[SUBS] Beverley Hills Cop Axel F (2024) Movie Available to Stream @ Netflix


another 2024 New Release just added to Netflix.

Crime Action Funny.
Actor Eddie Murphy.

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  • Do I get my popcorn ready for the movie or the incoming comments

    • Why? All the reviews I've seen say it is average, better than 3, but doesn't compare to 1 or 2.

      • I’ve read fairly good reviews

      • I just watched 1 and 2 a few mins ago, so good. 3 I skipped over for about 5 mins and lost interest

    • It's ok, watching right now.

    • Eddie Murphy has been soft for decades. You already know this is "bad".

  • +1

    Hey OP , do I have to also block entertainment as well as streaming to not see these? As I’m still seeing it. Entertainment cover 90% of everything

    • sorry I have no idea I just copy pasted it from the last post to save mods from adding it.

      • No dramas thanks anyway

        • +2

          I just read it again.

          if helps you need to add Streaming service additions specifically to your tags, then choose to hide it on both Home page and Front page.

          kind of confusing because you need to add it, then choose to hide it.

  • Is it any good?

    • -3

      don’t have Netflix atm.

      but pretty sure movie fans will tell you BHC is legendary or something like that.

      it’s got Eddie Murphy in it from the thinking meme.

      genre is crime action. based on the trailer I think it will deliver on action.

      • +6
      • +4

        don’t have Netflix atm.

        I don't think the majority of OzB'ers have Netflix after the Turkish holiday was recently cancelled.

    • +1

      Just watched it, it's decent if you appreciate the familiarity, but as expected the scenes and dialogue are quite predicable.

    • +1

      It's fun, a little tediously silly, I don't regret seeing it but I probably wont watch it again.

    • Ok

    • Sorry but it isn't.
      I loved the first and second. Haven't seen the third.
      It's the same tired old "coz I'm black?" jokes except they can't even say that on tv anymore so they've rephrased it into the most conservative and politically correct way possible. Humour = 4, favourite actors = 7, story =5

  • Woo hoo I can't wait. This is one of my fav trilogies of all time so I can't wait to see how the 4th movie goes

    • +1

      it’s available Now! no need to wait. 😃

    • isn't it a quadroology now or whatever

      • Yeah but only now when it was my fav it was only a trilogy.. does it go from that to anthology??? I don't remember the sequence after three lol

  • +8

    i watched this last nite

    its a solid 6/10

    eddie looks good - everyone else taggart rosewood looks old as dirt

    the story is recycled nonsense - kevin bacon is collecting a pay check

    the 2ndary story with eddies's daughter is snooze

    she's a personality void

    joseph gordon levitt was pretty good though - he's funny

    paul reiser is there under used

    and so is bronson pinchot , its all fan service, down to the 1973 chevy nova

    watch it for free then delete the movie coz you'll never want to even think about it again

    • Oh no. That's a shame the original 3 are classics

    • Judge Reinhold has the longest ears I’ve ever seen.

      • Gravity hasn't been that great for his ears.

        Seeing his face, I can see where all my recycling bottles have gone to.

    • kevin bacon is collecting a pay check

      I learned recently Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick got screwed by Bernie Madoff. It explains a bit…

    • +1

      I was always going to watch it but now that I know the crappy blue Chevy Nova and Serge is in it I definitely need to watch it

  • When you are free and nothing to do.

    Good fit.

    • Sounds like the perfect movie to press play on and then walk out of the room and do something else for 90 minutes.

  • +3

    Just watched it! Enjoyed it for a laugh and relaxing friday night wind down. Havent seen eddie murphy in a film for a while - love his humour and wit.

  • +5
  • +2

    I love all the classics but could only watch 30 mins of this one. Rosewood was struggling big time.

    • +1

      Same here. Tired of the same rehash boring movies on Netflix and Prime.

  • It’s nostalgically watchable. I was entertained, but not amazed. Judge looked like a botoxed Mickey Rourke.

  • +1

    I quite liked it ..just an honest entertrainer like the old classics..no cgi, no stuntmen doing somersaults when hit by a man half their size, no fancy weapons or cars ..very cool

  • -1

    Having said that ..why is this post on Ozb ..where is the rules police :D

  • Shame detective Todd got killed off in 3. He has some amazing lines and his delivery was priceless.

    I love the line “don’t think Axel is makes my d..k itch” is pure gold

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