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10,000 Bonus Everyday Rewards Points with $90 Spend Each Week for 4 Weeks at Woolworths @ Everyday Rewards


Get the most out of every dollar you spend in‑store or online at Woolworths over the next 4 weeks with 10,000 points to collect.*

It’s this easy:

  1. Click the ‘Boost now’ button

  2. Spend $90 in one or more shops in‑store or online at Woolworths in all 4 weeks and scan or link your Everyday Rewards Card at the checkout

  3. Collect 10,000 points

Week 1 starts Monday, 15 July.*

From the disclaimer:
This offer is personal to you and will be available only on your Everyday Rewards Card. Registered Everyday Rewards members must boost their offer during the first week of the offer period and before their first qualifying shop to participate in the promotion.

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (958)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +1

    got 4 x 50 on one of my accounts (winning!). Nothing on the other

    • same on all accounts

  • Got 4 x 2000pts for $40 on a rarely used account

  • Got mine! $90 weekly spending

  • +3

    got 4 x $210 for 22k points

    • Wow that's a high bar. Do you normally spend close to that?

      • I'm around $180

    • Same. Normally start of the month with a $350 spend pre 10% discount

  • +19

    I got 5x points on cheese products; I'm lactose intolerant

    • +5


    • +3

      Chemist warehouse got a cashback on Combank yello if you wanna buy some Lacteeze supplies

    • It's almost 14% which is pretty good. And nothing to stop you from only buying sale items + adding Everyday Extra 10% off to one of those shops too.

        • Where are you getting $500 from? It's 4x90 which is $360 to earn $50 of points.

  • +1

    450pts for spending $30 x 4 LOL.

    • +1

      I currently have 550pts each week for $50 x2. I barely shop at WW, their offers are a joke.

      Meanwhile I am happily mid-way thru yet another 10,000pts for $50 x4 at Coles along with some double-dipping along the way. I shop at Coles all the time.

  • I got spend $60 for 2 weeks and get 4000 points. That was last week. On another account I got spend $50 and get 1000 (once). That was last week. Making the most of these booster atm, as I’m saving points for family holidays.

  • i got a 5x multiplier on freezer products

  • +8

    got spend $50 for 4 weeks get 6000 points

    • Mine is the same.

      • +3

        Me too. Not as good as Coles $50 for 4 weeks get 10,000 points.

        • +2

          Mine is 6000 for 4x$50 too, for me it's been very difficult to justify doing groceries anywhere other than coles lately

  • +1

    14k on 130 spend

  • +1

    4*$50/6000 best offer
    Still raining 0.1c/2000 offers

  • I got 22,000 for spending $210 per week for 4 weeks. Nice try, Woolies.

  • +5

    Got 6000 for $50 each shop x4

    Coles does it better, $50 x4 for 10,000

  • +1

    500 points ($2.50) on $40. Come on Woolies. You need to do better to entice me back from Coles.

  • Mine is 4x $50 for 6000 points. Title needs to be changed.

  • 4x$170 for 18000 for me

  • Got "spend $70 each week to collect 650 points" for 2 weeks.

  • +1

    I got Spend $50x4 Get 6000

  • I got spend $170 a week for 4 weeks and receive 18,000 points.

    Don't see me hitting that target, I thought about stocking up on cleaning products but already have about 2 years of washing machine capsules and 18 months of dishwashing tablets in the cupboard.
    I don't buy my fruit and veg or meats from the supermarket.

  • +1

    Same target at $90… but in week 2 of coles 50 for 10k points… .
    But woolies the one thing i do like it's across multiple shops to reach the spend amount VS spend that amount in one hit the flybuys/coles runs with.

    Flybuys/coles really need to consider that but how behind they are for giant e.g that you can not use giftcards online shops…i doubt the chances

  • Can we just buy some giftcards worth more than $90 each week? and still be eligible for the bonus.

    • Really want to know this too

    • +4

      GCs are always excluded.

    • Gift cards are excluded, noted here.

  • I'm not even going to bother to try and chase mine. $840 of spend in the next 4 weeks is excessive unless there's some kind of workaround.

  • +1

    Skip this, everyone! WW will be pressured to offer a better deal. At least like Coles deal 4wks of $50+ get 10k pts.

    • Yes exactly. Skipping. I still have two Coles deals for weeks 2 to 4 of $50 for 10000.

  • +1

    got nothing on either of my accounts

    • Same - and I easily spend between $180-$300 every week.

      Maybe that's why - I spend it anyway :(

  • how many $ do 10,000 points convert to?

  • +1

    Got spend $0.01 for 2000 points.

    • +1

      Spent $1 yesterday on fruit for 6000 pts (3 Rewards accounts 1c min).
      & $50 for 2350pt.
      = 8350 pt ($41.75cr) on $51 spend.

      • Terrible offers this week😝

        Best was 6000pts for $50 x 4 wk.
        Definitely did not boost - hoping for better offers next week

        Flybuys best offer is 10x pts😝
        (Wk1 of my 4 week x $60 10000pt offer ended yesterday)

  • +2

    6000 points for $50 x 4 weeks.
    Worse than Coles' 10000 points. Skip.

    • +1

      Same, these are all over the place with point rewards and required spend amounts. The Woolies bonus point rewards do have a nice advantage though, being the min spends can be done across multiple transactions unlike Coles, so more time to hit the required spend.

      • BIG advantage

      • +1

        I budget a single $50 Coles run. No time to do multiple runs anyway.
        Spare budget? Pantry stock up, or stock up seafood and freeze.

    • Can't take up Coles 10000pt offer… Wk1 of mine ended yesterday😝

  • +1

    1900 points for $110 x 2 weeks. Pass.

  • +2

    No offer received.

    • I spend between $180-300 a week anyway. I didn't get it either. Maybe they feel they don't need to encourage me LoL.

      • +1

        I think that is the case. They keep trying to push you above what you normally spend.

  • +1

    I got this one and also Coles $50x4 for 10000 pts ($50 equivalent). Not even within the same ballpark. Going for the Coles one.

    Hopefully someone from Woolies reads this

  • I got 4x$60 for $10,000 .

  • -3

    Woot 5x points on fruit!
    Gonna ask again

    Any Assmanians get any good deals ?

  • That is so low compared to Coles 4x$90.

  • Thanks OP, finally, haven't had one of the 10k offers in months. Also got 4x$90. Other account got nothing 🤷‍♂️

  • Just saw this, so its a $50 bonus, interesting that im also in the second week of 600 weekly bonus points for $60 spend, and spent $50 on Monday stocking up on Little Moons and using Extra 10%, and getting bonus points on the little moons being a freezer boost.

    Also have 2 extra perks, yogurts, making it 4 very good perks this month and we are only halfway through the month.

  • Woolies 4 week points rewards are always lower than Coles (usually higher minimum spend too). However, one problem is Coles you have to spend in one go ($50 is bugger all easy peasy nowadays but sucks with online orders and out of stock)

    • I am currently doing a 3 week Woolies offer which is spend $40 get 2000 points. My Coles offers are spend $50 x 4 get 10,000 points—both the same 25% off. Once activated, the Woolies offer also allows you to choose the weeks you do it as the points get credited after each shop. But I do miss the day I was able to get 40% off at Coles every week by stacking the shop Wed - Fri or Sat - Tues offers.

      • You still can. Spend the money on Tuesday or Friday night with the period before and after activated. It will kick in the points for both. Been on a roll for last few weeks spending $100 and getting 8k points

        • Oh, you still get them. I rarely do now but they were regular for me more than 12 months ago.

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