• In 2 days

½ Price Little Moons Mochi Bites 6-Pack Varieties $5 @ Woolworths


Recently got a free Little Moons Mochi from Everyday Extra but only 3 variants were included (vanilla/choc/raspberry). I noticed they have quite a few selections which are not part of the said deal. Really tempted to try them but no way I'd pay the $10 RRP.

This week all variants will be 50% off:

Summer Raspberry
Madagascan Vanilla
Strawberries & Cream
Very Berry
Iced Latte Coffee
Golden Blond Chocolate
Pineapple & Mandarin
Himalayan Salted Caramel
Passionfruit & Mango
Belgian Chocolate & Hazelnut
Creamy Coconut
Honey Roasted Pistachio

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  • For everyday extra members. Check your boosters.
    One of my boosters this month, was a free one of these !

    • +3

      Only 3 varieties and my local store doesn't have any

      • That's a shame. My local had 2/3 varieties

        • my local had all 3 and plenty of stock of each.
          I would never pay $10 for these.

  • Coconut is my fav

  • +5

    Wow, thanks OP. Will have to stock up, these are very good. Lucky it was free with everyday extra or would not have discovered this product.

    • That’s their plan!

      • +1

        I tried their free yogurt few months ago and now I need to buy one everyweek. Good plan. Haha

  • Tried to find these today…but couldn't locate them in the store. Are they in the junk food/choc section?

    • Freezer/icecream section

      • Thanks heaps, didn't think to look there! Should have asked someone, but was in a hurry. Thanks!

        • +1

          I’m lazy, I check the woolies app it tells me if they are in stock and what aisle they are in.

    • Frozen aisle, with ice creams

  • +1

    Honey Roasted Pistachio is yum yum

    • Top of my list to try!

  • +3

    My woolies had plenty of stock, I got the raspberry and to my shock these things are absolutely delicious…. $10 is unrealistic but 6 for $5 is a fair price

    • +2

      All my local stores got ransacked…lol

  • Delicious.. would buy at $5

  • Gluten free!

    • Good to know, also these two are vegan/dairy free:

      Passionfruit & Mango
      Belgian Chocolate & Hazelnut

  • Iced latte slapsss

  • made in the u.k.

  • Really weird. Tried the vanilla ones for free via Perks, no way would I pay $10 for these, $5 is more reasonable but not for me.

  • +1

    The Lotte Yukimi are much better imo.

    • +1

      This. Not sure why people would prefer mochi made in the UK…

    • Where can I buy these ?

      • Also Woolworths but they are in the end of the freezer section with all of the Asian foods, not with the one's in the OP.

  • -1

    These stink. It’s like an uncooked dumpling skin on the outside. Not buying in to the hype.

  • Urg just checked my last receipt, grabbed a box for the freebie but didnt look close enough at included flavours… $10 that could have been better spent :(

  • My store messed up on the previous deal and said the Golden Blond Chocolate (the only one left) wasn’t included and tried to charge $10 at the checkout. I forgoed the sale. Later I saw the $0 payment in EDR app so imy offer got redeemed but I didn’t get the item. Later contacted them and they claim they’ll send me $10 worth of points if I go back and buy one, and provide a receipt.
    I hope they will still provide the $10 worth of points for my $5 receipt. Or else… I scream!

  • Are these any good? Saw reviews on socials this isn’t all that good due to the texture

  • This is why this was a perk recently. Get you to try it before the 1/2 off!

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