LG tends to have better brand image on white goods in Korea.

    Just mentioning this as both Samsung and LG have service centres almost everywhere in Korea and they are both considered good brands, so preference would boil down to who makes better overall products I assume.

    • +1

      I've owned two LG fridges in the past. The first was a very small sized fridge bought simply for the size as my brother and I were renting and needed to make sure the fridge could fit into the apartment. This one broke down once and did cost me to fix during the 4yrs I had it.

      I was hoping to avoid LG for the second fridge but I also wanted a silver fridge to match my cooktop/stove and LG made the only one that we could get into my apartment. This fridge we still use… and it has never broken down after 15yrs!

      The next fridge will be a Haier one though… upgrading to a french door fridge and the inside layout of the Haier we chose just suited our needs better.

      Ironically, our current washing machine is a Haier and we'll be switching to a LG washtower, so LG and Haier are switching duties when we move into our new house.

      • My mom complained that LG fridge and the washing machine that she bought as "temporary" options haven't broken down in 10 ish years. She is very picky with design and looks, so she's like, I was going to get something nicer when the appliances break down, and they don't seem to want to break down.

        Though, ymmv, there would be good and bad models from all manufacturers.

        • That sounds like something my wife would say - lol

          I'm hoping they don't breakdown… the LG washtower cost me around $3200 and if we need to buy something to replace it, it'll be another LG washtower.

          I originally wanted to get a Panasonic fridge which I couldn't due to only one stock in the country at Hardly Normal… a display model. It would have cost more than the washtower. I'll see how the Haier performs. If it's crap, I'll get a new fridge.

  • +3

    I've been doing a lot of research into fridges and washing machines during EOFY sales and the general consensus I found with Samsung appliances was that they're OK but Samsung excel at computing tech and mobiles, not home appliances. There are better brands out there with a lower failure rate.

    For dishwashers, I've always stuck with Bosch. My wife's townhouse that we live in has a Bosch which after 5yrs living here, hasn't broken down… though we do use it sparingly. I bought a replacement Bosch dishwasher for my old townhouse when I started renting it out. Not sure how much the tenants used it/treated it but it did break down within the two years I rented it out for. But I had bought extended warranty from TGGs which I just gave to the property manager and they sorted it out without costing me more.

    My property manager stuck with F&P or Westinghouse when choosing dishwashers from memory. I probably should have listened but online reviews for Bosch were better at the time.

  • Samsung service is generally dreadful (see previous post re air-conditioning).

    We've opted for a basic Westinghouse dishwasher and the first one tan for seven years with no problems. Just replaced with the same, so hoping the quality is the same.

  • +1

    My office has Euromaid and even my rental property have Euromaid and my house.

    Different levels expensive for the house and basic for rental. They have been running for more than 7-9 years now and have no complaints from anyone, except once from the rental property which they have identified due to the block main drainage connector and not with the machine.

    Unfortunately, this machine needs to be ordered online directly, since no major retailer has them on display.

  • +1

    Based on my experience with a Samsung Washer and Fridge, would recommend you go for something like Bocsh ;

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