Without Wetting Your Fingers - How Does One Open a Plastic Bag?

I wonder if Others struggle with opening a bag that for bagging fruit…?
If you don't wet your fingers can you open the plastic bag? this could include bin liners too.


  • +73

    I miss the days when inner monologues existed.

  • +4

    Shake it like crazy

  • +22

    Put the opening of the bag between your palms then shake as if you're warming up your hand.

  • +15

    I usually find the atomic gap between the plastic and split it apart with my fingernails, otherwise I rub my forhead for some oil and use that as friction.

    • +22

      My god, you're greasy…

      • +4

        I would like to present you with the "Winning the internet award" for this Sunday 14th of July 2024.

        Thank you!

      • +2

        Sir, if you don't buy this taco it will come out of my pay and my girlfriend will kill me.

    • I thought oil is to reduce friction? How can you use it as friction?

    • I just wet my tongue

    • How do I order this wonderous machine and where do I send this paltry amount of pocket change ?

  • +4

    I find abracadabra, open sesame or alakazam all work in equal measure 🤔

  • I find fire works well to get them open.

  • -6

    Do you not want to wet your fingers to open said bag?
    Is it such a huge deal for you?
    Just do it and open the bag.
    Do you buy shoes that don't require shoe laces to make life easier too?

    • +13

      It is inconvenient at a supermarket, plus spitting on fingers is unhygienic. I solve the problem by buying vegies from wet areas first (broccoli, radish etc) and then touching them when I need to wet fingers. One can use milk bottle for the same purpose.

      PS I also prefer loafers for the reason you mentioned:)

      • -4

        PS I also prefer loafers for the reason you mentioned:)

        Why am I not surprised?

    • and your father smells of elderberries

  • +4

    I use Con the Fruiterer's technique

  • I take a moment to focus on opening the pores on my fingers so that sweat comes out and allows me to open the bag. Works pretty well actually.

    • -1

      Ghosts don't sweat.

  • +3

    No, because you don't need to bag your fruit

    • +5

      Ah, weve found the person who goes to the shops to buy one single onion.

  • +6

    Hawk tuah.

  • +2

    Pinch the open end, make a tearing motion.

  • I lick the bag then use my fingers. No reason for the bag to be unclean coming straight off the roll.

  • +4

    I just wet my finger using the ice that the vegetables are on.

    • Agree. This is my technique as well.

  • +5

    You wet your fingers? I find it impossible to open those damned things with even a little bit of moisture. I dry my hands on my shorts or shirt and then click my fingers with the bag opening between the fingers and bam, it opens.

  • -2
    • tear the bag slightly
    • sticky tape
    • As a staff member
    • Gloves
    • Carry a sponge if you're concerned about germs
    • bring open bags from home
  • -2

    Wet the bag and wear gloves?

  • +1

    Just go buy chicken instead

  • +4

    two fingers like you're doing a 'click'… but with the plastic bag in between your fingers.

  • Don the full hazmat suit then lick my finger and thumb.. and wouldnt you know, the bag is open.
    Then fill with goodies, and remove hazmat suit
    Go home.

  • -1

    No need. I roll my fruits like sushi.

  • +6

    Older lady showed me how when we were wearing masks, there is usually dispenser for wet wipes within the store. A couple of them in the trolly and you’re good to go and no finger licks.

    • This. Pick up an extra antibacterial one from the entrance when i wipe my trolley handle.

    • Good idea, unfortunately the supermarkets near me have phased these out now.

  • The edge of a reusable green bag, or the zipper tends to work for me… It does seem like these recycled or compostable bags for fruit and veg are way harder to open then the older style ones.

  • +3

    Open it from the corner side.

    • or the other side .. like .. the one that it opens from . der .

  • +3

    i just dont use a bag

  • +1

    Without Wetting Your Fingers - How Does One Open a Plastic Bag?

    You can't, Coles has 'ice' under some veg etc, its wet…. stick your fingers in it. Woolies like to be different, but those mist things are wet, touch them.

    Or just lick your fingers like its 2019!

  • +2

    Before you go to the shops make sure you are super hydrated. Park 2km away and run to the shops. You wont need to wet your fingers as theyll already be moist from sweat.

    • Do you run back with full bags of fruit too?

      • +1

        While doing curls. Saves on gym fees.

  • +1

    Rub your right knee and left elbow, the plastic will part and you can bag the fruit

  • Is the bag dirty? Most likely not germy its been in the roll unless its not hooked up properly of course(then someone might of touched it).

    Its more likely the dirtiest thing is actually your own fingers.

  • +3

    i grip the bag between my thumb and forefinger then move them in opposite directions

    • Yep, a few goes of this will open it up (unless you're at the wrong end).

  • I pull apart and blow it open with a puff of breath

  • Not physically possible. No wet finger, no open bag, end of story. Well, for me anyway.

  • +1

    Op blow hot air on your fingers, like you're fogging a pair of glasses to clean them. The condensation is enough to get a grip on the plastic.

    • I think OP's full of hot air.

  • you need to BLOW hard

  • In the shops normally there is some cold fruit with condensation on it or I breathe slowly on my fingers (like trying to fog up a car window as a kid).

  • +2
    • Yes. that's me.

  • The open end of each side is offset by 1-2mm. This allows you to carefully peel the bag open with your thumb and forefinger using both hands.

  • Oh … I thought those flimsy plastics sheets where meant to wrap the fruit …
    Is it an actual bag?


  • Stretch them. I pull on them on the sides until the edge stretches and distorts, both sides will distort differently, hence creating a gap big enough to open.

  • -1

    1) use the multi use bags they sell 2) please don't tell me it is for bananas which are literally in their own skin (which you don't eat) ND connected, so you don't need a bag

  • Sometimes you need some of that Hauk Tauw!

  • +3

    You just put the opening end between your thumb and a finger and do the "money" gesture?

    • You might get more than just the bag opening… lol

  • Use a reusable mesh bag. Also, please don’t bag bananas. They’re already wrapped and in a bunch.

  • +1

    Rub your fingers (thumb and index) like the 'money sign' where the opening is.

  • rub it off it open up

  • Simple, wet my fingers by touching the veggie section which are usually moist and use that to open the bag.

  • i end up peeing on my fingers for the extra grip

  • +2

    I have never wet my fingers to open a plastic bag

  • +2

    Some compilation of comments so far:

    Moist fingers
    Take a moment to focus on opening
    Touching the veggie
    Shake it
    Use oil to reduce friction
    Rub it…where the opening is
    Bananas…in their own skin
    Creating a gap big enough
    Blow hot air
    Blow hard
    Pull.. and blow it
    Breath slowly
    Old lady showed..wet wipes..no finger licks
    Grip..between thumb and forefinger then move them
    Not physically possible…end of story

    • Is anyone else getting a little warm in here .. whoa

  • Try the corner. may be blow a little at the corner. works every time

  • No. Yes.

  • Bikies?

  • This one time, in covid, only two tomatoes left in aldi, spent about a minute trying to open the damn thing and sweating bullets someone else will grab them before me
    The struggle is real

  • +2

    Just ask it ‘How You Doin?

    Blushes wide open

    • +1

      Very sound technique .. Hav a upvote

  • +2

    Worked previously in retail, was taught to rub the plastic bag between wrists. Works wonders!

  • Finger licking good…

  • wet the plastic bag

  • rub rub rub

  • I use ChatGPT.

  • +2

    I take the opening of the bag and rub it between my hands. That usually works.

    • ^^ This. I just place the open side of the bag between my hands, and rub them together as if I have money bags stashed at home.

  • A drop of hand sanitiser

  • Just lick the bag .. I mean if you were gonna catch polio you would have got it by now.

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