80% off, all-time low.
Credit to Deku Deals for promo dates and price history.
80% off, all-time low.
Credit to Deku Deals for promo dates and price history.
The story is very… 'suggestive' and weird - Japanese style.
In what way?
Is it ok for kids 8 and under?
From memory most of the adult jokes would go over the kids head. It's just very japanese style like they said
True ozbargainers only download the demo and replay the demo.
This is a great game. Although like ifreddo said, you can actually play this for free (at least the basic modes) just by downloading the demo.
How much the second one is better?
I guess not 5x…
Good price, last bought at $14.99. Great party game and much better than the original Tetris.