• expired

[TAS] $100 Credit Per Hour Continuous Sleep over 6 Hours (Max $300 Credit for First Night - Min 2 Nights Stay) @ MACq 01 Hobart


Terms and Conditions

  • Two adults per room only
  • Minimum two night stay
  • First night only applicable to redeem Pay by Sleep credit
  • Nightly reduced rate of $300 per night, exclusive to this package
  • Stays between July 4 – September 30, 2024
  • Non-transferrable and no cancellations
  • Earn $100 credit for any additional hour slept continuously over 6 hours, to the maximum of $300, for your first night. This will make your first night free.
  • The first night of sleep will be monitored with a Sleep Analyser
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MACq 01 Hotel
MACq 01 Hotel

closed Comments

  • +7

    a good romp before hand will knock me out !

    • Can't see anything in the T&C stopping that😄

      But seems falling asleep drunk disqualifies your credit!

      T&C: "Guests found to be irresponsibly availing of medical or alcoholic sleep aids will not qualify for the promotional rate credit" 😴

      So drink alcohol responsibly (on first night)

      *T&C may be changed at any time.

  • +5

    $100 credit per 6hrs of sleep ($300 max for first night - 2 nite min stay)@MACq01 Hobart


    • -2


    • +1

      Wood you like it to be spelled correctly?

      • witch on?

  • +5

    Hobart where sleep is the top of the “to do list “. Sounds about right.

    By the way , how much is it if you only sleep for 5 hours ?

    • If you only sleep the 5 hours it would be $300 for that night, total for minimum stay would be $600, as the terms indicate a minimum 2 night stay.

  • +6

    I don't understand this offer, what's the incentive here? I've never seen nor heard anything like it.

    • +1

      The incentive (for Macq01) was it got posted as a Deal (& will get lots of free media focus), got our attention, & lots of clicks to try to understand it.

      For us… first night free (probably even if you don't sleep 9hr).

      Likely linked to current Winter "Off Season" TV advertising campaign(youtu.be) for Tas.

      I've never seen nor heard anything like it.

      That is the idea of this creative campaign. Promoting Tas as a different type of holiday - "to drive winter visitation and encourage Australians to book a winter holiday with a difference"(southerntasmania.com.au) It worked!

      Tasmanian advertising campaign was praised on ABC program about advertising - Gruen(linkedin.com)

    • They're essentially subsidising your room for a sleep study.

      "The first night of sleep will be monitored with a Sleep Analyser"

      • It's just an advertising gimmick!
        A free night promotion to raise off-peak visitations.

        Not a sleep study!!
        Likely no sleep data will be collected - due to privacy concerns!

        • Do you know how quotes work?

          "The first night of sleep will be monitored with a Sleep Analyser"

          • -1

            @TheJoker: You really did drink the kool-aid🤣
            "Quoting" from advertising😂

            Do you know how advertising gimmicks work?

            Part of Tasmanian Tourism creative promotion to draw holiday makers to Tas for a different Winter break!

            • -2

              @INFIDEL: "The first night of sleep will be monitored with a Sleep Analyser"

              • -3

                @TheJoker: So gullible!
                You're an advertisers wet dream.
                Keep drinking the kool-aid🤣
                Tasmanian Tourism loves you💋

                • +2

                  @INFIDEL: We don't have kool-aid in Australia. Would make more sense to say drink the Cottees

                  • @Mr Bob Dobalina: Drinking the cool-aid(encyclopedia.pub)

                    "Drinking the Cottees" is not the Jonestown meme😉
                    Where believers drank a knock off of kool-aid - with poison. Because they believed something not true.

                • -2

                  @INFIDEL: You're using it in reverse. The fact that you think it's just a marketing gimmick and we're not the product means you're drinking the kool-aid. Also, your not in America so we don't have that saying here anyway.

                  • -4

                    @TheJoker: There's also an option to mark yourself as "associated" which you should probably be using.

                    • @TheJoker: I'm informed about the Tasmanian Tourism campaign, definitely not associated.

                      For your own sake… Maybe you should be less gullible.
                      Rather than quoting from an ad designed to get people to buy🤔

                      I've posted the links to the creative Tasmanian campaign & review on Gruen so others can be informed

                      Falsely suggesting someone of being associated is taken seriously by Mods!! Can end up with a penalty!!

                      • -1

                        @INFIDEL: I don't even know what you're banging on about tbh. Out of curiosity, what do you think I'm gullible about exactly? I didn't even reply to you initially and I haven't commented on the campaign at all. All I know is that for this specific deal, they will monitor your sleep in exchange for subsidising your room.

                        • -1


                          All I know is that for this specific deal, they will monitor your sleep

                          Oh dear - you believe their advertising gimmick! (They will be pleased😉)

                          That's not reality. Doubt it could happen as there are legal & privacy concerns of doing it.

                          It's just an advertiser's fantasy.
                          At least they got paid for dreaming it up🤣
                          Don't know why you believe it!

                      • @INFIDEL:

                        Falsely suggesting someone of being associated is taken seriously by Mods!! Can end up with a penalty!!

                        I'm interested in that. Please link to an example.

                        • @UrMumsOnlyFan: Mods send warnings in System messages & take down the original comment!
                          So nothing to see.
                          It's what goes on here, unseen.

                          I've simply asked how an OP knew something different to what I had discovered about their Deal. I was later proven correct!
                          (We've got along well for years).

                          Mods swiftly threatened to put me in the Bin, for implying the OP (a PowerUser) was associated. That was not what I had said or meant. My comment disappeared.

                          I've been accused of being associated. I expressed a different opinion to some others in a Deal, based on my very positive experience with a merchant.

                          A well known member falsely claimed I only had those views because I was employed by the merchant. Others in the Deal negged & criticised me.

                          That went on for months. Until all the false accusations were removed by Mods. The member finally said they weren't allowed to express themselves (as a bully)😭

                          The reality, the member arrived late for a Deal, tried to get the merchant to reopen it. No!
                          They missed out. Every time a Deal for that merchant was posted - they attacked & negged the Deal😝
                          Very childish revenge.

                  • @TheJoker: You claim this is a "sleep study"🤣

                    Obviously this is a marketing gimmick!

                    The hotel wants your booking & money - not your sleep stats!

                    Who books a hotel room to be monitored in their sleep?? Cringe-worthy!

                    But this gimmick will get people like you talking & lots of free promotion! Morning TV & their viewers will love it!

                    Much more than a usual free first night promotion!

                    That it is part of an acclaimed creative campaign by Tasmanian Tourism to get people to think differently about a Winter holiday in Tas & book - totally escapes your mind.

                    All Ozbargainers can benefit by recognising advertising gimmicks.
                    Don't be so gullible as to believe what advertisers claim😝

        • Did you read the full terms and conditions(macq01.com.au)?

          The maximum credit available through the Promotion will be $300 only. You are able to earn $100 credit for any additional hour slept continuously over 6 hours, to a potential max credit of $300 – applicable off the first night only. Any sleep accrued over the 6 hours, will be rounded up to the closest half hour.

          This will be monitored and tracked by use of a Sleep Analyzer with any credit applied at the discretion of the Promoter. The hours of sleep will only be monitored for the first night, and credit applicable to the first night of stay on the Pay by Sleep booking only.

          Nothing on the page suggests this is a joke or merely clever advertising to generate interest or talking points, this is from the hotel's T&Cs that require several clicks to access.

          Whilst they may not be collecting sleep data as part of a research study, the hotel T&Cs unequivocally state your sleep will be monitored in order to dis/qualify you for a discount.

          • -3

            @Ham Dragon: Yes there are t&c… but its still a publicity stunt to advertise their accommodation & Tasmanian Winter holidays.

            Nothing on the page suggests this is a joke or merely clever advertising to generate interest or talking points

            Lol! Of course no one tells people it's a stunt - otherwise it wouldn't have any effect!! You have to make a stunt look serious to work!

            The hotel knows how many rooms are likely to be unoccupied & when in their off season.
            A sale of a limited number of those would be usual approach. Could easily have offered first night free.

            But not so many people would notice that! And no media / social media attention!! Or discussion here😉
            So it's a success!

            Tasmanian Tourism were offering to help to design & write their promotion to fit in with the creative Winter Off Season campaign(southerntasmania.com.au) just started! This certainly fits it, by creating a buzz for Winter holidays in Tas❄

            Even I've pulled this type of publicity stunt to promote my own product (joke book) at Uni. It got some outraged, but was a great sales tactic! Sold out! University Printer couldn't admit printing it or charge for print run due to outrage - so 100% profit to me💰

            Monitoring is by an unknown "Sleep Analyzer". Which strangely only records hours slept!

            A simple monitoring could be done by using the known continuous hours couple were in room (by room key), less time lights were on - to give an approximation of number of hours slept. Very easily done for a modern hotel.

            Tas likes to do things different to attract lots of attention…

            Dark Mofo solstice nude swim(google.com) in winter! To promote tourism & festival. Media is titillated😉

            MONA restricting men from a 'Women Only' gallery. Got them loads of free publicity.
            Then more when a man complained.
            Again more when the Tribunal ruled against them. So they set up a gallery in the women's toilet!
            A great stunt the media fell for!
            I could see it coming & had a great laugh🤣

            It just makes Tasmania seem a much more interesting place, at very little cost!
            ie a publicity stunt.

            • +1

              @INFIDEL: No one is disputing that it's designed to attract publicity, but it still in the terms & conditions, one of which is they are analysing sleep and if it doesn't meet their terms you don't get a discount! All offers have T&Cs, and they're not going to have a "joke" version for advertising purposes, that would be a civil litigator's wet dream.

              • -2

                @Ham Dragon: Never suggested t&c were a joke.
                Just this is a promotional stunt.

                But Sleep Analyser that only records hours slept seems very undefined. Could be as simple as I suggested - some variation on longest continuous room occupancy hours.

                As I commented earlier, likely most/all would meet the t&c. They want the off season business! And good feedback.

                Promo is just to sell 2 nights min in a room, when they normally can't attract much business in the off season. Normally would be heavily discounted anyway.

                I've organised better than half price room in Tas. Knowing business is very slow in off season, it's easy to bargain price down!

                Also done that on overseas travels. ($10/n for room in Tokyo… No foreign travellers after nuclear accident & lots or aftershocks😉)

                • @INFIDEL: You mocked someone else for pointing out exactly the same thing: regardless of the motivation for this, the hotel will monitor (somehow) your sleep and there is a warning in the T&Cs (which you agree are not fake) that if you do not meet their requirements they will not honour the discount. It's strange (see here), I'd rather just have a hotel room without the gimmicky nonsense or the presence of monitoring equipment.

                  • -2

                    @Ham Dragon: Your choice where you stay.
                    Have spent months per trip to Tas - often hiking, so $300/n hotel is not in my budget.

                    Yes many modern hotels have the data to know what is happening with the facilities in their room.
                    So don't need a separate "Sleep Analyzer" to have a good idea of how long you are asleep (in the room, but not using their measured facilities), as I suggested.

                    This will be monitored and tracked by use of a Sleep Analyzer

                    So that "Sleep Analyzer" use seems pretty bogus to put in t&c!

                    You mocked someone else for pointing out exactly the same thing

                    What same thing?
                    I criticised the claim that this is a sleep study, which subsidises the room rate
                    And for suggesting I must be ASSOCIATED, even though I am criticising this as a stunt….
                    Sleep Studies are conducted in a sleep lab, where you are wired to record breathing, brain waves, etc & diagnosed by a specialist.
                    That is a medical assessment.
                    This isn't! It's a publicity stunt.

                  • -2

                    @Ham Dragon: You do realise those aren't valid t&c?

                    T&C need to be clearly written so they can be easily understood…
                    As we're debating them - they're definitely not clear.

                    This is a competition, with 4 outcomes: $0, $100, $200 or $300 credit.

                    But what determines the prize you win is not defined!

                    About the most important part of the competition, but we aren't told how it will be determined😝

                    Just… Determined by the "Sleep Analyzer".
                    What ever the promoter imagines that is!!
                    It could just be a 4 sided die (d4)? With each side giving a different prize!
                    It needs to be explained in plain language!!

                    There is no way of knowing.
                    Which is not how t&c need to be written to comply with laws & challenges to decisions!

                    As a competition, it must meet State Regulations. Usually with a permit number. None is provided!

                    That's why I earlier suggested almost everyone will receive a free night. To avoid it being a competition with unknown outcomes, despite sleeping the qualifying 6+3 hours for $300😉

                    So my mocking of a person for claiming "They're essentially subsidising your room for a sleep study. - they're not!
                    To which the person repeatedly claimed
                    "The first night of sleep will be monitored with a Sleep Analyser" as proof it is a sleep study😝
                    BUT there is nothing to define what that Sleep Analyzer is - so pointless!

                    "Sleep Analyzer" is just marketing bumpkin. Should never be part of t&c, without a clear explanation!

                    • @INFIDEL: The T&Cs are laid out in a recognisable form and with legal language common to these sort of documents. Simply because they are subjectively "not clearly written" doesn't invalidate them, a Court would decide that.

                      It makes zero sense - from a practical or marketing perspective - to have a fake set of T&Cs that would, to a lay person, be interpreted as real, behind 3 clicks if it was all just a marketing ploy.

                      No one is disputing this is a marketing exercise, but it does require participation to qualify for the offer. I don't know how else to explain it to you given we have established it's not a competition, and all the rest.

                      • -2

                        @Ham Dragon:

                        we have established it's not a competition

                        How is it not a competition?
                        There is a task (sleeping)
                        3 possible prizes for completing that task. Plus a no credit outcome.

                        With the prize solely determined by a mysterious "Sleep Analyzer".
                        It's operation or what it is not explained!

                        "Simply because they are subjectively "not clearly written" doesn't invalidate them…"
                        So explain from those t&c… what is that "Sleep Analyzer" that determines the outcome??
                        How does it determine the outcome?

                        It's very unclear!
                        It's lacking basic details required for t&c!
                        A court would find it inadequate & confusing to make a decision.

                        • @INFIDEL: Because you literally said it wasn't, due to the absence of a competition number issued by the relevant state authority.

                          You are asking me to validate your assertion & demanding to know about the analyser…how TF would I know? My guess is a pressure sensor under the mattress or something similar that registers how long the bed was occupied, thereby qualifying the guest for a discount.

                          Ring the hotel and ask them if you must know, or go and stay there.

                          • -2

                            @Ham Dragon:

                            Because you literally said it wasn't

                            I didn't!
                            Misquoting me to prove your claim😝

                            due to the absence of a competition number issued by the relevant state authority….

                            That doesn't prove its not a competition!
                            Rather, they either haven't provided it if required or failed to obtain it if needed - under Tasmanian Law. It varies by State & Territory.

                            So if you have read the t&c, but still don't know what determines the outcome or how its determined -
                            it's obviously not defined as required in t&c!

                            Very unsound in a promotion or competition🤔
                            You just can't make things up to fill in the missing details of t&c😝

                            You realise the hotel staff will read from the same t&c & know no more! Would be a waste of (more) time⏳

                            I've sent it to the mods to determine.

                            • @INFIDEL: You edited your post and are being disingenuous, you specifically mentioned approval by the Tasmanian authority.

                              This is just getting more insane. If it's a competition they have to say it is, and have a permit, but they don't to either, so it's not a competition.

                              Again you are claiming subjective interpretation is somehow universal interpretation. Not true. Just because you can't understand it, doesn't mean others cannot.

                              The outcome and what is required to achieve the discount are clearly articulated. You have to "sleep" (be in bed is my guess) for X hours to unlock Y discount. I cannot fathom how you do not understand this after so much discussion.

                              I don't need to make anything up, it's all in the T&Cs, as linked above! You cannot make up allegations without supporting evidence. Please don't do that.

                              • -2

                                @Ham Dragon: Disingenuous?

                                Have you had the arduous experience of challenging a Promoter's t&c?
                                When the outcome was NOT as promised!

                                I have! And learnt from the failed experience.

                                I took the Cadbury Smartband promotion to the ACCC.

                                For failing to live up to the promised outcome of the promotion - a Smartband with heart rate monitoring.

                                Promotional advertising listed that specific health benefit of the provided smart watch - heart rate monitoring

                                Provided video proof it fakes results - it showed air had a heart rate!💓(imgur.com)

                                It did flash green LEDs on the arm as expected… BUT only produced a random HR number! Even did that when not on a person!

                                But as the t&c didn't define the specific smart watch with that specific feature, any cheap smart watch could be substituted!

                                ACCC responded - nothing could be done about it.

                                The Devil is always in the detail - of the t&c🤔

                                Similarly in these t&c…

                                The outcome is determined by the "Sleep Analyzer" & Promoter.

                                "This will be monitored and tracked by use of a Sleep Analyzer with any credit applied at the discretion of the Promoter."

                                But nowhere is the Sleep Analyzer defined - so anything can be deemed a Sleep Analyzer😝

                                Strange about that! Very convenient for Promoter! Potentially dodgie!

                                You claim

                                it's all in the T&Cs

                                No it's NOT!!!

                                Others have said that is very clear in the t&c… So why the fuss?
                                But different people have different ideas of what the "Sleep Analyzer" is & what & how it actually measures…
                                So not at all clear.

                                A "Sleep Analyzer" is not a specifically defined device, in a search online.
                                It means different things to different people & merchants.

                                (I've designed scientific experiments. There, defining the parameters, equipment, & how measurements are taken is vitally important.)
                                When money is at stake, it similarly needs to be clearly defined!

                                A device of any type, random number generator, a person, or even a cat can be called a "Sleep Analyzer"!! 🐈

                                As it's not defined in t&c - it can be changed at any time to suit the Promoter!

                                Also there is no definition of what qualifies as sleep for this promotion.
                                (I deal with people with sleep disorders. Diagnosed by specialist after overnight sleep study.
                                They may sleep mainly during the day, but few hours at night… It's varies for different people.)

                                Is it only continuous uninterrupted sleep that counts?
                                Does lying on the bed awake count?
                                or sleeping in a chair?
                                Between what hours?

                                So its solely up to the Promoter to determine, at any time they desire. They are the arbiter.

                                For people taking up this Deal - its a gamble🎲
                                (ie a competition, as it's not necessarily based on your results - hours slept! That's not as most claim.)

                                If you slept 12 hours, but the mystery "Sleep Analyzer" / Promoter says 6 - you have to pay full price.
                                It's purely at the Promoter's discretion!

                                No matter what evidence you provide to prove you slept the qualifying hours (smart watch, video, etc) - it won't hold up in any challenge!! The "Sleep Analyzer" is not defined😝
                                It's solely up to the Promoter!

                                That's not necessarily what will happen, but if it does - nothing can be done about it. Except paying & complaining on social media etc.

                                Good luck🍀

                                • @INFIDEL: TL;DR

                                • -1

                                  @INFIDEL: Summary:
                                  T&C have been written so as Promoter doesn't have to honour ANY claim of credit towards first night room rate.

                                  Complaints to the ACCC (based on my experience in Cadbury Smartband promotion described above), will point to that & be dismissed.

                                  The outcome is solely determined by their "Sleep Analyzer" (proof you may provide will not be accepted) & at the discretion of the Promoter.

                                  T&C: "This will be monitored and tracked by use of a Sleep Analyzer with any credit applied at the discretion of the Promoter."

                                  But nowhere is the Sleep Analyzer defined or described in T&C.
                                  It is not a term defined by common usage (when only measuring hours slept).

                                  So anything can be deemed a "Sleep Analyzer" for the purpose of this promotion😝

                                  And we have no assurance their "Sleep Analyzer" results will accurately reflect our actual time slept.

                                  What is considered as sleep for this promotion isn't defined. It may not be what you think it is!

                                  It's a gamble, which may result in a cheaper or free first night.
                                  (Only valid in some rooms.)
                                  But a discount can be expected in the cold off-season anyway! That's what I've done in Tas.

                                  It's primarily a promotional gimmick to attract media attention. And to fill rooms normally empty at that time of year.

                                  • -1

                                    @INFIDEL: So we've gone from "it's a marketing tactic" to "it's a competition" to "OK it's not a competition, it's a gamble you take" to "it's primarily a promotional gimmick".

                                    I'd have thought this might just die quietly in the 3 days I just spent offline, instead it's gone even further down the rabbit hole, which definitely means there's zero point continuing the conversation. I sure hope you invest as much effort into more important things in your life than this…

    • It's a gimmick. Most humans have an adaption that means they don't fully sleep the first night they spend in a new location.

      edit: Of course that's under normal conditions. With drugs…hmmm

  • Anyone been in Macq01 and seen how low the ceiling is on the corridor from the Mures side? Wouldn't want to be tall and running in it in an emergency.

  • +2

    Stellar hotel. Great restaurant

    • Are you referring to the black footed pig or the restaurant that runs the breakfast?

      • +1

        I assume the restaurant that does the breakfast, I am not sure, we only ate one night. Steak was $50-$60 but amazing.

  • Wrap a few towels up in the bed during the day and say you are a shift worker.

  • +2

    I've worked with Macq before. Despite what the commenters say "They aren't even using the data it's just a gimmick", I have seen the "anonymised" data they are selling and it's more than you think - How long the shower runs for, how many toilet flushes, etc…

    So if you care about that kind of thing, maybe think again

    If you don't, enjoy the free night!

  • $100 credit per 6hrs of sleep, $300 max for first night.

    No! It is $100 credit per additional hour slept continuously over 6 hours, otherwise you'll have to sleep for 18 hours to get the max $300.

  • Well, I signed up to be a guinea pig for the discount. This should be interesting.

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