This was posted 8 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

King C. Gillette Double Edge Safety Razor + 5 Razor Blades $15 ($13.50 S&S) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Back again. Normally $30.

Also $15 at Coles.

The pinnacle of over a century's worth of innovation and expertise
A single blade razor designed for edging sideburns and strong beard lines to help you achieve your perfect look
Long-lasting sharp blades for ultimate precision
Closed comb head for the best control

The pinnacle of over a century’s worth of innovation and expertise and the only range that bears the name of King C. Gillette company’s founder: King C. Gillette. This razor features an iconic design inspired by Gillette's heritage, for edging with utmost precision. A single platinum-coated double-edged blade shapes with precise accuracy, ideal for edging sideburns and strong beard lines. Gillette's closed comb design allows better control, while the high-quality chrome-plated handle ensures long-lasting durability.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      The only former kickboxer I take advice from is JCVD

  • +6

    I have this and it's replaced my more expensive Merkur!

    The ONLY downside is the grip on the handle isn't as grippy as I would like, but if you're currently using a safety razor, considering it, or using disposables, this is a fantastic purchase.

    A bargain at $15.

    • +2

      Any reason why it replaced a merkur?

      • +6

        Yeah that comment makes no sense. This Gillette is cheap and poorly balanced compared to the merkurs

        • Is the short handle on the Merkur a bit of a problem?

          • @marcozmitch: I've never had an issue and have fairly large hands. Really would depend on your grip style. I really only grip it with 2 fingers and thumb for a simple glide. The weight of the merkur does the work. You can get longer handled versions though. They have plenty of models depending on how you prefer to shave.

            Safety razors shave a bit differently to cartridge if that is what you are used to, you're more holding it to guide it rather than hacking at your face like we do with cartridge razors. So you want a good weight to the handle, that merkur does really well imo. It takes some getting used to to change shaving style if you've not used one before.

        • +2

          That's why everyone should only use Merkeur, because it's perfect for everyone in every situation /s

          I like the weight of the Gillette and length of handle which makes it really steady and easy to use. I feel like the weight of the Gillette is about midpoint on the handle which is nice, my Merkeur is weighted close to the head.

        • -3

          Yeah it's definitely a bizarre anecdote.

          My Merkur must be getting up to 15 years old at this point and I've never once considered replacing it. Even if you were going to, why wouldn't you just replace it with another Merkur instead of a disposable, Chinese-made Gillette?

          • +1

            @Miami Mall Alien: Who says this is disposable? I've had this thing for 2 years and its strong like ox, no signs of disrepair or failure

        • +3

          I have a collection of razors including Merkurs and this razor is as good as any. Its less aggressive and has a long handle so might be preferred by some.

      • +3

        I can't remember the model of Merkur I own (paid about $50 on special) but the short stumpy nature of the handle is the biggest reason why I jumped over to this Gillette. Also the weight of this makes it easier to hold steady in my hands.

        I care more about the final result (of shave) than aesthetics, so the length of handle allows me to use the razor in interesting angles with quite a lot of control.

    • the grip on the handle isn't as grippy as I would like

      agreed. I reckon it's a great razor, but I wish it had a more traditional knurled grip

    • +2

      I have this and it's replaced my more expensive Merkur!

      Same. Not sure why there is outrage over this comment. The beard crowd is worse than the coffee crowd.

    • I read that as replacing a Merkin…

    • +34

      I know nothing about this Gillette stuff because I don't care to watch ragebait crap all day. But can we stop yelling woke at the sky about everything, it has lost all meaning.

      • +4

        Such a woke thing go say

      • -1

        As an Alpha, I'll make my own decisions thank you

      • -4

        They yell woke at the sky because of Sky. Really make you think

      • +1

        It wasnt just on some small tiktok video or something, This was massive and hit all the mainstream news etc and went on for a long time from Talk shows to other programmes as well as yes social media.

      • +2

        You can tell by his bad spelling…

      • +4

        How dare you, you didn't acknowledge the country first before spewing your ideology! You are the definition of what you just stated. I'm offended.

        • Being kind and emphatic to others is just basic morally right thing to do.
          Ideological war is what the right wing media spew to indoctrinate narrow minded people

          • +1


            Being kind and emphatic to others is just basic morally right thing to do.
            Ideological war is what the right wing media spew to indoctrinate narrow minded people

            Except when its weaponed for political purposes.. and if you have been paying attention, then you would understand this.

            You exemplify the issue at its core and being apart of the issue.

            You immediately jump to "right wong" instead of addressing said issue. Instead of having the discussion and being challenged, you dishonesty label your opponent and run away because you lack the understanding or mental fortitude to back up your world view.

        • He probably doesn’t want to trigger the snowflakes.

      • +1

        That was what it originally meant. The meaning has changed e.g. South Park Panderverse.

      • +6

        I like the word, cause it helps me flag anyone using it unironically as someone I should not give any time.

      • +2

        Woke refers to virtue signalling and false morality in modern context, often used deceptively as a weapon to denigrate others in some way if they don't agree with moral standpoint in public.

        • Woke refers to virtue signalling and false morality in modern context, often used deceptively as a weapon to denigrate others in some way if they don't agree with moral standpoint in public.

          So far the best response, nice 👍

          I would also add they dont agree by there own standing and it changes with the wind and follows illogical patterns. Case and point, womenx, queers for Palestine, Trans rights and feminists rights clash.

          • +1

            @vash5: Yeah it's not thought out, it's just a way to manipulate others and feel powerful. What's really condemning is that woke agendas get pushed off the plate as new ones come up. Black lives used to matter, now what really matters is what people want to identify as… but that is paling too and a new agenda is about to be drawn up in the not too distant. The damage done to minority communities by tackling everyone with outrage and hostility undoes pretty much any good the causes deserve.

            I get that people get riled up, I'm pretty passionate about environmental issues, but the obvious duplicity coming from "social justice warriors" is sickening. Instantly start claiming politics is causing people not to agree with them if ever feeling threatened, rather than doing simple self reflection and seeing how they appear and present to others. (oh it can't be me). Never stopping for a moment of personal honesty. Never considering what it really takes to change minds, just forcing agendas.

            I'm still not racist and really don't care what people want to be, but am absolutely sick of the virtue signalling ashholes claiming i am all the things they're screaming about, because I won't scream with them. Completely disingenuous.

            The internet is such a shitshow with this stuff. smh

        • No, that's what conservatives have changed it to mean.

        • So it applies across the political spectrum?

      • I think you'll find it is someone that is "aware" of social problems (such as racism and inequality); however, the issue is that with most, that "awareness" stems from ill-informed and uneducated social media posts.
        As a result the so called "woke" just regurgitate the same misinformation to recruit other "woke" persons.
        And the cycle continues.

    • +12

      To clarify, we should not buy this razor because 5 years ago the company released an ad encouraging men to be good people?

      • +1

        and the fact that they are on the boycott list for BDS.
        That would be a more recent reason.

        • +1

          Is supporting Israel "woke"? The definition of the word seems to broaden every day.

          In either case, what has that got to do with whether a razor is good?

          • @AlanHB: Was that a reply to me or the comment I replied to? I just pointed out that Gillette is on the boycott list for BDS, nothing about being woke or not.

            • @zemphism: This comment thread which you are attempting to hijack is specifically about Gillette being woke.

              However, if you wish to let an overseas corporation's views on a international conflict determine whether you think a razor is the right fit for you, go for it dude.

          • @AlanHB: I thought supporting Palestine was "woke"?

      • +2

        That wasnt the issue.

        • -1

          Ok - explain what the issue is.

          • @AlanHB: Like i mentioned, it reached mainstream news and other tv shows as well as newspapers etc. Check them out. Gillette took a massive hit on this and still havent recovered fully. This was a while back too.

            • @lonewolf: Can't explain your reasons hey. How surprising.

              • @AlanHB: I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were asking from a sincere place, But i can see it was from sarcasm. I guess i shouldnt be surprised.

                • @lonewolf: Not at all, you can't seem to explain your reasons.

                  That ok though, in response to your argument " it was a big deal, it was in the news" I'll respond, "you are wrong according to various experts, it was featured on a prominent webpage".

                  Hopefully you are satisfied with the argument presented.

                  • -2

                    @AlanHB: No my argument was you were asking what was the issue. And I was telling you where you could go to learn for yourself what the issues were. Instead of having to discuss it on a forum or have fear of hearing biased viewpoints. But from your response you were clearly not interested in that but only in arguing your own opinion. At which point it's a waste of my time.

                    • @lonewolf: I don't see why I need to do research to figure out what you think the issue is.

                      I think it's more likely you don't know what it is - if you did you'd simply say it.

                      • -2

                        @AlanHB: Because you asked me …anyway like I said the way you keep responding shows me how you have already decided and are not interested so. I don't waste my time on people like that. Ciao.

                        • @lonewolf: Haha I can't decide on something you haven't told me dude. Have a good evening.

                          • @AlanHB: You spent over an hour going back and forth and didn't bother to spend 1 minute googling it yourself.
                            lonewolf suggested you have a look at the news for yourself instead of offering his own biased opinion, yet you doubled down on your incorrect conclusion and sarcasm.

                            Wouldn't be surprised that you're an anti-vaxxer with your willful ignorance.

                            • -1

                              @Blitzfx: Yup , This is exactly what I was getting at. If I go into it on a forum without being in front of the other person. It won't work the same as if the other person searched for themselves to see what all the fuss was about at the time and what a lot of people said at that time.

                            • -1

                              @Blitzfx: I could google something and be completely wrong, as lone wolf hasn't explained his views. I'm not disagreeing with him, I just asked what the actual issue was, and the response was "google it". That's not a response with any real substance.

                              As for whether I'm an anti-vaxxer - google it. That should answer your question.

                              • +2

                                @AlanHB: It is pretty hard to determine someone's (i.e. lonewolf's) opinion by simply doing a google search. However, I did so, and found a lonewolf commented on a post about "Gillette ad features an unapologetic fat woman in a swimsuit". So maybe it was to do with a different advert altogether?

                                • -1

                                  @Tiggrrrrr: That could definitely be right - I thought maybe Lonewolf was upset that Gillette's slogan "The Best a Man Can Get" was predjuicial against bearded men, suggesting that shaved men are the "best" while the others "aren't".

                        • +1

                          @lonewolf: You can't convince the bottom rung of society. Sometimes they're there for a good reason.

            • +1

              @lonewolf: People need a biggish reason to change their razors, so it is not a surprise they haven’t come back.

              I know for myself I was surprised to find the Schlick equiv. actually better anyway.

      • -1

        To clarify, we should not buy this razor because 5 years ago the company released an ad encouraging men to be good people?

        The ad had nothing about "encouraging men to be good people". It was a flagrant mocking of its customers base in order to appeal to the progressive woke cult through the guise of false morality.

        What added insult to injury was that the company pushing this garbage message not only Participates in slave labour practise by exporting its workforce in 3rd world countries. But also has had a long history of promoting masculinity and using sex appeal to sell to men.

        Finally, the very same company rips off its female client base with a ridiculously inflated pink tax on many of its product line up. While trying pitch itself as some entity thats fighting for women's rights.

        So yes, they can go ans duck themselves and for making a campaign vilifying men while trying to act like a company that gives a shit.

        Its no different than a criminal telling you how to be moral or a unfit overweight fitness trainer giving you health advice.

        • +1

          Well said.

        • -1

          I watched the ad yesterday, as a man I didn't really feel villified by it. A suggestion that people be better doesn't necessarily have to mean that you personally are bad.

          That said, I don't really get triggered with mentions of the "me too" movement, so maybe I'm less sensitive to such things.

          • @AlanHB:

            I watched the ad yesterday, as a man I didn't really feel villified by it. A suggestion that people be better doesn't necessarily have to mean that you personally are bad.

            That said, I don't really get triggered with mentions of the "me too" movement, so maybe I'm less sensitive to such things.

            Sure, i can understand why you would feel that way.

            Speaking as someone who follows and takes deep interest in politics, culture and to that extent the culture war its a trend that has been very disturbing and growing.

            If you are just exposed to this one ad and maybe the occasional similar content then i can see why its no biggie for you. But with confidence I can assure you this stuff is not rare or few and far in between.

            Simply put, if the roles where reversed and this ad told women to be better id put money that the outrage would outage the mens version several times over. And there lies the issue coupled with the fact its a company who doesn't give a (profanity) ans does horrible shit but tries to tell you how to be moral.

            Its empty platitudes designed to manipulate peoples emotions to the cheapest demeanour on a social jist front. This is clearly evident considering the director they chose for the ad and there ties to extreme feminist views.

            • @vash5: Yeah I can understand why you'd feel that way. However, by the same token, wouldn't the people leading the outrage against the ad for political or financial gain be guilty of exactly the same thing, just with the opposite viewpoint?

              That is, every time a politician, opinion network, podcaster, youtuber or paid public speaker goes "hey that ad is real bad, that should stop", wouldn't they also be stating "empty platitudes designed to manipulate peoples emotions to the cheapest demeanour on a social jist front"?

              To me it's just a razor :)

      • Yes, that appears to be the case judging by many of the comments below yours.

        Very woke of them.

        • Weird. I don't really factor in a company's actions/views in on my product choice. If I did, I'd probably buy nothing haha.

    • *their

    • -5

      Can you please acknowledge the country first?

      • Put on your tin foil hat first

      • +5

        It’s always the same unfunny and unoriginal remarks

        hurrr acknowledgment of country
        pronouns!! assume my gender
        shrieking pink hair

        It’s boring and childish

  • Can this do precision beard lines or it's simply for close shaved?

    • To my eye and experience with safety razors, this particular model is designed for doing beard lines.

    • +1

      For sharp lines and control, it has to be a straight razor.

      • Cheers, I think I'll need to look for something else

  • -5

    Or the far superior toxically masculine Schick is half price too. Only 3 refills but honestly, what kind of man needs 5?

    • +11

      Completely different product. Safety razor over cartridge razors every day of the week.

      • +1

        But the Schick is the Supercars special edition /s

  • +3

    How is this for trimming the bush and hedges?

  • +1

    Reviews say blades inlclided are pretty average. How much are replacement blades, are they generic and can use multiple brands?

    • +10

      I use the 'ASTRA Platinum Double Edge Safety Razor Blades' which you can get from Amazon with this Razor. 100 blades for $19.00 (full price) lasts a shockingly long time for durable and sharp blades.

      • +1

        Yeah Astras work the best for me. I have picked them up for around $14-15 from either ebay or amazon.

        • Interestingly the Astras also are my favs.

          • @AlanHB: Have you guys tried Gillette Minora blades? You can thank me later.

        • I find Astra's to be great for one shave then terrible after. Wilkinson Sword blades have lasted the best of all the ones I have tried.

          • @witheredcouch: Yeah I only use them once. Shave about twice a week.

            • +1

              @frondono: Yep, it's all dependent on frequency.

              I shave morning and night and find Wilkinson Sword Classic blades are best. I get a week or two out of them. I buy them in bulk (from Connaught Shaving in the UK).

              • @axyh: Did you see the deal on here? heaps of amazon sellers selling for $12 per 100.

                • +1

                  @frondono: I’ve only seen deals for the mediocre “Gillette Wilkinson Sword” blades, rather than the excellent German-made “Wilkinson Sword Classic” blades.

              • @axyh: I only shave my neck and shape around the top of the beard for shaping, so i find I get a couple of months out of the Wilkinson Sword blades, whereas Astra were rough after one shave.

      • +3

        I liked them, but I'm not a fan of Russian things atm. Derby, Feather or Shark have all been good for me.

        • +1

          You’re in luck, Astras are made in India now.

      • How often do you change yours?

        • I get roughly a week per blade but I only shave 3-4 times per week so YMMV.

          • @mdakin: Excellent, same with me. Always wondered if I was changing it to often!

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