Hot Water Heater Power Usage

I have a 300 litre hot water tank, electric, and on average the control load consumption is 40 kilowatt hours a day, which seems high?

How big is everyone else's control load consumption?


  • Where are you located? Hobart will differ from Darwin

    • Sydney

  • Depends on how much hot water you are using.

  • Just checked my last bill and controlled load meter dedicated to our 300l electric storage hws used 130.27 kWh over 32 days. Our hws is in the garage so not completely exposed to the elements but we have pretty cold winter nights where we live.

    What is your hws thermomstat set to?

    • What is your hws thermomstat set to?

      How would I check? What does the thermostat look like? There was nothing I could see that was obvious.

      • You will have to remove the small service door. Inside will be something similar to this

        Ours is set to 62°c. The minimum safe temp is 60.

        • Thanks, I'll check tomorrow and report back.

          • @deme: Well I might not be available to help further tomorrow. I'll make an exception for you though on this occasion.

  • Check your relief valve, could be leaking. Feel if the overflow line is hot.

  • For comparison - we have 3 people and 160l heater set to 70 degrees in SEQ area and it consumes between 6-9kWh per day on average.


    40 kWh is way too high regardless. Should be under 20 at very most.

  • if your system is running at 40kwh a day and average energy cost is 33.84c/kWh - then that system is costing you $13.50 a day to run. $94.50 a week.

    check that all the taps are turned off in your house and go check your water meter to see if there is a turning over as you may have a leak.

    I have a roof top solarhart system which I never attached to power when I installed it and it costs me $0 a year to run.

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