With the v1.0 release upcoming in September, they have announced a price increase following this sale (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiHsFjgFAws), so this is the best time to pick this up before it leaves early access.
[PC, Steam] Satisfactory $22.47 (50% off) @ Steam

Last edited 08/07/2024 - 21:56 by 1 other user
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and Goat Simulator 3
Which is really Goat Simulator 2. They just like being weird.
Nothing weird there, just creative, SW started at 4,5,6 then 1,2,3 then 7,8,9. No one called it weird.
@pitufon: It was just Star Wars, the "A New Hope" rename wasnt added until 4 years later after Empire when it had become clear it was going to be a larger franchise.
Awesome game
Haven't played in a couple of years, but an amazing game (though I preferred Factorio in the end). A steal at that price.
Also preferred factorio. Space age dlc looking good for oct 21 release.
Factorio is too expensive and they never have sales. I'm sure it's a good game though, but not something that I'm prepared to pay that much for.
Hi random internet friend.
How you determine value? I look at the time I've spent playing it (~400 hours and counting) and even if I were to stop playing now, that's what; 12c per hour at $50?
If I go see a movie at the cinema, that's about $10 an hour, and I'm fine with that too.
Now believe me, I'm a patient gamer; I make good use of isthereanydeal.com (16 games waiting for better price) and decide what price I'm willing to pay for a given game and I wait. I've got plenty of other games I can play in the meantime.
A little thought experiment: If my various game libraries were wiped out today and I had to re-buy the games I wanted, but the catch was nothing would go on sale for a year, what would I buy at full price to tide me over:
* Factorio - not even a question. And I'll buy the Space Age DLC day 1 and have zero regrets.
* Terraria
* Dyson Sphere ProgramHave you tried the demo? That's actually what sold me originally. If I recall correctly, I played about 10-20 minutes and just knew it was for me and bought it on the spot.
Or purchase and refund within the 2 hours? Admittedly the first two hours are not representative of the whole game, so that's not ideal.
I'm not trying to impose my values on you here, or tell you you're wrong or anything; I just know how much I enjoy Factorio, and to think you might love it as much (or even more) but won't give it a chance due to the price makes me a little sad.
@Occas: Well put mate. Exactly how I feel about Factorio. Probably THE best value for money purchase I have ever made.
@Occas: After seeing your comment, I just tried out the demo (didn't know it had one), and have quickly figured out that it's not my sort of thing. I value games based on their replayability, it's why my top played games on Steam with thousands of hours are KSP and BeamNG.drive.
@ldd-mn: Interesting - I also enjoy both of those games. I'm not very good at KSP, but I do enjoy what I can actually achieve in it when I do.
The Factorio demo is (or was last time I played it) a very tailored experience to guide you through some things - the core game itself is essentially sandbox with no guided objectives so to speak - just "launch the rocket" - you're very much left on your own to figure it out and also what you want to achieve in the game.
In fact, I've seen dozens of posts in the subreddit where people say something along the lines of "I've got 1000 hours in the game and have never even launched the rocket".
I personally play without the enemies - I like my experience to be chill, and purely about the logistical challenges rather than defending the base as well.
Of course, if you haven't already you could check out a video or two of a Lets Play series with someone like Nilaus; maybe this series ? Noting that's a couple of years old - most of his newer series' are heavily modded…
But at its core, it's: build a factory to automate stuff, address issues with throughput (always need more x, where x can be steel, iron plates, power) and move through the tech tree to progress - so if that's not appealing then fair enough. It's why there's hundreds of genres of games/movies/etc - we're all different :)
@Occas: The way Dyson Sphere Program scales is absolutely wild. It's like a whole new game, at least twice, as you progress.
@Ademos: Interesting. I've had it sitting in my library for over a year but haven't had a chance to boot it up. Guess I better get to it!
@Occas: 571 hours and I’ve just started a K2+Space Extension run to try and finish before the expansion.
Easily the best money I ever spent on a game.
Really good game.
This feels like the kind of game I'd wind up quitting my job and abandoning my friends and family for. It looks like crack to me.
It is. I have hundreds of hours in it. Great co op with a mate or three.
Looking forward to final release.It's the sort of game that you can sit down in front of, and look up many hours later, realise that you skipped dinner and the sun is coming up.
The graphics are really beautiful, and the inclusion of spontaneous co-op multiplayer is great, although slightly buggy at times.
My only problem with it is that at some point, the requirements to progress further get so complex, and the scale so massive, that I lose enthusiasm and it just starts to feel like a never-ending grind.
I much prefer this over Factorio, it's far more immersive IMO.
It launches into 1.0 with some big changes to resource locations, progression, and general "things" in like, 2 months. I would buy now, and not play until then.
Good game.
I don't enjoy automation games or building games generally, I like to explore and play RPGs etc. However with a couple mates I sunk well over 100 hours into this and thoroughly enjoyed it. My main role was power management/building up power plants (we didn't quite make it to nuclear though), and was lucky enough to have a friend who loves the rest of the giant mega factory automation building (we ran a dedicated server).
If you even remotely enjoy the usual top down or side scroll builders, absolutely give this a try!
Says it's in my library but I have zero recollection of ever having purchased it, was probably part of one of the bajillion Ukraine bundles from a couple years back.
that's wild…
(the wars and a bundle being released in relation to war)
Hell of a game for $22
if you have played Factorio its basically a 3d version of that.
Eh I wouldn't say so. Satisfactory perspective makes management of large scale belting into a main bus unfeasible, instead you're better off with modular separation and regrouping via trains.
At a certain base size, the first person perspective becomes extremely noticeable.
Yeah we did a Mega Factory and semi regret it.. It's massively tall, has pipes/belts going everywhere via a hidden wall/ system and some bridges.
Def recommend the modular approach. If we play again we'd probably do that and just run tonnes of trains!
Amazing game, highly recommend. Gets a bit difficult for me and I end up losing interest late-mid game. Sounds like they will be smoothing it out for 1.0 - super excited to not have any time to play it :D
Have had this on my wishlist for a while now. Might add to the collection and play it in 8 months or so.
Highly recommend the game
Turns out I already own it, but I also don't see controller support so it's unlikely I'll get a chance to play it soon
You really wouldn't want to use a controller for this game IMO
I'm hoping that the story elements give me enough purpose to push through to the end.
I've reached aluminium a couple of times and the time/effort investment required was just too draining… I love the game otherwise though!
We got to the final Tier/heading towards Nuclear but it's rough. Alluminium definitely introduced a lot more requirements/train stations to bring in the goods!
I tapped out at the point where I just needed to produce a billion complicated items to achieve Space Elevator Level 4, but those items had no other purpose. I didn't have much else to do because my factory was pretty efficient and it was just a matter of waiting around in-game; I almost considered just leaving the game running whilst I was asleep. Except that my fluid components were not 100% efficient and I had to periodically go over and flush the tanks, to clear the bottleneck.
At that point I felt like even building multiple new bases and attempting to route the maximum amount of resources back to the main base was pointless because it just created bottlenecks of initial supply that I had not designed for (e.g. by simple maths: if the first process consumes 4 and produces 2, then the next process consumes that 2 and produces 1, you have an exponential requirement in the initial supply each time you try to increase the final output).
To give it perspective, I used my "spare" time to build an elevated road platform that connected the entire map, inclusive of fencing and power posts, such that I could drive or hover all over the entire map and bypass the aggressive fauna. And in all that time I was still only about 25% done with the final outputs.
That isn't exponential. In fact it's directly linear.
Anyway, many of your concerns are addressed in 1.0. Tier progression and requirements drastically changed.
For those that don't know, the community management of this game is amazing. They hold dev streams and answer questions from chat, extremely good communication in upcoming changes which might affect your game and wholesome people. It's been great watching this early access develop over the last few years
Strongly recommend avoiding this game if you value your free time.
Thumbs up from me - great game and at one point I got completely obsessed re-designing my factory with each Tier update. I put 230 hours into it which is potentially the most I've ever played one game.
This was back under Update 6 and they've added 2 new updates since then, which I haven't gone back to.
At this point I was considering giving new starters a tip, but I think perhaps this is the kind of game where it's more rewarding to figure it out as you go along.
The biggest tip I would give beginners is that it's probably a good idea to start a new, larger factory somewhere else once you've got the first couple of tiers done. And then do it again, but even bigger, once you progress a bit further.
That, and you'd be amazed how useful concrete ramps and slabs are in reaching hard-to-climb locations.
I did the same as you, waiting for 1.0. It's out in 2 months, with massive changes to resources and a metric load of new features/things. I'm patiently frothing.
Note : It launches into "release" aka V 1.0 with some big changes to resource locations, progression, story, and general "things" in like, 2 months. I would buy now, and not actually play until then.
Bought this the other day and played 5 hours, very annoying menu system and not very intuitive, looks nice but kind of like all the other building/crafting games, i kept feeling like i could just play Minecraft if i want to micro manage stuff.
From the studio that brought you Goat Simulator….